Learn the many design decisions that must be made before starting to build a large Oracle Application Express (APEX) application for the cloud or enterprise.
One of APEX's key strengths is the fact that it is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool. This is also a major weakness when it tempts developers to start coding too soon. Small applications that consist of tens of pages can be coded without a lot of design work because they can be re-factored quickly when design flaws are discovered. Design flaws in large cloud and enterprise applications that consist of hundreds or thousands of pages are not so easy to re-factor due to the time needed to redevelop and retest the application, not to mention the risk of breaking functionality in subtle ways.
Designing a large application before coding starts is a profitable exercise because a thoughtful design goes a long way in mitigating cost overruns and schedule slippage while simultaneously enhancing quality. This book takes into account perspectives from other non-developer stakeholders such as maintenance developers, business analysts, testers, technical writers, end users, and business owners. Overlooking these perspectives is one of the chief causes of expensive rework late in the development cycle.
Oracle Application Express by Design illustrates APEX design principles by using architecture diagrams, screen shots, and explicit code snippets to guide developers through the many design choices and complex interrelationship issues that must be evaluated before embarking on large APEX projects. This book:
- Guides you through important, up-front APEX design decisions
- Helps you to optimize your design by keeping all stakeholders in mind
- Explicit code examples show how design impacts cost, schedule, and quality
What You Will Learn
- Pick and choose from the list of designs before coding begins
- Bake optimal quality into the underlying fabric of an APEX application
- Think and design from outside the developer’s narrow perspective
- Optimize APEX application designs to satisfy multiple stakeholder groups
- Evaluate design options through hands-on, explicit code examples
- Define and measure success for large cloud and enterprise APEX applications
Who This Book Is For
APEX developers and development teams
學習在開始構建大型 Oracle Application Express (APEX) 應用程式之前,必須做出的多項設計決策。
APEX 的一個主要優勢是它是一個快速應用程式開發 (RAD) 工具。這也是一個主要的弱點,因為它誘惑開發人員過早開始編碼。由數十個頁面組成的小型應用程式可以在不進行大量設計工作的情況下編碼,因為當發現設計缺陷時,它們可以迅速重構。然而,對於由數百或數千個頁面組成的大型雲端和企業應用程式,設計缺陷的重構並不那麼容易,因為需要花費時間重新開發和重新測試應用程式,更不用說在微妙的方式中破壞功能的風險。
《Oracle Application Express by Design》通過使用架構圖、螢幕截圖和明確的程式碼片段來說明 APEX 設計原則,指導開發人員在開始大型 APEX 專案之前評估許多設計選擇和複雜的相互關係問題。本書:
- 指導您進行重要的前期 APEX 設計決策
- 幫助您在設計中考慮所有利益相關者以進行優化
- 明確的程式碼範例顯示設計如何影響成本、時間表和質量
- 在編碼開始之前從設計列表中挑選和選擇
- 將最佳質量融入 APEX 應用程式的基礎結構中
- 從開發人員狹隘的視角之外思考和設計
- 優化 APEX 應用程式設計以滿足多個利益相關者群體
- 通過實作的明確程式碼範例評估設計選項
- 定義和衡量大型雲端和企業 APEX 應用程式的成功
APEX 開發人員和開發團隊