Mastering Structured Data on the Semantic Web: From HTML5 Microdata to Linked Open Data
暫譯: 掌握語意網上的結構化數據:從 HTML5 微數據到連結開放數據

Leslie Sikos

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2015-07-01
  • 售價: $2,840
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,698
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 256
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1484210506
  • ISBN-13: 9781484210505
  • 相關分類: HTML
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



A major limitation of conventional web sites is their unorganized and isolated contents, which is created mainly for human consumption. This limitation can be addressed by organizing and publishing data, using powerful formats that add structure and meaning to the content of web pages and link related data to one another. Computers can "understand" such data better, which can be useful for task automation. The web sites that provide semantics (meaning) to software agents form the Semantic Web, the Artificial Intelligence extension of the World Wide Web. In contrast to the conventional Web (the "Web of Documents"), the Semantic Web includes the "Web of Data", which connects "things" (representing real-world humans and objects) rather than documents meaningless to computers. Mastering Structured Data on the Semantic Web explains the practical aspects and the theory behind the Semantic Web and how structured data, such as HTML5 Microdata and JSON-LD, can be used to improve your site’s performance on next-generation Search Engine Result Pages and be displayed on Google Knowledge Panels. You will learn how to represent arbitrary fields of human knowledge in a machine-interpretable form using the Resource Description Framework (RDF), the cornerstone of the Semantic Web. You will see how to store and manipulate RDF data in purpose-built graph databases such as triplestores and quadstores, that are exploited in Internet marketing, social media, and data mining, in the form of Big Data applications such as the Google Knowledge Graph, Wikidata, or Facebook’s Social Graph.

With the constantly increasing user expectations in web services and applications, Semantic Web standards gain more popularity. This book will familiarize you with the leading controlled vocabularies and ontologies and explain how to represent your own concepts. After learning the principles of Linked Data, the five-star deployment scheme, and the Open Data concept, you will be able to create and interlink five-star Linked Open Data, and merge your RDF graphs to the LOD Cloud. The book also covers the most important tools for generating, storing, extracting, and visualizing RDF data, including, but not limited to, Protégé, TopBraid Composer, Sindice, Apache Marmotta, Callimachus, and Tabulator. You will learn to implement Apache Jena and Sesame in popular IDEs such as Eclipse and NetBeans, and use these APIs for rapid Semantic Web application development. Mastering Structured Data on the Semantic Web demonstrates how to represent and connect structured data to reach a wider audience, encourage data reuse, and provide content that can be automatically processed with full certainty. As a result, your web contents will be integral parts of the next revolution of the Web.


傳統網站的一個主要限制是其內容的無組織和孤立,這些內容主要是為人類消費而創建的。這一限制可以通過組織和發布數據來解決,使用強大的格式為網頁內容添加結構和意義,並將相關數據彼此連結。計算機可以更好地「理解」這些數據,這對於任務自動化非常有用。提供語義(意義)給軟體代理的網站形成了語義網(Semantic Web),這是萬維網的人工智慧擴展。與傳統網路(「文檔網」)相比,語義網包括「數據網」,它連接「事物」(代表現實世界中的人類和物體),而不是對計算機來說毫無意義的文檔。《掌握語義網上的結構化數據》解釋了語義網的實際方面和背後的理論,以及如何使用結構化數據,如 HTML5 Microdata 和 JSON-LD,來改善您網站在下一代搜尋引擎結果頁上的表現,並在 Google 知識面板上顯示。您將學習如何使用資源描述框架(Resource Description Framework, RDF)以機器可解釋的形式表示任意的人類知識領域,RDF 是語義網的基石。您將看到如何在專門設計的圖形數據庫中存儲和操作 RDF 數據,如三元組存儲(triplestore)和四元組存儲(quadstore),這些數據庫在互聯網行銷、社交媒體和數據挖掘中被利用,形成大數據應用,如 Google 知識圖譜、Wikidata 或 Facebook 的社交圖譜。

隨著用戶對網路服務和應用的期望不斷提高,語義網標準越來越受歡迎。本書將使您熟悉主要的受控詞彙和本體,並解釋如何表示您自己的概念。在學習了連結數據的原則、五顆星的部署方案和開放數據概念後,您將能夠創建和互聯五顆星的連結開放數據,並將您的 RDF 圖合併到 LOD 雲中。本書還涵蓋了生成、存儲、提取和可視化 RDF 數據的最重要工具,包括但不限於 Protégé、TopBraid Composer、Sindice、Apache Marmotta、Callimachus 和 Tabulator。您將學會在流行的 IDE(如 Eclipse 和 NetBeans)中實現 Apache Jena 和 Sesame,並使用這些 API 進行快速的語義網應用開發。《掌握語義網上的結構化數據》展示了如何表示和連接結構化數據,以接觸更廣泛的受眾,鼓勵數據重用,並提供可以被自動處理的內容,從而使您的網頁內容成為網路下一次革命的不可或缺的一部分。