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$148Spark 快速數據處理 (Fast Data Processing with Spark)
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If you’re curious about how things work, this fun and intriguing guide will help you find real answers to everyday problems. By using fundamental math and doing simple programming with the Ruby and R languages, you’ll learn how to model a problem and work toward a solution.
All you need is a basic understanding of programming. After a quick introduction to Ruby and R, you’ll explore a wide range of questions by learning how to assemble, process, simulate, and analyze the available data. You’ll learn to see everyday things in a different perspective through simple programs and common sense logic. Once you finish this book, you can begin your own journey of exploration and discovery.
Here are some of the questions you’ll explore:
- Determine how many restroom stalls can accommodate an office with 70 employees
- Mine your email to understand your particular emailing habits
- Use simple audio and video recording devices to calculate your heart rate
- Create an artificial society—and analyze its behavioral patterns to learn how specific factors affect our real society
如果你對事物的運作方式感到好奇,這本有趣且引人入勝的指南將幫助你找到日常問題的真實答案。通過使用基本的數學和簡單的 Ruby 和 R 語言編程,你將學會如何建模一個問題並朝著解決方案努力。
你只需要對編程有基本的理解。在快速介紹 Ruby 和 R 之後,你將通過學習如何組裝、處理、模擬和分析可用數據來探索各種問題。你將學會通過簡單的程序和常識邏輯以不同的視角看待日常事物。一旦你完成這本書,你就可以開始自己的探索和發現之旅。
- 確定有多少個廁所隔間可以容納70名員工的辦公室
- 挖掘你的電子郵件以了解你的特定郵件習慣
- 使用簡單的音頻和視頻錄製設備來計算你的心率
- 創建一個人工社會——並分析其行為模式以了解特定因素如何影響我們的真實社會