Symmetry and the Standard Model: Mathematics and Particle Physics (Hardcover)
暫譯: 對稱性與標準模型:數學與粒子物理學 (精裝版)

Matthew Robinson

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2011-08-17
  • 售價: $6,720
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$6,384
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 327
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 1441982663
  • ISBN-13: 9781441982667
  • 相關分類: 物理學 Physics
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)





Provides the mathematical and physical groundwork of particle physics
Introduces the standard model in an insightful and elementary way
Contains clear, intuitive explanations and plenty of examples

While elementary particle physics is an extraordinarily fascinating field, the huge amount of knowledge necessary to perform cutting-edge research poses a formidable challenge for students. The leap from the material contained in the standard graduate course sequence to the frontiers of M-theory, for example, is tremendous. To make substantial contributions to the field, students must first confront a long reading list of texts on quantum field theory, general relativity, gauge theory, particle interactions, conformal field theory, and string theory. Moreover, waves of new mathematics are required at each stage, spanning a broad set of topics including algebra, geometry, topology, and analysis.

Symmetry and the Standard Model: Mathematics and Particle Physics, by Matthew Robinson, is the first volume of a series intended to teach math in a way that is catered to physicists. Following a brief review of classical physics at the undergraduate level and a preview of particle physics from an experimentalist's perspective, the text systematically lays the mathematical groundwork for an algebraic understanding of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. It then concludes with an overview of the extensions of the previous ideas to physics beyond the Standard Model. The text is geared toward advanced undergraduate students and first-year graduate students.

Table Of Contents

1 Review of Classical Physics
1.1 Hamilton’s Principle
1.2 Noether’s Theorem
1.3 Conservation of Energy
1.4 Special Relativity
1.4.1 Dot Products and Metrics
1.4.2 The Theory of Special Relativity
1.4.3 Lorentz Transformations Revisited
1.4.4 Special Relativity and Lagrangians
1.4.5 Relativistic Energy-Momentum Relationship
1.4.6 Physically Allowable Transformations
1.5 Classical Fields
1.6 Classical Electrodynamics
1.7 Classical Electrodynamics Lagrangian
1.8 Gauge Transformations
1.9 References and Further Reading
2 A Preview of Particle Physics: The Experimentalist’s Perspective
2.1 The Ultimate “Atoms”
2.2 Quarks and Leptons
2.3 The Fundamental Interactions
2.3.1 Gravitation
2.3.2 Electromagnetism
2.3.3 The Strong Interaction
2.3.4 The Weak Interaction
2.3.5 Summary
2.4 Categorizing Particles
2.4.1 Fermions and Bosons
2.4.2 Baryons and Mesons
2.4.3 Visualizing the Particle Hierarchy
2.5 Relativistic Quantum Field Theories of the Standard Model
2.5.1 Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
2.5.2 The Unified Electroweak Theory
2.5.3 Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
2.6 The Higgs Boson
2.7 References and Further Reading
3 Algebraic Foundations
3.1 Introduction to Group Theory
3.1.1 What is a Group?
3.1.2 Definition of a Group
3.1.3 Finite Discrete Groups and Their Organization
3.1.4 Group Actions
3.1.5 Representations
3.1.6 Reducibility and Irreducibility: A Preview
3.1.7 Algebraic Definitions
3.1.8 Reducibility Revisited
3.2 Introduction to Lie Groups
3.2.1 Classification of Lie Groups
3.2.2 Generators
3.2.3 Lie Algebras
3.2.4 The Adjoint Representation
3.2.5 SO.2/
3.2.6 SO.3/
3.2.7 SU.2/
3.2.8 SU.2/ and Physical States
3.2.9 SU.2/ for j D 12
3.2.10 SU.2/ for j D 1
3.2.11 SU.2/ for Arbitrary j
3.2.12 Root Space
3.2.13 Adjoint Representation of SU.2/
3.2.14 SU.2/ for Arbitrary j : : : Again
3.2.15 SU.3/
3.2.16 What is the Point of All of This?
3.3 The Lorentz Group
3.3.1 The Lorentz Algebra
3.3.2 The Underlying Structure of the Lorentz Group
3.3.3 Representations of the Lorentz Group
3.3.4 The Vector Representation in Arbitrary Dimension
3.3.5 Spinor Indices
3.3.6 Clifford Algebras
3.4 References and Further Reading
4 First Principles of Particle Physics and the Standard Model
4.1 Quantum Fields
4.2 Spin-0 Fields
4.2.1 Equation of Motion for Scalar Fields
4.2.2 Lagrangian for Scalar Fields
4.2.3 Solutions to the Klein-Gordon Equation
4.3 Spin-1=2 Fields
4.3.1 A Brief Review of Spin
4.3.2 A Geometric Picture of Spin
4.3.3 Spin-1=2 Fields
4.3.4 Solutions to the Clifford Algebra
4.3.5 The Action for a Spin-1=2 Field
4.3.6 Parity and Handedness
4.3.7 Weyl Spinors in the Chiral Representation
4.3.8 Weyl Spinors in Any Representation
4.3.9 Solutions to the Dirac Equation
4.3.10 The Dirac Sea Interpretation of Antiparticles
4.3.11 The QFT Interpretation of Antiparticles
4.3.12 Dirac and Majorana Fields
4.3.13 Summary of Spin-1=2 Fields
4.4 Spin-1 Fields
4.4.1 Building a Lagrangian for Vector Fields
4.4.2 Vector Fields in the Massless Limit
4.5 Gauge Theory
4.5.1 Conserved Currents
4.5.2 The Dirac Equation with an Electromagnetic Field
4.5.3 Gauging the Symmetry
4.5.4 A Final Comment: Charge Conjugation
4.6 Quantization
4.6.1 Review of What Quantization Means
4.6.2 Canonical Quantization of Scalar Fields
4.6.3 The Spin-Statistics Theorem
4.6.4 Canonical Quantization of Fermions
4.6.5 Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics
4.6.6 Insufficiencies of Canonical Quantization
4.6.7 Path Integrals and Path Integral Quantization
4.6.8 Interpretation of the Path Integral
4.6.9 Expectation Values
4.6.10 Path Integrals with Fields
4.6.11 Interacting Scalar Fields and Feynman Diagrams
4.6.12 Interacting Fermion Fields
4.6.13 A Brief Glance at Renormalization
4.7 Final Ingredients
4.7.1 Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
4.7.2 Breaking Local Symmetries
4.7.3 Non-Abelian Gauge Theory
4.7.4 Representations of Gauge Groups
4.7.5 Symmetry Breaking Revisited
4.7.6 Simple Examples of Symmetry Breaking
4.7.7 A More Complicated Example of Symmetry Breaking
4.8 The Standard Model
4.8.1 Helpful Background
4.8.2 The Outline
4.8.3 A Short-Range Force: The Gauge and Higgs Sector
4.8.4 The Gauge Bosons and Their Coupling to the Higgs Boson
4.8.5 The Lepton Sector: The Origin of Mass
4.8.6 The Quark Sector
4.8.7 Yukawa Couplings Among Generations
4.9 References and Further Reading
5 Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics
5.1 Overview of Physics Beyond the Standard Model
5.2 Grand Unified Theories
5.2.1 Unification of the Coupling Constants
5.2.2 The Basic SU.5/
5.2.3 Supersymmetry
5.3 Higher-Rank GUT Unification
5.3.1 A GUT Implication
5.3.2 GUT Summary
5.4 Alternate Directions and Quantum Gravity
5.4.1 Extra Dimensions
5.4.2 What About (Quantum) Gravity?
5.4.3 String Theory
5.4.4 Loop Quantum Gravity
5.4.5 Causal Dynamical Triangulation
5.4.6 Causal Sets
5.4.7 Non-commutative Geometries
5.4.8 Twistor Theory
5.4.9 Hoˇrava-Lifshitz Gravity
5.4.10 Quantum Gravity Summary
5.5 References and Further Reading




《對稱性與標準模型:數學與粒子物理學》由Matthew Robinson撰寫,是一系列旨在以適合物理學家的方式教授數學的第一卷。在簡要回顧本科階段的經典物理學和從實驗者的角度預覽粒子物理學後,該文本系統地為粒子物理學標準模型的代數理解奠定數學基礎。最後,該書概述了前述思想在標準模型之外的物理擴展。該文本針對高年級本科生和一年級研究生。


1 經典物理學回顧
1.1 哈密頓原理
1.2 Noether定理
1.3 能量守恆
1.4 特殊相對論
1.4.1 點積與度量
1.4.2 特殊相對論理論
1.4.3 洛倫茲變換重訪
1.4.4 特殊相對論與拉格朗日量
1.4.5 相對論能量-動量關係
1.4.6 物理上允許的變換
1.5 經典場
1.6 經典電動力學
1.7 經典電動力學拉格朗日量
1.8 規範變換
1.9 參考文獻與進一步閱讀

2 粒子物理學預覽:實驗者的視角
2.1 終極“原子”
2.2 夸克與輕子
2.3 基本相互作用
2.3.1 引力
2.3.2 電磁力
2.3.3 強相互作用
2.3.4 弱相互作用
2.3.5 總結
2.4 粒子分類
2.4.1 费米子與玻色子
2.4.2 重子與介子
2.4.3 可視化粒子層級
2.5 標準模型的相對論量子場理論
2.5.1 量子電動力學 (QED)
2.5.2 統一電弱理論
2.5.3 量子色動力學 (QCD)
2.6 希格斯玻色子
2.7 參考文獻與進一步閱讀

3 代數基礎
3.1 群論簡介
3.1.1 什麼是群?
3.1.2 群的定義
3.1.3 有限離散群及其組織
3.1.4 群作用
3.1.5 表示
3.1.6 可約性與不可約性:預覽
3.1.7 代數定義
3.1.8 可約性重訪
3.2 李群簡介
3.2.1 李群的分類
3.2.2 生成元
3.2.3 李代數
3.2.4 伴隨表示
3.2.5 SO(2)
3.2.6 SO(3)
3.2.7 SU(2)
3.2.8 SU(2)與物理狀態
3.2.9 SU(2)對於 j = 1/2
3.2.10 SU(2)對於 j = 1
3.2.11 SU(2)對於任意 j
3.2.12 根空間
3.2.13 SU(2)的伴隨表示
3.2.14 SU(2)對於任意 j:再次
3.2.15 SU(3)
3.2.16 這一切的意義何在?
3.3 洛倫茲群
3.3.1 洛倫茲代數
3.3.2 洛倫茲群的基本結構
3.3.3 洛倫茲群的表示
3.3.4 任意維度的向量表示
3.3.5 旋量指數
3.3.6 克利福德代數
3.4 參考文獻與進一步閱讀

4 粒子物理學與標準模型的基本原則
4.1 量子場
4.2 自旋-0場
4.2.1 標量場的運動方程
4.2.2 標量場的拉格朗日量
4.2.3 克萊因-戈登方程的解
4.3 自旋-1/2場
4.3.1 自旋的簡要回顧
4.3.2 自旋的幾何圖像
4.3.3 自旋-1/2場
4.3.4 克利福德代數的解
4.3.5 自旋-1/2場的作用
4.3.6 偏振與手性
4.3.7 在手徑表示中的Weyl旋量
4.3.8 在任意表示中的Weyl旋量
4.3.9 狄拉克方程的解
4.3.10 反粒子的狄拉克海解釋
4.3.11 反粒子的量子場論解釋
4.3.12 狄拉克與馬約拉納場
4.3.13 自旋-1/2場的總結
4.4 自旋-1場
4.4.1 為向量場構建拉格朗日量
4.4.2 在無質量極限下的向量場
4.5 規範理論
4.5.1 守恆電流
4.5.2 帶有電磁場的狄拉克方程
4.5.3 規範對稱性
4.5.4 最後的評論:電荷共軛
4.6 量子化
4.6.1 量子化的意義回顧
4.6.2 標量場的正則量子化
4.6.3 自旋-統計定理
4.6.4 费米子的正則量子化
4.6.5 量子力學中的對稱性
4.6.6 正則量子化的不足
4.6.7 路徑積分與路徑積分量子化
4.6.8 路徑積分的解釋
4.6.9 期望值
4.6.10 帶場的路徑積分
4.6.11 交互標量場與費曼圖
4.6.12 交互费米子場
4.6.13 簡要回顧重整化
4.7 最終成分
4.7.1 自發對稱破缺
4.7.2 破壞局部對稱性
4.7.3 非阿貝爾規範理論
4.7.4 規範群的表示
4.7.5 對稱破缺重訪
4.7.6 對稱破缺的簡單例子
4.7.7 對稱破缺的更複雜例子
4.8 標準模型
4.8.1 有用的背景
4.8.2 大綱
4.8.3 短程力:規範與希格斯部分
4.8.4 規範玻色子及其與希格斯玻色子的耦合
4.8.5 輕子部分:質量的來源
4.8.6 夸克部分
4.8.7 不同世代之間的Yukawa耦合
4.9 參考文獻與進一步閱讀

5 超越粒子物理學的標準模型
5.1 超越標準模型的物理概述
5.2 大統一理論
5.2.1 耦合常數的統一
5.2.2 基本SU(5)
5.2.3 超對稱
5.3 更高階GUT統一
5.3.1 GUT的含義
5.3.2 GUT總結
5.4 替代方向與量子引力
5.4.1 額外維度
5.4.2 (量子)引力怎麼辦?
5.4.3 弦理論
5.4.4 環量子引力
5.4.5 因果動態三角化
5.4.6 因果集
5.4.7 非交換幾何
5.4.8 Twistor理論
5.4.9 Hoˇrava-Lifshitz引力
5.4.10 量子引力總結
5.5 參考文獻與進一步閱讀
