Focusing on user-developed programming, An R Companion to Linear Statistical Models serves two audiences: those who are familiar with the theory and applications of linear statistical models and wish to learn or enhance their skills in R; and those who are enrolled in an R-based course on regression and analysis of variance. For those who have never used R, the book begins with a self-contained introduction to R that lays the foundation for later chapters.
This book includes extensive and carefully explained examples of how to write programs using the R programming language. These examples cover methods used for linear regression and designed experiments with up to two fixed-effects factors, including blocking variables and covariates. It also demonstrates applications of several pre-packaged functions for complex computational procedures.
《R 與線性統計模型的伴侶》專注於使用者開發的程式設計,服務於兩個讀者群體:一是熟悉線性統計模型的理論和應用,並希望學習或提升其 R 語言技能的人;二是參加基於 R 的迴歸和變異數分析課程的學生。對於從未使用過 R 的讀者,本書以自成一體的 R 語言介紹開始,為後續章節奠定基礎。
本書包含大量詳細解釋的範例,展示如何使用 R 程式語言撰寫程式。這些範例涵蓋了用於線性迴歸和設計實驗的方法,最多可包含兩個固定效應因子,包括區塊變數和協變數。它還展示了幾個預先包裝的函數在複雜計算程序中的應用。