Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Intelligent Systems, 3/e (Paperback)

Michael Negnevitsky





1.A new chapter on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, which introduces data mining as an integral part of knowledge discovery in large databases and considers main techniques and tools for turning data into knowledge.
2.New case studies included on clustering with a self-organising neural network and data mining
3.Updated throughout to include new developments in the discipline
1.No mathematical or programming prerequisites.
2.Linked coverage of all the latest artificial intelligence topics.
3.Question and answer format.
4.Accompanying website including student projects, accompanying software tools, software demonstrations, PowerPoint slides and solutions to exercises.


                Ch1: Introduction to knowledge-based intelligent systems

Ch2: Rule-based expert systems

Ch3: Uncertainty management in rule-based expert systems

Ch4: Fuzzy expert systems

Ch5: Frame-based expert systems

Ch6: Artifical neural networks

Ch7: Evolutionary computation

Ch8: Hybrid intelligent systems

Ch9: Knowledge engineering

Ch10: Data mining and knowledeg discovery


AppendixAI tools and vendors
