Intermediate Accounting IFRS Edition, 5/e (Wiley Custom Edition)
暫譯: 中級會計 IFRS 版,第5版 (Wiley 客製版)

Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Nai-Hui Su (Contributions by), Shu-Ling Chiang (Contributions by)

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2024-01-01
  • 定價: $1,880
  • 售價: 9.8$1,842
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1216
  • ISBN: 1394277903
  • ISBN-13: 9781394277902
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)




Content Changes by Chapter

Chapter 1: The Environment and Conceptual Frame­ work of Financial Reporting (previously Chapters 1-3)
• NEW discussion of the historical cost principle.
• NEW discussion on the fundamentals of revenue recognition.
• NEW Accounting Matters feature on ESG.
Chapter 2: Income Statement and Related Information (previously Chapter 4)
• NEW graphic highlighting the limitations of the income statement.
Chapter 3: Statement of Financial Position and State­ment of Cash Flows (previously Chapter 5)
• NEW illustration comparing the operating cycles of a merchandising company and a manufacturing company.
• NEW Accounting Matters feature on comparing Enron's net income to cash flow.
Chapter 4: Accounting and the Time Value of Money (previously Chapter 6)
• REFORMATTED time diagram problems for improved understanding and visualization.
Chapter 5: Cash and Receivables (previously Chapter 7)
• EXPANDED discussion of the transfers of receivables, including the sale of receivable with limited guarantee.
• NEW discussion of the derecognition of a part of a receivable and introducing the concept of servicing assets and liabilities.
• NEW illustration on the transfers of receivables.
Chapter 6: Inventories (previously Chapters 8 and 9)
• NEW Accounting Matters feature about (1) parking transactions and (2) how companies handle excess inventory situations.
Chapter 7: Acquisition and Disposition of Property, Plant, and Equipment (previously Chapter 10)
• NEW illustrations on expenditures over the life of a vehicle and how to account for them.
• NEW discussion and illustration of the investment property in Appendix 7A.
Chapter 8: Depreciation, Impairments, and Depletion (previously Chapter 11)
• NEW illustrations on physical and economic factors affecting depreciation.
• EXPANDED discussion of the impairment test is based on a cash-generating unit.
• REVISED discussion and illustration of revaluation accounting under a loss on revaluation.
Chapter 9: Intangible Assets (previously Chapter 12)
• NEW illustration on the intangible assets of marketing­ related, artistic-related, and contract-related.
Chapter 10: Liabilities, Provisions, and Contingencies (previously Chapters 13 and 14)
• REMOVED discussion of some typical current liabilities.
• NEW discussion and illustration of accounting for debt extinguishment when modification of terms is not substantial.
Chapter 11: Equity (previously Chapter 15)
• EXPANDED discussions on (1) callable preference shares and (2) redeemable preference shares.
Chapter 12: Dilutive Securities and Earnings per Share (previously Chapter 16)
• EXPANDED discussion of the vesting condition on the share compensation plans, including the market condition and non-market condition.
• REVISED illustration of the forfeiture of share compensation plan by the market condition and non-market condition, respectively.
Chapter 13: Investments (previously Chapter 17)
• REVISED accounting for sale of (1) debt investments measured at FVTOCI, (2) debt investments measured at FVTPL, (3) equity investments measured at FVTPL, and (4) equity investments measured at FVTOCI.
● NEW inclusion of three-stage expected credit loss model for impairment.
• REVISED illustration and discussion of impairment of debt investments measured at FVTOCI.
• EXPANDED illustration and discussion of transfers of debt securities between classification categories.
Chapter 14: Revenue Recognition (previously Chapter 18)
• NEW illustrations on steps in the revenue recognition process.
• NEW discussion and illustration for the revenue recognition of the customer options for additional goods or services.
● REVISED illustration of the accounting for long-term construction contracts under revenue recognition over time in Appendix 14A and the loss recognition on an un­profitable contract.
Chapter 15: Accounting for Income Taxes (previously Chapter 19)
● REVISED illustration of the computation of deferred income taxes.
Chapter 16: Accounting for Pensions and Postretirement Benefit (previously Chapter 20)
● EXPANDED discussion of how the limits amount of pen­sion asset that is recognized (the asset ceiling).
● EXPANDED discussion of the accounting for remeasure­ments, including the change in the effect of the asset ceiling.
• NEW illustration of how the change in the effect of the asset ceiling is recognized.
Chapter 17: Accounting for Leases (previously Chapter 21)
● NEW discussion of the separating components of a lease contract and revised discussion of the executory costs.
● REVISED discussion of the sale-leaseback accounting, including the asset's selling price does not equal the fair value, or the payments for the lease are not at market rates.
Chapter 18: Accounting Changes and Error Analysis (previously Chapter 22)
• REMOVED discussion and illustration of the long-term construction contracts in the changes in accounting policy.
● NEW illustration of the accounting for the inventory error.
Chapter 19: Statement of Cash (previously Chapter 23)
● NEW illustration and discussion of alternative indirect method to highlight the use of income before income tax as a start point when reporting cash flows from operating activities.
● NEW Accounting Matters feature on cash flow pressures during COVID-19.
Chapter 20: Presentation & Disclosure in Financial Reporting (previously Chapter 24)
● NEW discussion of climate-related disclosures.
• REVISED discussion of (1) related parties and subsequent events and (2) segmented information reported.
● NEW Accounting Matters feature on influence of social media on accounting disclosures.


● READABILITY We have spent considerable time enhancing the readability of the text. We have broken down the content into shorter, more digestible sections by adding sub­ headings, bullet points, and more illustrations and tables. We also have created a more conversational tone throughout the text, often talking directly to the student and thoroughly explaining the solutions for the in-text examples.
• REAL-WORLD EMPHASIS A proven way to help students mas­ter the subject is to explain the concepts of financial reporting using real companies whenever possible. Many of our examples use real­ world companies like adidas, Carrefour, Nestle Group, Puma, Siemens AG, and Marks and Spencer plc to illustrate the significant financial reporting issues. In addition, our Accounting Matters feature provides illustrations of how accounting is used in practice to provide information on the financial health of companies. Engag­ing discussions of contemporary issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic and impairments, and disclosure of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are just a few of the many Accounting Matters topics high­ lighted in the text.
• LEARN BY DOING We have asked many students and instructors whether there is a secret for success in this course. A common response turns out to be not much of a secret-"Do the homework!" The more time students spend on the homework assign­ments in this text, the more likely they will learn the essential concepts. Therefore, in addition to the homework at the end of the chapter, we have provided in the text discussion opportunities for students to work on the concept at the point of learning. As a result, a student can read the concept, followed by an example of how this concept should be applied, followed by an opportunity to practice.
• CONTENT UPGRADES  The topical content of the chapters has following major changes.
1. We have merged Chapters 1, 2, and 3 from the previous edition into one chapter. This consolidation should be helpful to students as it provides in one chapter the framework for concepts used in subsequent chapters.
2. Chapters on similar topics are combined into one chapter. We have merged Chapters 8 and 9, from the previous edition, into Chapter 6, which now focuses on inventories. We have also merged Chapters 13 and 14, addressing liabilities from the previous edition, into a single chapter.
3. We now provide up-to-date IFRS principles related to investments in financial assets. We have made significant changes to the chapter on investments revising discussions and including illustrations of expected credit loss model and transfers of financial assets between classification categories.
4. We have expanded the discussion of some topics to provide a more comprehensive understanding. We have discussed different scenarios in depth, including transfers of accounts receivable, asset impairment of cash-generating units, the vesting condition on the share compensation plans, and the limited amount of pension assets.
5. We have added new discussions and illustrations on some topics. We have discussed the derecognition of a part of a receivable, the investment property accounting, and the revenue recognition of the customer options for additional goods or services.
6. We have revised some instructions to be more consistent with IFRS pnnc1ples. We have revised the content, including revaluation accounting, accounting for long­-term construction contracts, sale-leaseback accounting, and the preparation of the statement of cash flows.





• 新增歷史成本原則的討論。

• 新增收入確認基本原則的討論。

• 新增關於ESG的會計事宜專欄。


• 新增強調損益表限制的圖示。


• 新增比較商品公司與製造公司營運週期的插圖。

• 新增關於比較安然公司淨利與現金流的會計事宜專欄。


• 重新格式化時間圖表問題以改善理解與視覺化。


• 擴展應收款項轉讓的討論,包括有限保證的應收款項銷售。

• 新增部分應收款項的剝離及引入服務資產與負債概念的討論。

• 新增應收款項轉讓的插圖。


• 新增會計事宜專欄,討論(1)停車交易及(2)公司如何處理過剩存貨情況。


• 新增有關車輛使用壽命支出的插圖及如何進行會計處理。

• 新增附錄7A中投資性房地產的討論與插圖。


• 新增影響折舊的實體與經濟因素的插圖。

• 擴展基於現金產生單位的減損測試的討論。

• 修訂在重估損失下的重估會計的討論與插圖。


• 新增有關市場相關、藝術相關及合約相關無形資產的插圖。


• 刪除某些典型流動負債的討論。

• 新增在條件修改不實質的情況下,債務清償的會計討論與插圖。


• 擴展對(1)可贖回優先股及(2)可贖回優先股的討論。


• 擴展對股權補償計畫的歸屬條件的討論,包括市場條件與非市場條件。

• 修訂市場條件與非市場條件下股權補償計畫的喪失插圖。


• 修訂對(1)以公允價值透過其他綜合損益計量的債務投資、(2)以公允價值透過損益計量的債務投資、(3)以公允價值透過損益計量的股權投資及(4)以公允價值透過其他綜合損益計量的股權投資的會計處理。

● 新增三階段預期信用損失模型以進行減損。

• 修訂以公允價值透過其他綜合損益計量的債務投資的減損插圖與討論。

• 擴展債務證券在分類類別之間轉移的插圖與討論。


• 新增收入確認過程中的步驟插圖。

• 新增客戶選擇額外商品或服務的收入確認討論與插圖。

● 修訂附錄14A中長期建設合約在收入確認過程中的會計處理及對虧損合約的認列。


● 修訂遞延所得稅計算的插圖。


● 擴展對認可的退休金資產限額(資產上限)的討論。

● 擴展對重新計量的會計討論,包括資產上限影響的變化。

• 新增資產上限影響變化的認列插圖。


● 新增租賃合約組成部分的分離討論及修訂執行成本的討論。

● 修訂銷售回租會計的討論,包括資產的銷售價格不等於公允價值,或租賃的支付不在市場利率下。


• 刪除在會計政策變更中長期建設合約的討論與插圖。

● 新增存貨錯誤的會計插圖。


● 新增替代間接法的插圖與討論,強調在報告經營活動現金流時以稅前收入作為起點。

● 新增關於COVID-19期間現金流壓力的會計事宜專欄。


● 新增氣候相關揭露的討論。

• 修訂對(1)關聯方及後續事件與(2)報告的分部資訊的討論。

● 新增社交媒體對會計揭露影響的會計事宜專欄。


● 可讀性 我們花了相當多的時間來提升文本的可讀性。我們將內容分解為更短、更易消化的部分,增加了小標題、項目符號以及更多插圖和表格。我們還在整個文本中創造了更具對話性的語氣,經常直接與學生對話,並徹底解釋文本範例的解決方案。

• 實務強調 幫助學生掌握主題的有效方法是盡可能使用真實公司來解釋財務報告的概念。我們的許多範例使用了真實世界的公司,如adidas、Carrefour、Nestle Group、Puma、Siemens AG和Marks and Spencer plc,以說明重要的財務報告問題。此外,我們的會計事宜專欄提供了會計在實務中如何用來提供公司財務健康資訊的插圖。關於COVID-19疫情及減損、環境、社會和治理(ESG)問題的當代議題的討論只是文本中眾多會計事宜主題中的一部分。

• 實踐學習 我們詢問了許多學生和講師,是否有成功的秘訣。常見的回應似乎並不算什麼秘密——「做作業!」學生在這本書的作業上花的時間越多,他們學習基本概念的可能性就越大。因此,除了章末的作業外,我們還在文本中提供了學生在學習時進行概念討論的機會。結果,學生可以閱讀概念,接著是如何應用該概念的範例,然後是練習的機會。

• 內容升級  各章的主題內容有以下主要變更。

1. 我們將前一版的第1、2和3章合併為一章。這一整合應該對學生有幫助,因為它在一章中提供了後續章節所用概念的框架。

2. 相似主題的章節合併為一章。我們將前一版的第8和9章合併為第6章,現在專注於存貨。我們還將前一版的第13和14章有關負債的內容合併為一章。

3. 我們現在提供與金融資產投資相關的最新IFRS原則。我們對投資章進行了重大變更,修訂了討論並包括預期信用損失模型和金融資產在分類類別之間轉移的插圖。

4. 我們擴展了某些主題的討論,以提供更全面的理解。我們深入討論了不同情境,包括應收帳款的轉讓、現金產生單位的資產減損、股權補償計畫的歸屬條件以及退休金資產的限額。

5. 我們新增了某些主題的討論與插圖。我們討論了部分應收款項的剝離、投資性房地產會計及客戶選擇額外商品或服務的收入確認。

6. 我們修訂了一些指導方針,使其更符合IFRS原則。我們修訂了內容,包括重估會計、長期建設合約的會計、銷售回租會計及現金流量表的編製。


Donald E. Kieso PhD, CPA - Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois, USA
Jerry J. Weygandt PhD, CPA - University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Terry D. Warfield PhD - University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

With Contribution From
Nai-Hui Su PhD, CPA - Department of Accounting, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Shu-Ling Chiang PhD, CPA - Department of Accounting Information, National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan


唐納德·E·基索博士,CPA - 美國伊利諾伊州德卡爾布北伊利諾伊大學

傑瑞·J·韋根特博士,CPA - 美國威斯康辛州麥迪遜威斯康辛大學

特里·D·華菲爾德博士 - 美國威斯康辛州麥迪遜威斯康辛大學


蘇乃輝博士,CPA - 台灣國立中興大學會計系

江淑玲博士,CPA - 台灣國立臺北商業大學會計資訊系


1 The Environment and Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting
2 Income Statement and Related Information
3 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flows
4 Accounting and the Time Value of Money
5 Cash and Receivables
6 Inventories
7 Acquisition and Disposition of Property, Plant, and Equipment
8 Depreciation, Impairments, and Depletion
9 Intangible Assets
10 Liabilities, Provisions, and Contingencies
11 Equity
12 Dilutive Securities and Earnings per Share
13 Investments
14 Revenue Recognition
15 Accounting for Income Taxes
16 Accounting for Pensions and Postretirement Benefits
17 Accounting for leases
18 Accounting Changes and Error Analysis
19 Statement of Cash Flows
20 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Reporting
APPENDIX A Specimen Financial Statements: Marks and Spencer Group plc
APPENDIX B Specimen Financial Statements: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries
APPENDIX C Specimen Financial Statements: adidas AG
APPENDIX D Specimen Financial Statements: Nestle Group


1 The Environment and Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

2 Income Statement and Related Information

3 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flows

4 Accounting and the Time Value of Money

5 Cash and Receivables

6 Inventories

7 Acquisition and Disposition of Property, Plant, and Equipment

8 Depreciation, Impairments, and Depletion

9 Intangible Assets

10 Liabilities, Provisions, and Contingencies

11 Equity

12 Dilutive Securities and Earnings per Share

13 Investments

14 Revenue Recognition

15 Accounting for Income Taxes

16 Accounting for Pensions and Postretirement Benefits

17 Accounting for leases

18 Accounting Changes and Error Analysis

19 Statement of Cash Flows

20 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Reporting

APPENDIX A Specimen Financial Statements: Marks and Spencer Group plc

APPENDIX B Specimen Financial Statements: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited and Subsidiaries

APPENDIX C Specimen Financial Statements: adidas AG

APPENDIX D Specimen Financial Statements: Nestle Group