Multinational Financial Management, 11/e (AE-Paperback)
暫譯: 跨國財務管理,第11版 (AE-平裝本)

Alan C. Shapiro

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2020-01-01
  • 定價: $1,480
  • 售價: 9.8$1,450
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 624
  • ISBN: 1119668867
  • ISBN-13: 9781119668862
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)



The eleventh edition of Multinational Financial Management has been extensively updated to incorporate the evolving technological, economic, and political landscape of the world's financial system. For instance, technological advances in communication have greatly changed how forex trading and payment systems are conducted; the development and growth in Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) makes it possible, with unprecedented ease, for investors to gain international equity and bond exposures; the advent of Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) now allow businesses to hedge sovereign debt risk. All these technological and financial innovations are occurring with the continuing development of China and India as a major economic and political backdrop. China is now the world's second largest economy in nominal terms and the first on a purchasing power parity basis. India is now the world's seventh largest economy in nominal terms-on the verge of displacing both the United Kingdom and France within a couple years-and the third on a purchasing power parity basis. The rise of China in particular has given wind to the sails of those that believe protectionism is the answer to maintaining America's relative position. It remains to be seen what will result of the additional tariffs the US and China (and the European ) have been imposing on each other: negotiations that will lead to more trade, or permanently impairing global trade. However, while it still to early to properly assess their full significance, they are too important to ignore. Likewise, the United Kingdom's plans to leave the European -the so-called Brexit-if it finally occurs, will undoubtedly have far reaching consequences in reshaping Europe-an economic area on par with the United States. Meanwhile, in the United States, the Tax Cuts and Job Act by slashing the corporate tax rate to 21 % and moving the country to a territorial taxation system will significantly affect how multinational corporations decide to invest and distribute their profits around the globe.
To reflect these changes, we have considerably reworked our examples and illustrations. We have also reshuffled the content, added new sections, new applications, and whenever possible updated every chart and every table with the latest data. Sadly, to stay focused and make room for the new, we have chosen to remove numerous older applications and two chapters-Financing Foreign Trade, and Current Asset Management and Short Term Financing. However, we will continue to make these available on the instructor's online resources.
Some of the new material that has been added is highlighted below:
• Discussion of the 2009-2010 currency interventions by the Swiss National Bank (Chapter 2)
• Discussion of the European and Brexit (Chapter 3)
• Discussion on the deviations of covered interest rate parity after the financial crisis (Chapter 4)
• Updates to the Balance-of-Payment categories to reflect new practices (Chapter 5)
• Discussion on electronic trading and Payment-versus-Payment (PvP) settlement (Chapter 6)
• Discussion of new institutional changes for currency options and futures on the CME and ICE exchanges(Chapter 7)
• Section on Credit Default Swap Indexes (Chapter 8)
• Discussion of the governance implications of different legal regimes (Chapter 11)
• Section on Exchange-Traded Funds (Chapter 13)
• Discussion of Corporate Inversions (Chapter 18)
• Section on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (Chapter 15 and 18)


●Provides numerous real-world examples of applications of financial concepts and theories
●Focuses on corporate practice and the issues, tools, and techniques used in day-to-day financial decision making
●Features action-oriented learning objectives, mini-cases, key term definitions, end-of-chapter questions and problems related to actual companies and situations, and links to online resources that address chapter content







• 討論2009-2010年瑞士國家銀行的貨幣干預(第2章)

• 討論歐洲及脫歐(第3章)

• 討論金融危機後的有擔保利率平價的偏差(第4章)

• 更新支付平衡類別以反映新實踐(第5章)

• 討論電子交易和支付對支付(PvP)結算(第6章)

• 討論CME和ICE交易所的貨幣期權和期貨的新機構變化(第7章)

• 信用違約掉期指數部分(第8章)

• 討論不同法律制度的治理影響(第11章)

• 交易所交易基金部分(第13章)

• 討論企業反向併購(第18章)

• 2017年減稅和就業法案部分(第15章和第18章)


● 提供大量金融概念和理論的實際應用案例

● 專注於企業實踐及日常財務決策中使用的問題、工具和技術

● 具備以行動為導向的學習目標、迷你案例、關鍵術語定義、與實際公司和情況相關的章末問題和練習,以及針對章節內容的在線資源連結


Part I The International Financial Management Environment
1 Introduction: Multinational Corporations and Financial Management
2 The Determination of Exchange Rates
3 The International Monetary System
4 Parity Conditions in International Finance and Currency Forecasting
5 The Balance of Payments and International Economic Linkages
Part II The Foreign Exchange and Derivative Markets
6 The Foreign Exchange Market
7 Currency Futures and Options Markets
8 Currency, Interest Rate, and Credit Derivatives and Swaps
Part III Foreign Exchange Risk Management
9 Measuring and Managing Translation and Transaction Exposure
10 Measuring and Managing Economic Exposure
Part IV The International Capital Markets and Portfolio Management
11 International Financing and National Capital Markets
12 The Euromarkets
13 International Portfolio Management
Part V International Capital Budgeting
14 Country Risk Analysis
15 The Cost of Capital for Foreign Investments
16 Corporate Strategy and Foreign Direct Investment
17 Capital Budgeting for the Multinational Corporation
18 Managing the Internal Capital Markets of Multinational Corporations


Part I The International Financial Management Environment

1 Introduction: Multinational Corporations and Financial Management

2 The Determination of Exchange Rates

3 The International Monetary System

4 Parity Conditions in International Finance and Currency Forecasting

5 The Balance of Payments and International Economic Linkages

Part II The Foreign Exchange and Derivative Markets

6 The Foreign Exchange Market

7 Currency Futures and Options Markets

8 Currency, Interest Rate, and Credit Derivatives and Swaps

Part III Foreign Exchange Risk Management

9 Measuring and Managing Translation and Transaction Exposure

10 Measuring and Managing Economic Exposure

Part IV The International Capital Markets and Portfolio Management

11 International Financing and National Capital Markets

12 The Euromarkets

13 International Portfolio Management

Part V International Capital Budgeting

14 Country Risk Analysis

15 The Cost of Capital for Foreign Investments

16 Corporate Strategy and Foreign Direct Investment

17 Capital Budgeting for the Multinational Corporation

18 Managing the Internal Capital Markets of Multinational Corporations