C How to Program: With Case Studies in Applications and Systems Programming, 9/e (GE-Paperback)
暫譯: C 程式設計:應用與系統程式設計案例研究,第9版 (GE-平裝本)

Paul Deitel , Harvey Deitel



* A user-friendly, code-intensive introduction to C programming.
The Deitel signature live-code approach allows students to run full programs as they learn key concepts.
- UPDATED - The 9th Edition features 142 complete, working, real-world C programs. Each code example is followed with one or more sample executions.
- UPDATED - All code examples and code selections were checked using the clang-tidy static code analysis tool.

NEW - Over 350 integrated Self-Check exercises with answers help students test and validate their understanding as they read.
- Fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and discussion Self Checks focus on concepts and terminology.
- Code-based Self Checks give students a chance to try out and reinforce programming techniques.

A focus on performance issues prepares readers for professional software-development challenges and practices.

UPDATED - Students are encouraged to think like developers by familiarizing themselves with popular open-source software and tools like Docker, GitHub, and StackOverflow.

* Offers hundreds of real-world examples, exercises, and projects for hands-on practice
UPDATED More than twenty case studies in systems programming and applications programming give students fun, hands-on opportunities to use C as its intended to be used. New and enhanced case studies:
- Focus on data science including simulations with random-number generation, survey data analysis, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence (machine-learning with simple linear regression).
- Incorporate free open-source libraries and tools.
- Focus on visualization with gnuplot.
- UPDATED - Over 400 examples, exercises, and projects (EEPs) allow students to solve interesting, real-world problems working with real-world data. EEPs are drawn from an assortment of computer science, data science, and other fields to instruct and engage students.

* Covers fundamental to advanced concepts in a flexible, modular format
Rich coverage of C fundamentals emphasizes problem-solving and algorithm development to give novice programmers a solid foundation in programming principles.
Intermediate and advanced topics are included for use in higher-level courses or for further self-study.
The modular presentation covers fundamental to advanced concepts in groups of related chapters. Instructors can easily adapt the content to a variety of courses and audiences.
- NEW - A one-page, full-color Table of Contents chart on the inside front cover makes it easy to see the books modular structure and lists all of the case studies.

Up-to-date content aligns with contemporary standards, trends, operating systems, and development tools.
- UPDATED - The book adheres to the C11/C18 standards to keep pace with expanded C capabilities. Terminology throughout has been updated to reflect the most recent C standard to help students prepare for a career in programming.
- UPDATED - All program code is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems and has been tested using the latest versions of the Visual C++, XCode, and GNU gcc compilers.
- UPDATED - Updated content aligns to the latest ACM/IEEE computing curricula recommendations, which call for covering security, data science, ethics, privacy, and performance concepts and using real-world data throughout the curriculum.
- UPDATED - Enhanced and updated coverage of secure C programming includes additional SEI CERT C Coding Standards. All security-related issues are called out with an icon in the text.
- UPDATED - Additional exercises ask students to use the Internet to research ethics and privacy issues in computing.
- UPDATED - Performance icons identify areas in the text that discuss performance-related issues. The case study on multithreading and multicore performance has been enhanced.
- NEW - Common errors and good software engineering practices are called out with new margin icons.
- NEW- A new tutorial helps MacOS and Windows users compile and run programs using gcc in the cross-platform GNU Compiler Collection Docker container.
- UPDATED - Expanded coverage of sorting algorithms and analysis of algorithms with Big O is included in a dedicated chapter (Chapter 13).
- NEW - Appendix D presents a user-friendly overview of object-oriented programming fundamentals to help introduce students to different programming paradigms.


* 一本使用者友好且以程式碼為主的 C 語言程式設計入門書籍。
Deitel 簽名的即時程式碼教學方法讓學生在學習關鍵概念的同時運行完整的程式。
- 更新 - 第九版包含 142 個完整、可運行的實際 C 程式。每個程式碼範例後面都有一個或多個範例執行結果。
- 更新 - 所有程式碼範例和程式碼選擇均使用 clang-tidy 靜態程式碼分析工具進行檢查。

新 - 超過 350 個整合的自我檢查練習及其答案幫助學生在閱讀時測試和驗證他們的理解。
- 填空題、是非題和討論型自我檢查專注於概念和術語。
- 基於程式碼的自我檢查讓學生有機會嘗試和加強程式設計技術。


更新 - 鼓勵學生像開發者一樣思考,熟悉流行的開源軟體和工具,如 Docker、GitHub 和 StackOverflow。

* 提供數百個實際範例、練習和專案以進行實作練習
更新 - 超過二十個系統程式設計和應用程式設計的案例研究為學生提供有趣的實作機會,讓 C 語言如其應有的方式被使用。新的和增強的案例研究:
- 專注於資料科學,包括隨機數生成的模擬、調查數據分析、自然語言處理和人工智慧(使用簡單線性回歸的機器學習)。
- 整合免費的開源庫和工具。
- 專注於使用 gnuplot 進行可視化。
- 更新 - 超過 400 個範例、練習和專案(EEPs)讓學生解決有趣的實際問題,並使用實際數據。EEPs 來自計算機科學、資料科學和其他領域的各種範疇,以指導和吸引學生。

* 涵蓋從基礎到進階的概念,採用靈活的模組化格式
對 C 語言基礎的豐富涵蓋強調問題解決和演算法開發,為初學者提供堅實的程式設計原則基礎。
- 新 - 封面內側的一頁全彩目錄圖表使讀者能夠輕鬆查看書籍的模組結構並列出所有案例研究。

- 更新 - 本書遵循 C11/C18 標準,以跟上擴展的 C 語言功能。術語已更新,以反映最新的 C 標準,幫助學生為程式設計職業做好準備。
- 更新 - 所有程式碼與 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 作業系統相容,並已使用最新版本的 Visual C++、XCode 和 GNU gcc 編譯器進行測試。
- 更新 - 更新的內容符合最新的 ACM/IEEE 計算課程建議,這些建議要求涵蓋安全性、資料科學、倫理、隱私和性能概念,並在整個課程中使用實際數據。
- 更新 - 增強和更新的安全 C 程式設計涵蓋包括額外的 SEI CERT C 編碼標準。所有與安全相關的問題在文本中都有圖示標示。
- 更新 - 額外的練習要求學生使用互聯網研究計算中的倫理和隱私問題。
- 更新 - 性能圖示標示文本中討論性能相關問題的區域。多執行緒和多核心性能的案例研究已增強。
- 新 - 常見錯誤和良好的軟體工程實踐用新的邊緣圖示標示。
- 新 - 新的教程幫助 macOS 和 Windows 使用者在跨平台的 GNU 編譯器集合 Docker 容器中編譯和運行程式。
- 更新 - 擴展的排序演算法和 Big O 演算法分析的涵蓋包含在專門的章節(第 13 章)中。
- 新 - 附錄 D 提供了物件導向程式設計基礎的使用者友好概述,以幫助學生了解不同的程式設計範式。


1.Introduction to Computers and C
2.Intro to C Programming
3.Structured Program Development
4.Program Contro
8.Characters and Strings
9.Formatted Input/Output
10.Structures, Unions, Bit Manipulation and Enumerations
11.File Processing
12.Data Structuresinary Trees
13. Computer-Science Thinking: Sorting Algorithms and Big O
15.Other Topics

A. Operator Precedence Chart
B. ASCII Character Set
C. Multithreading/Multicore and other C18/C11/C99 Topics
D. Intro to Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Online Appendices
E. Number systems
F-H.Using the Visual Studio Debugger, Using the GNU gdb Debugger, and Using theXcode Debugger


1.Introduction to Computers and C

2.Intro to C Programming

3.Structured Program Development

4.Program Contro




8.Characters and Strings

9.Formatted Input/Output

10.Structures, Unions, Bit Manipulation and Enumerations

11.File Processing

12.Data Structuresinary Trees

13. Computer-Science Thinking: Sorting Algorithms and Big O


15.Other Topics


A. Operator Precedence Chart

B. ASCII Character Set

C. Multithreading/Multicore and other C18/C11/C99 Topics

D. Intro to Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Online Appendices

E. Number systems

F-H.Using the Visual Studio Debugger, Using the GNU gdb Debugger, and Using theXcode Debugger