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Organic Chemistry, 10/e (IE-Paperback)

Leroy G. Wade and Jan W. Simek




•28Focus Features help focusstudents on analyzing key aspects of complex topics and reactions.
•Marginboxes featuring details about the lives and works of eminent scientists
Pearson eText is a simple-to-use,mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience available within Mastering.It allows students to easily highlight, take notes, and review key vocabularyall in one place, even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other richmedia engage students and give them access to the help they need, when theyneed it.
• Digitized versions of Visual Guides to Organic Reactions and Key Mechanism Boxes include videos and can be accessed through links in the eText, giving students easy access to visual explanations of mechanisms, nomenclature, and reaction summaries. Videos are also available in Mastering Chemistry.
Highlights of the Update forMastering Chemistry
• Key Mechanism and Mechanism Overview Videos are created as paired videos. Each key mechanism is covered first in an overview video that outlines the type of mechanism and the necessary background for understanding what is taking place. Then, a second video walks the students through a representative reaction of that key mechanism.
• Mechanism Practice Problems feature one-step hints and predict the product functionality on any step of selected problems if they struggle. The problems give students a place to learn through practice and to earn credit based upon completion rather than correct answers.
• Item Library is curated, reclassified, and organized into four tiers to help instructors to navigate resources in Mastering Chemistry,
• Tier 1 includes practice questions with credit for completion.
• Tier 2 includes predict the product and single-step mechanisms
• Tier 3 includes new multi-step mechanisms with hints and multi-step problems with the number of boxes and/or intermediates.
• Tier 4 includes synthesis questions.
• Ready-to-Go Study Tools are available for students to use on their own, even when their professor doesnt assign the modules. These include videos, practice quizzes, practice exams, and worked examples.


• Problem-Solving Strategies help students break down the multitude of complex problems into simpler pieces and establish thoughtful methods for approaching complicated problems. Strategies cover resonance, acid-base equilibria, and multistep synthesis.
• Over 100 problems include synthesis problems and problems based on recent literature.
Helpstudents see the relevance of organic chemistry
• Green chemistry is emphasized with presentation of less-toxic, environmentally friendly reagents in many situations, such as oxidation of alcohols with bleach rather than with chromium reagents.
• Chapter Openers focus on applications discussed in the chapter, with introductions and images for a contemporary presentation.
• Application Boxes throughout demonstrate the relevance of Organic Chemistry to students lives and areas of interest including contemporary topics such as Biochemistry, Drugs, Environment, Medicine, Fuels, Green Chemistry and Green Living.
Emphasizeorganic reactions and mechanisms
• Reaction Starbursts appear before the end of chapter material of every reaction-based chapter to help students better understand and mentally organize reactive similarities and distinctions.
• Visual Guides to Organic Reactions place the reactions covered in major chapters within the overall context of the reactions covered in the course.
• 20 Key Mechanism boxes highlight the fundamental mechanistic principles that recur throughout the course and are the basis for some of the longer, more complex mechanisms. Each describes the steps of the reaction in detail with a specific example to reinforce the mechanism and a concluding problem to help students absorb these essential reactions.
• Over 50 Mechanism boxes help students understand how specific reactions occur by zooming in on each individual step in detail.


L.G. Skip Wade After receiving his B.A. from Ricein 1969, Wade went on to Harvard University, where he did research withProfessor James D. White. While at Harvard, he served as the Head TeachingFellow for the organic laboratories and was strongly influenced by the teachingmethods of two master educators, Professors Leonard K. Nash and Frank

H.Westheimer. After completing his Ph.D. at Harvard in 1974, Dr. Wade joined thechemistry faculty at Colorado State University. Over the course of fifteenyears at Colorado State, Dr. Wade taught organic chemistry to thousands ofstudents working toward careers in all areas of biology, chemistry, humanmedicine, veterinary medicine, and environmental studies. He also authoredresearch papers in organic synthesis and in chemical education, as well as elevenbooks reviewing current research in organic synthesis. Since 1989, Dr. Wade hasbeen a chemistry professor at Whitman College, where he teaches organicchemistry and pursues interests in organic synthesis and forensic chemistry.Dr. Wade received the A.E. Lange Award for Distinguished Science Teaching atWhitman in 1993.

Jan Simek was born to humble coal-miningparents who taught him to appreciate the importance of carbon at a very earlyage. At age 14, he was inspired to pursue a career teaching chemistry by hishigh school chemistry teacher, Joe Plaskas. Under the guidance of ProfessorKurt Kaufman at Kalamazoo College, Dr. Simek began lab work in synthesis ofnatural products that turned into research in hop extracts for the KalamazooSpice Extraction Company. After receiving a masters degree from StanfordUniversity, Dr. Simek worked in the pharmaceutical industry, synthesizingcompounds designed to control diabetes and atherosclerosis, and assisted in theisolation of anti-cancer antibiotics from natural sources. Returning toStanford University, Dr. Simek completed his Ph.D. with the legendary ProfessorCarl Djerassi, who developed the first synthesis of steroidal oralcontraceptives.


1. Structure and Bonding
2. Acids and Bases: Functional Groups
3. Structure and Stereochemistry of Alkanes
4. The Study of Chemical Reactions
5. Stereochemistry
6. Alkyl Halides. Nucleophilic Substitution
7. Structure and Synthesis of Alkenes; Elimination
8. Reactions of Alkenes
9. Alkynes
10. Structure and Synthesis of Alcohols
11. Reactions of Alcohols
12. Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry
13. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
14. Ethers, Epoxides and Thioethers
15. Conjugated Systems, Orbital Symmetry, and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
16. Aromatic Compounds
17. Reactions of Aromatic Compounds
18. Ketones and Aldehydes
19. Amines
20. Carboxylic Acids
21. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives
22. Condensations and Alpha Substitutions of Carbonyl Compounds
23. Carbohydrates and Nucleic Acids
24. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
25. Lipids
26. Synthetic Polymers
Answers to Selected Problems