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General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life, 6/e (GE-Paperback)
暫譯: 一般、有機及生物化學:生命的結構,第6版 (GE-平裝本)

Karen C. Timberlake






For courses in General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry


Make connections between chemistry and future health-related careers

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life engages students by helping them see the connections between chemistry, the world around them, and future health-related careers. Known for its friendly writing style, student focus, robust problem-solving pedagogy, and engaging health-related applications, the text prepares students for their careers. The text breaks chemical concepts and problem solving into clear, manageable pieces to ensure students stay on track and motivated throughout their first, and often only, chemistry course.


With the newly revised 6th Edition, best-selling author Karen Timberlake and new contributing author MaryKay Orgill connect chemistry to real-world and career applications. Their goal is to help students become critical thinkers by understanding scientific concepts that will form a basis for making important decisions about issues concerning health and the environment and their intended careers.


The new edition introduces more problem-solving strategies, more problem-solving guides, new Analyze the Problem with Connect features, new Try It First and Engage features, conceptual and challenge problems, and new sets of combined problems–all to help students develop the problem-solving skills they’ll need beyond the classroom.


Also available with Mastering Chemistry or as an easy-to-use, standalone Pearson eText

Mastering™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and often improves results for each student. Learn more about Mastering Chemistry.


Pearson eText allows educators to easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their reading and what they learn in class–motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning. Portable access lets students study on the go, even offline. And, reading analytics offer insight into how students use the eText, helping educators tailor their instruction. Learn more about Pearson eText.




Career Focus Engages Students

  • New and Updated - Chapter-opening Clinical Career focus provide engaging stories relating how chemistry is used daily in contemporary health-related professions and introduce the chemical concepts in each chapter. The chapter openers are now more clinically oriented with each story revisited with a Clinical Update at the end of chapter.
  • New - Clinical Updates appears in the end-of-chapter material for each chapter and revisits the story from the Chapter-opening Career focus in the context of the chemistry learned in the chapter. Clinical Updates describe the follow-up treatment and provide additional application problems. Icons throughout the text highlight Clinical Update problems and provide examples of how allied health professionals use chemistry daily in their careers.
  • New - Clinical Applications added to Practice Problems show the relevance between the chemistry content and medicine and health.
  • Chemistry Links to Health and Environment throughout the text relate chemistry concepts to real-life topics in health, the environment, and medicine that interest students.
  • Updated - Practice Problems, Sample Problems, and art demonstrate the connection between the chemistry being discussed and how these skills will be needed in professional experience.

Builds Students’ Critical-Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

  • New - Review topics appear in the margin at the beginning of a Section, listing the Key Math Skills and Core Chemistry Skills from the previous chapters.
  • New - Engage feature in the margin asks students to think about the paragraph they are reading and to test their understanding by answering the Engage question.
  • New - Strategies for Learning Chemistry describe successful ways to study and learn chemistry.
  • New - Expanded Study Checks in Sample Problems now contain multiple questions to give students additional self-testing practice.
  • Updated - Concept Maps reflect the text’s new design. A Concept Map at the end of each chapter shows how all the key concepts fit together, encouraging learning with a visual guide to the interrelationship among all the concepts in each chapter.
  • New - Try It First features have been added to each Sample Problem between the Question and the Solution. They remind students that the effort of attempting to solve a problem before looking at a solution helps to connect to newly learned ideas, practice retrieval of information, identify gaps in understanding, identify how ideas are related, and show them how to change their approach to the problem in the future.
  • Updated - Analyze the Problem features included in the Solutions of the Sample Problems strengthen critical-thinking skills and illustrate the breakdown of a word problem into the components required to solve it.
  • New - Connect feature added to Analyze the Problem boxes indicates the relationships between Given and Need.
  • Updated - Combining Ideas features offer sets of  integrated problems that test students’ understanding and develop critical thinking by integrating topics from two or more previous chapters.
  • New - The STEPs in the Sample Problems include a worked-out Solution plan for solving the problem.
  • New - TEST feature added in the margin encourages students to solve related Practice Problems to practice retrieval of content for exams.
  • Expanded - Analyze the Problem features are included in the solutions to the Sample Problems to strengthen critical-thinking skills and to help students break down word problems into the components required to solve them.

Content Updates

  • Updated - Biochemistry chapters 15, 17, 19 to 24 strengthen connections between sections, and include new Study Checks and new Chemistry Links to Health such as Dental Cavities and Xylitol Gum, A Prostaglandin-like Medication for Glaucoma That Also Thickens Eyelashes, and Taking Advantage of Enzyme Inhibition to Treat Cancer.
  • Additional Questions at the end of chapter provide further study and application of the topics from the entire chapter, while Challenge Questions provide complex questions that promote critical thinking, group work, or cooperative learning environments.


### 內容描述








隨著新修訂的**第六版**,暢銷作者Karen Timberlake和新貢獻作者MaryKay Orgill將化學與現實世界及職業應用相連結。他們的目標是幫助學生成為批判性思考者,理解將成為關於健康、環境及其預期職業的重要決策基礎的科學概念。




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### 特點



- **新更新 - 章節開頭的臨床職業焦點**提供引人入勝的故事,說明化學如何在當代健康相關職業中每日使用,並介紹每章的化學概念。章節開頭現在更具臨床導向,每個故事在章末都有臨床更新的回顧。
- **新 - 臨床更新**出現在每章的章末材料中,並在學習的化學背景下重新檢視章節開頭的職業焦點故事。臨床更新描述後續治療並提供額外的應用問題。**圖示**在文本中突出顯示臨床更新問題,並提供健康專業人員如何在其職業中每日使用化學的例子。
- **新 - 臨床應用**添加到練習問題中,顯示化學內容與醫學和健康之間的相關性。
- **化學與健康和環境的聯繫**貫穿整本書,將化學概念與學生感興趣的健康、環境和醫學的現實主題相關聯。
- **更新 - 練習問題、範例問題和插圖**展示了所討論的化學與這些技能在專業經驗中所需的聯繫。


- **新 - 回顧主題**出現在每個部分的邊緣,列出前幾章的關鍵數學技能和核心化學技能。
- **新 - 參與**功能在邊緣中要求學生思考他們正在閱讀的段落,並通過回答參與問題來測試他們的理解。
- **新 - 學習化學的策略**描述成功的學習和學習化學的方法。
- **新 - 擴展的學習檢查在範例問題中**現在包含多個問題,為學生提供額外的自我測試練習。
- **更新 - 概念圖**反映了文本的新設計。每章末尾的概念圖顯示所有關鍵概念如何相互關聯,鼓勵以視覺指導學習每章中的所有概念之間的相互關係。
- **新 - 先試試**功能已添加到每個範例問題的問題和解答之間。它們提醒學生在查看解答之前嘗試解決問題的努力有助於連結新學到的想法、練習信息檢索、識別理解中的空白、識別想法之間的關聯,並顯示他們如何在未來改變解決問題的方法。
- **更新 - 分析問題功能**包含在範例問題的解答中,加強批判性思考技能,並說明如何將文字問題分解為解決所需的組件。
- **新 - 連結**功能添加到**分析問題框**中,指示給定和需求之間的關係。
- **更新 - 結合想法**功能提供一組綜合問題,測試學生的理解並通過整合來自兩個或多個前幾章的主題來發展批判性思考。
- **新 - 範例問題中的步驟**包括解決問題的詳細解決計劃。
- **新 - 測試功能**在邊緣中鼓勵學生解決相關的練習問題,以練習考試內容的檢索。
- **擴展 - 分析問題**功能包含在範例問題的解答中,以加強批判性思考技能,並幫助學生將文字問題分解為解決所需的組件。


- **更新 - 生物化學第15、17、19至24章**加強各部分之間的聯繫,並包括新的學習檢查和新的化學與健康的聯繫,例如牙齒蛀洞和木糖醇口香糖、類前列腺素藥物治療青光眼且可增厚睫毛,以及利用酶抑制治療癌症。
- **章末的附加問題**提供進一步的學習和應用整章的主題,而挑戰問題則提供促進批判性思考、小組合作或合作學習環境的複雜問題。


Table of Contents

1.   Chemistry in Our Lives

2.   Chemistry and Measurements

3.   Matter and Energy

4.   Atoms and Elements

5.   Nuclear Chemistry

6.   Ionic and Molecular Compounds

7.   Chemical Reactions and Quantities

8.   Gases

9.   Solutions

10.   Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium

11.   Acids and Bases

12.   Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons

13.   Alcohols, Phenols, Thiols, and Ethers

14.   Aldehydes and Ketones

15.   Carbohydrates

16.   Carboxylic Acids and Esters

17.   Lipids

18.   Amines and Amides

19.   Amino Acids and Proteins

20.   Enzymes and Vitamins

21.   Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

22.   Metabolic Pathways for Carbohydrates

23.   Metabolism and Energy Production

24.   Metabolic Pathways for Lipids and Amino Acids


Table of Contents

1.   Chemistry in Our Lives

2.   Chemistry and Measurements

3.   Matter and Energy

4.   Atoms and Elements

5.   Nuclear Chemistry

6.   Ionic and Molecular Compounds

7.   Chemical Reactions and Quantities

8.   Gases

9.   Solutions

10.   Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium

11.   Acids and Bases

12.   Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons

13.   Alcohols, Phenols, Thiols, and Ethers

14.   Aldehydes and Ketones

15.   Carbohydrates

16.   Carboxylic Acids and Esters

17.   Lipids

18.   Amines and Amides

19.   Amino Acids and Proteins

20.   Enzymes and Vitamins

21.   Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

22.   Metabolic Pathways for Carbohydrates

23.   Metabolism and Energy Production

24.   Metabolic Pathways for Lipids and Amino Acids