Business Statistics A Decision-Making Approach, 9/e (NIE-Paperback)

Patrick W., Fry, Phillip C, Smith, Kent D Groebner David F. Shannon




Were you looking for the book with access to MyStatLab? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyStatLab. Buy the book and access card package to save money on this resource. For one or two semester Business Statistics courses. A direct approach to business statistics, ordered in a signature step-by-step framework. Students could have a competitive edge over new graduates and experienced employees if they know how to apply statistical analysis skills to real-world, decision-making problems. To help students achieve this advantage, Business Statistics uses a direct approach that consistently presents concepts and techniques in way that benefits students of all mathematical backgrounds. This text also contains engaging business examples to show the relevance of business statistics in action. The eighth edition provides even more learning aids to help students understand the material.