Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals in SI Units, 13/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: 托馬斯微積分:早期超越數學(國際版,紙本)第13版

George Thomas



Were you looking for the book with access to MyMathLab Global? This product is the book alone and does NOT come with access to MyMathLab Global. Buy Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals in SI Units, 13th edition with MyMathLab Global access card (ISBN 9781292163543) if you need access to MyMathLab Global as well, and save money on this resource. You will also need a course ID from your instructor to access MyMathLab Global. This text is designed for a three-semester or four-quarter calculus course (math, engineering, and science majors). Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Thirteenth Edition, introduces students to the intrinsic beauty of calculus and the power of its applications. For more than half a century, this text has been revered for its clear and precise explanations, thoughtfully chosen examples, superior figures, and time-tested exercise sets. With this new edition, the exercises were refined, updated, and expanded-always with the goal of developing technical competence while furthering students' appreciation of the subject. Co-authors Hass and Weir have made it their passion to improve the text in keeping with the shifts in both the preparation and ambitions of today's students. The text is available with a robust MyMathLab (R) course-an online homework, tutorial, and study solution. In addition to interactive multimedia features like lecture videos and eBook, nearly 9,000 algorithmic exercises are available for students to get the practice they need.


您是否在尋找包含 MyMathLab Global 學習平台的書籍?這本產品僅為書籍本身,並不包含 MyMathLab Global 的訪問權限。如果您需要 MyMathLab Global 的訪問權限,請購買 Thomas 的《微積分:早期超越篇(SI 單位,第 13 版)》並附帶 MyMathLab Global 訪問卡(ISBN 9781292163543),這樣可以節省資源費用。您還需要從您的講師那裡獲取課程 ID 以訪問 MyMathLab Global。本書設計用於三學期或四學季的微積分課程(數學、工程和科學專業)。Thomas 的《微積分:早期超越篇,第 13 版》向學生介紹了微積分的內在美和其應用的力量。這本書在過去的半個世紀中因其清晰而精確的解釋、精心挑選的範例、優秀的圖形以及經得起時間考驗的練習題集而受到推崇。在這一新版中,練習題經過精煉、更新和擴展,始終以培養技術能力和增進學生對該學科的欣賞為目標。共同作者 Hass 和 Weir 將改善文本作為他們的熱情,以符合當今學生的準備和抱負的變化。該文本可與強大的 MyMathLab (R) 課程一起使用,這是一個在線作業、教程和學習解決方案。除了互動多媒體功能,如講座視頻和電子書外,還提供近 9,000 道算法練習題,供學生進行所需的練習。