Elementary Statistics, 3/e (Paperback) (初級統計學 (第三版))

William Navidi , Barry Monk



  • Navidi/Monk, Elementary Statistics was developed around three central themes – Clarity, Quality, and Accuracy. These central themes were born out of extensive market research and feedback from statistics instructors across the country. The authors paid close attention to how material is presented to students, ensuring that the content in the text is very clear, concise, and digestible. High quality exercises, examples and integration of technology are important aspects of an Introductory Statistics text. The authors have provided robust exercise sets that range in difficulty. They have also focused keen attention to ensure that examples provide clear instruction to students. Technology is integrated throughout the text, providing students examples of how to use the TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculators, Microsoft Excel and Minitab. The accuracy of Elementary Statistics was a foundational principle always on the minds of the authors. While this certainly pertains to all aspects of the text, the authors also exhausted energy in ensuring the supplements have been developed to fit cohesively with the text.


《Navidi/Monk, Elementary Statistics》圍繞著三個核心主題 - 「清晰度、品質和準確性」 - 進行開發。這些核心主題源於廣泛的市場研究和全國統計學教師的反饋。作者們密切關注教材如何呈現給學生,確保內容非常清晰、簡潔和易於理解。高品質的練習題、例題和技術整合是入門統計學教材的重要方面。作者們提供了一系列難度不同的豐富練習題。他們還特別關注確保例題能夠清晰地指導學生。教材中融入了技術,為學生提供了如何使用TI-84 Plus圖形計算器、Microsoft Excel和Minitab的示例。《Elementary Statistics》的準確性是作者們始終牢記的基本原則。雖然這當然涉及教材的所有方面,但作者們也花費了大量精力確保補充材料與教材的內容相互協調一致。


  • William Navidi, Colorado School of Mines
    Barry Monk, Middle Georgia State University


  • William Navidi, 科羅拉多礦業學院

    Barry Monk, 中喬治亞州立大學


  • Chapter 1: Basic Ideas
    Chapter 2: Graphical Summaries of Data
    Chapter 3: Numerical Summaries of Data
    Chapter 4: Summarizing Bivariate Data
    Chapter 5: Probability
    Chapter 6: Discrete Probability Distributions
    Chapter 7: The Normal Distribution
    Chapter 8: Confidence Intervals
    Chapter 9: Hypothesis Testing
    Chapter 10: Two-Sample Confidence Intervals
    Chapter 11: Two-Sample Hypothesis Tests
    Chapter 12: Tests with Qualitative Data
    Chapter 13: Inference in Linear Models
    Chapter 14: Analysis of Variance
    Chapter 15: Nonparametric Statistics


  • 第1章: 基本概念

    第2章: 數據的圖形摘要

    第3章: 數據的數值摘要

    第4章: 雙變量數據的摘要

    第5章: 概率

    第6章: 離散概率分佈

    第7章: 正態分佈

    第8章: 信賴區間

    第9章: 假設檢驗

    第10章: 兩樣本信賴區間

    第11章: 兩樣本假設檢驗

    第12章: 質性數據的檢驗

    第13章: 線性模型的推論

    第14章: 變異數分析

    第15章: 非參數統計