Event-based systems are a class of reactive systems deployed in a wide spectrum of engineering disciplines including control, communication, signal processing, and electronic instrumentation. Activities in event-based systems are triggered in response to events usually representing a significant change of the state of controlled or monitored physical variables. Event-based systems adopt a model of calls for resources only if it is necessary, and therefore, they are characterized by efficient utilization of communication bandwidth, computation capability, and energy budget. Currently, the economical use of constrained technical resources is a critical issue in various application domains because many systems become increasingly networked, wireless, and spatially distributed.
Event-Based Control and Signal Processing examines the event-based paradigm in control, communication, and signal processing, with a focus on implementation in networked sensor and control systems. Featuring 23 chapters contributed by more than 60 leading researchers from around the world, this book covers:
- Methods of analysis and design of event-based control and signal processing
- Event-driven control and optimization of hybrid systems
- Decentralized event-triggered control
- Periodic event-triggered control
- Model-based event-triggered control and event-triggered generalized predictive control
- Event-based intermittent control in man and machine
- Event-based PID controllers
- Event-based state estimation
- Self-triggered and team-triggered control
- Event-triggered and time-triggered real-time architectures for embedded systems
- Event-based continuous-time signal acquisition and DSP
- Statistical event-based signal processing in distributed detection and estimation
- Asynchronous spike event coding technique with address event representation
- Event-based processing of non-stationary signals
- Event-based digital (FIR and IIR) filters
- Event-based local bandwidth estimation and signal reconstruction
Event-Based Control and Signal Processing is the first extensive study on both event-based control and event-based signal processing, presenting scientific contributions at the cutting edge of modern science and engineering.
- 事件驅動控制和信號處理的分析與設計方法
- 混合系統的事件驅動控制與優化
- 去中心化的事件觸發控制
- 週期性事件觸發控制
- 基於模型的事件觸發控制和事件觸發的廣義預測控制
- 人機之間的事件驅動間歇控制
- 事件驅動的PID控制器
- 事件驅動的狀態估計
- 自觸發和團隊觸發控制
- 嵌入式系統的事件觸發和時間觸發實時架構
- 事件驅動的連續時間信號獲取和數字信號處理(DSP)
- 分佈式檢測和估計中的統計事件驅動信號處理
- 帶地址事件表示的非同步脈衝事件編碼技術
- 事件驅動的非平穩信號處理
- 事件驅動的數字濾波器(FIR和IIR)
- 事件驅動的局部頻寬估計和信號重建
Marek Miskowicz received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in electronic engineering, and his D.Sc. in communication systems engineering, from AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland, where he is currently an associate professor in the Department of Electronics. He has been involved in research on industrial networked communication systems including send-on-delta paradigm, methods and architectures for asynchronous analog-to-digital conversion, and signal recovery based on event-triggered sampling. Dr. Miśkowicz has authored more than 100 scientific publications and holds more than 20 patents related to event-based signal processing and instrumentation. He was a co-founder of the International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing, EBCCSP.
Marek Miskowicz 於波蘭克拉科夫的 AGH 科技大學獲得電子工程碩士及博士學位,並獲得通信系統工程的博士後學位,目前擔任電子系的副教授。他參與了工業網絡通信系統的研究,包括 send-on-delta 範式、非同步類比到數位轉換的方法與架構,以及基於事件觸發取樣的信號恢復。Miskowicz 博士已發表超過 100 篇科學出版物,並擁有超過 20 項與基於事件的信號處理和儀器相關的專利。他是基於事件的控制、通信和信號處理國際會議(EBCCSP)的共同創辦人。