Principles of Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications (Paperback)
暫譯: 無線應用的通信系統模擬原則 (平裝本)

William H. Tranter, K. Sam Shanmugan, Theodore S. Rappaport, Kurt L. Kosbar




For one-semester graduate-level Electrical Engineering courses covering simulation-based design and analysis of communication systems, as well as a reference for professional engineers responsible for the design or analysis of communication systems, or professionals who wish to learn computer-based simulation techniques.

This book presents a comprehensive overview of computer-based simulation models and methodologies for communication systems. Because such models are a useful and necessary tool in the design, analysis, and performance of communication systems as well as a means of evaluating design changes in these systems, Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Communication Systems with Wireless Applications uses MATLAB as a basis for developing effective computer-based simulations. Such simulations are intended to capture the essential features of the system to assure accurate results while minimizing the complexity of the model, ensuring execution of the simulation code in a reasonable amount of time. Among the fundamental topics covered are probability, random, process, and estimation theory and their roles in the design of computer-based simulations.

Table of Contents:



1. The Role of Simulation.

Examples of Complexity. Multidisciplinary Aspects of Simulation. Models. Deterministic and Stochastic Simulations. The Role of Simulation. Software Packages for Simulation. A Word of Warning. The Use of MATLAB. Outline of the Book. Further Reading.

2. Simulation Methodology.

Introduction. Aspects of Methodology. Performance Estimation. Summary. Further Reading. Problems.


3. Sampling and Quantizing.

Sampling. Quantizing. Reconstruction and Interpolation. The Simulation Sampling Frequency. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems.

4. Lowpass Simulation Models for Bandpass Signals and Systems.

The Lowpass Complex Envelope for Bandpass Signals. Linear Bandpass Systems. Multicarrier Signals. Nonlinear and Time-Varying Systems. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: MATLAB Program QAMDEMO. Appendix B: Proof of Input-Output Relationship.

5. Filter Models and Simulation Techniques.

Introduction. IIR and FIR Filters. IIR and FIR Filter Implementations. IIR Filters: Synthesis Techniques and Filter Characteristics. FIR Filters: Synthesis Techniques and Filter Characteristics. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: Raised Cosine Pulse Example. Appendix B: Square Root Raised Cosine Pulse Example. Appendix C: MATLAB Code and Data for Example 5.11.

6. Case Study: Phase-Locked Loops and Differential Equation Methods.

Basic Phase-Locked Loop Concepts. First-Order and Second-Order Loops. Case Study: Simulating the PLL. Solving Differential Equations Using Simulation. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: PLL Simulation Program. Appendix B: Preprocessor for PLL Example Simulation. Appendix C: PLL Postprocessor. Appendix D: MATLAB Code for Example 6.3.

7. Generating and Processing Random Signals.

Stationary and Ergodic Processes. Uniform Random Number Generators. Mapping Uniform RVs to an Arbitrary pdf. Generating Uncorrelated Gaussian Random Numbers. Generating Correlated Gaussian Random Numbers. Establishing a pdf and a PSD. PN Sequence Generators. Signal Processing. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: MATLAB Code for Example 7.11. Main Program: c7 Jakes.m.

8. Postprocessing.

Basic Graphical Techniques. Estimation. Coding. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: MATLAB Code for Example 8.1.

9. Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods.

Fundamental Concepts. Application to Communications Systems—The AWGN Channel. Monte Carlo Integration. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems.

10. Monte Carlo Simulation of Communication Systems.

Two Monte Carlo Examples. Semianalytic Techniques. Summary. References. Problems. Appendix A: Simulation Code for Example 10.1. Appendix B: Simulation Code for Example 10.2. Appendix C: Simulation Code for Example 10.3. Appendix D: Simulation Code for Example 10.4.

11. Methodology for Simulating a Wireless System.

System-Level Simplifications and Sampling Rate Considerations. Overall Methodology. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems.


12. Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinearities.

Introduction. Modeling and Simulation of Memoryless Nonlinearities. Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinearities with Memory. Techniques for Solving Nonlinear Differential Equations. PLL Example. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: Saleh's Model. Appendix B: MATLAB Code for Example 12.2.

13. Modeling and Simulation of Time-Varying Systems.

Introduction. Models for LTV Systems. Random Process Models. Simulation Models for LTV Systems. MATLAB Examples. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: Code for MATLAB Example 1. Appendix B: Code for MATLAB Example 2.

14. Modeling and Simulation of Waveform Channels.

Introduction. Wired and Guided Wave Channels. Radio Channels. Multipath Fading Channels. Modeling Multipath Fading Channels. Random Process Models. Simulation Methodology. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: MATLAB Code for Example 14.1. Appendix B: MATLAB Code for Example 14.2.

15. Discrete Channel Models.

Introduction. Discrete Memoryless Channel Models. Markov Models for Discrete Channels with Memory. Example HMMs—Gilbert and Fritchman Models. Estimation of Markov Model Parameters. Two Examples. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: Error Vector Generation. Appendix B: The Baum-Welch Algorithm. Appendix C: The Semi-Hidden Markov Model. Appendix D: Run-Length Code Generation. Appendix E: Determination of Error-Free Distribution.

16. Efficient Simulation Techniques.

Tail Extrapolation. pdf Estimators. Importance Sampling. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: MATLAB Code for Example 16.3.

17. Case Study: Simulation of a Cellular Radio System.

Introduction. Cellular Radio System. Simulation Methodology. Summary. Further Reading. References. Problems. Appendix A: Program for Generating the Erlang B Chart. Appendix B: Initialization Code for Simulation. Appendix C: Modeling Co-Channel Interference. Appendix D: MATLAB Code for Wilkinson's Method.

18. Two Example Simulations.

A Code-Division Multiple Access System. FDM System with a Nonlinear Satellite Transponder. References. Appendix A: MATLAB Code for CDMA Example. Appendix B: Preprocessors for CDMA Application. Appendix C: MATLAB Function c18 errvector.m. Appendix D: MATLAB Code for Satellite FDM Example.

About The Authors.



本書提供了通信系統的基於計算機的模擬模型和方法論的全面概述。由於這些模型在通信系統的設計、分析和性能中是有用且必要的工具,並且是評估這些系統設計變更的手段,《具有無線應用的通信系統計算機輔助設計與分析》以 MATLAB 為基礎來開發有效的基於計算機的模擬。這些模擬旨在捕捉系統的基本特徵,以確保準確的結果,同時最小化模型的複雜性,確保模擬代碼在合理的時間內執行。涵蓋的基本主題包括概率、隨機過程和估計理論及其在基於計算機的模擬設計中的作用。


I. 介紹。
1. 模擬的角色。
複雜性的例子。模擬的多學科方面。模型。確定性和隨機模擬。模擬的角色。模擬軟體包。警告。MATLAB 的使用。本書大綱。進一步閱讀。

2. 模擬方法論。

II. 基本概念和技術。
3. 取樣和量化。

4. 用於帶通信號和系統的低通模擬模型。
帶通信號的低通複雜包絡。線性帶通系統。多載波信號。非線性和時變系統。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:MATLAB 程式 QAMDEMO。附錄 B:輸入-輸出關係的證明。

5. 濾波器模型和模擬技術。
介紹。IIR 和 FIR 濾波器。IIR 和 FIR 濾波器的實現。IIR 濾波器:合成技術和濾波器特性。FIR 濾波器:合成技術和濾波器特性。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:升餘弦脈衝範例。附錄 B:平方根升餘弦脈衝範例。附錄 C:範例 5.11 的 MATLAB 代碼和數據。

6. 案例研究:鎖相迴路和微分方程方法。
鎖相迴路的基本概念。一階和二階迴路。案例研究:模擬 PLL。使用模擬解決微分方程。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:PLL 模擬程式。附錄 B:PLL 範例模擬的預處理器。附錄 C:PLL 後處理器。附錄 D:範例 6.3 的 MATLAB 代碼。

7. 生成和處理隨機信號。
平穩和遍歷過程。均勻隨機數生成器。將均勻隨機變量映射到任意概率密度函數。生成不相關的高斯隨機數。生成相關的高斯隨機數。建立概率密度函數和功率譜密度。PN 序列生成器。信號處理。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:範例 7.11 的 MATLAB 代碼。主程式:c7 Jakes.m。

8. 後處理。
基本圖形技術。估計。編碼。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:範例 8.1 的 MATLAB 代碼。

9. 蒙地卡羅方法介紹。
基本概念。應用於通信系統——AWGN 通道。蒙地卡羅積分。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。

10. 通信系統的蒙地卡羅模擬。
兩個蒙地卡羅範例。半解析技術。總結。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:範例 10.1 的模擬代碼。附錄 B:範例 10.2 的模擬代碼。附錄 C:範例 10.3 的模擬代碼。附錄 D:範例 10.4 的模擬代碼。

11. 無線系統模擬的方法論。

III. 進階模型和模擬技術。
12. 非線性建模和模擬。
介紹。無記憶非線性的建模和模擬。具有記憶的非線性建模和模擬。解決非線性微分方程的技術。PLL 範例。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:Saleh 模型。附錄 B:範例 12.2 的 MATLAB 代碼。

13. 時變系統的建模和模擬。
介紹。LTV 系統的模型。隨機過程模型。LTV 系統的模擬模型。MATLAB 範例。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:MATLAB 範例 1 的代碼。附錄 B:MATLAB 範例 2 的代碼。

14. 波形通道的建模和模擬。
介紹。有線和導波通道。無線電通道。多徑衰落通道。建模多徑衰落通道。隨機過程模型。模擬方法論。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:範例 14.1 的 MATLAB 代碼。附錄 B:範例 14.2 的 MATLAB 代碼。

15. 離散通道模型。
介紹。離散無記憶通道模型。具有記憶的離散通道的馬可夫模型。範例 HMM——Gilbert 和 Fritchman 模型。馬可夫模型參數的估計。兩個範例。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:錯誤向量生成。附錄 B:Baum-Welch 演算法。附錄 C:半隱藏馬可夫模型。附錄 D:長度碼生成。附錄 E:無錯誤分佈的確定。

16. 高效模擬技術。
尾部外推。概率密度函數估計。重要性取樣。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:範例 16.3 的 MATLAB 代碼。

17. 案例研究:蜂窩無線系統的模擬。
介紹。蜂窩無線系統。模擬方法論。總結。進一步閱讀。參考文獻。問題。附錄 A:生成 Erlang B 圖表的程式。附錄 B:模擬的初始化代碼。附錄 C:建模同頻干擾。附錄 D:Wilkinson 方法的 MATLAB 代碼。

18. 兩個範例模擬。
一個碼分多重存取系統。具有非線性衛星轉發器的頻分多重存取系統。參考文獻。附錄 A:CDMA 範例的 MATLAB 代碼。附錄 B:CDMA 應用的預處理器。附錄 C:MATLAB 函數 c18 errvector.m。附錄 D:衛星頻分多重存取範例的 MATLAB 代碼。
