Internet Infrastructure: Networking, Web Services, and Cloud Computing (Hardcover)
暫譯: 網際網路基礎設施:網路、網路服務與雲端運算 (精裝版)

Richard Fox, Wei Hao


Internet Infrastructure: Networking, Web Services, and Cloud Computing provides a comprehensive introduction to networks and the Internet from several perspectives: the underlying media, the protocols, the hardware, the servers, and their uses. The material in the text is divided into concept chapters that are followed up with case study chapters that examine how to install, configure, and secure a server that offers the given service discussed.

The book covers in detail the Bind DNS name server, the Apache web server, and the Squid proxy server. It also provides background on those servers by discussing DNS, DHCP, HTTP, HTTPS, digital certificates and encryption, web caches, and the variety of protocols that support web caching.

Introductory networking content, as well as advanced Internet content, is also included in chapters on networks, LANs and WANs, TCP/IP, TCP/IP tools, cloud computing, and an examination of the Amazon Cloud Service.

Online resources include supplementary content that is available via the textbook’s companion website, as well useful resources for faculty and students alike, including: a complete lab manual; power point notes, for installing, configuring, securing and experimenting with many of the servers discussed in the text; power point notes; animation tutorials to illustrate some of the concepts; two appendices; and complete input/output listings for the example Amazon cloud operations covered in the book.


網際網路基礎設施:網路、網路服務與雲端運算》從多個角度提供了對網路和網際網路的全面介紹: 底層媒介、協定、硬體、伺服器及其用途。文本中的材料分為概念章節,隨後是案例研究章節,探討如何安裝、配置和保護提供所討論服務的伺服器。

本書詳細介紹了 Bind DNS 名稱伺服器、Apache 網頁伺服器和 Squid 代理伺服器。它還通過討論 DNS、DHCP、HTTP、HTTPS、數位證書和加密、網頁快取以及支持網頁快取的各種協定,提供了這些伺服器的背景知識。

入門級的網路內容以及進階的網際網路內容也包含在有關網路、區域網路 (LAN) 和廣域網路 (WAN)、TCP/IP、TCP/IP 工具、雲端運算以及對 Amazon Cloud Service 的檢視的章節中。

線上資源包括透過教科書的伴隨網站提供的補充內容,以及對教職員和學生都有用的資源,包括:完整的實驗手冊;用於安裝、配置、保護和實驗文本中討論的許多伺服器的 PowerPoint 笔记;動畫教學以說明某些概念;兩個附錄;以及書中涵蓋的 Amazon 雲端操作的完整輸入/輸出清單。

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