Applied Electromagnetics : Early Transmission Lines Approach (Paperback)
暫譯: 應用電磁學:早期傳輸線方法 (平裝本)

Stuart M. Wentworth





The revolution in wireless communications calls for a new focus in the electrical engineering curriculum. Stuart M. Wentworth fills that need with his new Applied Electromagnetics: A Transmission Lines First Approach. Incorporating the popular MATLAB program throughout, it features practical applications for wireless systems, transmission lines, waveguides (including optical fiber), antennas, and microwave systems. Designed for use in a one- or two-semester sequence at the junior and senior level, it offers students both detailed theoretical grounding and hands-on experience in harmony with today’s professional practice.


MATLAB examples found throughout the book
Numerical simulation helps students understand theory
•MATLAB 2.3 shows when connecting wire must be treated as transmission line. The student can see WHY the T-Line model is required, rather than just accepting some minimum length criteria on faith.
•In MATLAB example 8.4, a movie is created showing the radiation pattern from a dipole antenna as its length changes.
Many homework problems draw on the MATLAB examples
Simulations can point out when ideal theory can be applied to actual situations
•In MATLAB problem 2.18, students are asked to compare the field from a segment of charge to the field from an infinite length line of charge. The problem is similar to MATLAB example 2.3, so the programming is not difficult. Students are able to see that theory for an unrealistic infinite line can be put into practice in some situations.
Example Problems
•Students see the detailed steps needed to solve typical problems
Drill Problems
•Simple problems reinforce problem solving concepts
•Students working through the drill problems will have an easier time with the end-of-chapter problems
Practical Applications
•Illustrates practical nature of electromagnetic theory to motivate students
•Applications include loudspeakers, laser printers, microwave ovens and magnetic levitated trains



無線通信的革命要求電機工程課程有新的重點。Stuart M. Wentworth 以他的著作《應用電磁學:以傳輸線為首的方式》滿足了這一需求。本書貫穿使用流行的 MATLAB 程式,並針對無線系統、傳輸線、波導(包括光纖)、天線和微波系統提供實用應用。設計用於大三和大四的單學期或雙學期課程,它為學生提供了詳細的理論基礎和與當前專業實踐相一致的實作經驗。


書中隨處可見的 MATLAB 範例
• MATLAB 2.3 顯示何時連接線必須視為傳輸線。學生可以看到為什麼需要 T-Line 模型,而不僅僅是接受某些最小長度標準。
• 在 MATLAB 範例 8.4 中,創建了一部電影,顯示了偶極天線在其長度變化時的輻射模式。
許多作業問題基於 MATLAB 範例
• 在 MATLAB 問題 2.18 中,要求學生比較一段電荷的場與無限長電荷線的場。這個問題類似於 MATLAB 範例 2.3,因此編程並不困難。學生能夠看到不切實際的無限長電線的理論在某些情況下可以付諸實踐。
• 學生看到解決典型問題所需的詳細步驟
• 簡單問題加強問題解決概念
• 通過練習問題的學生在章末問題上會更輕鬆
• 說明電磁理論的實用性以激勵學生
• 應用包括揚聲器、激光印表機、微波爐和磁懸浮列車


CHAPTER 1. Introduction.
CHAPTER 2. Transmission Lines.
CHAPTER 3. Electrostatics.
CHAPTER 4. Magnetostatics.
CHAPTER 5. Dynamic Fields.
CHAPTER 6. Plane Waves.
CHAPTER 7. Waveguides.
CHAPTER 8. Antennas.
CHAPTER 9. Electromagnetic Interference.
CHAPTER 10. Microwave Engineering.
APPENDIX A. Vector Relations
APPENDIX B. Coordinate System Transformations.
APPENDIX C. Complex Numbers.
APPENDIX D. Integrals, Conversions, and Constants.
APPENDIX E. Material Properties.
APPENDIX F. Common MATLAB Math Functions.
APPENDIX G. Answers to Selected Problems.


CHAPTER 1. Introduction.

CHAPTER 2. Transmission Lines.

CHAPTER 3. Electrostatics.

CHAPTER 4. Magnetostatics.

CHAPTER 5. Dynamic Fields.

CHAPTER 6. Plane Waves.

CHAPTER 7. Waveguides.

CHAPTER 8. Antennas.

CHAPTER 9. Electromagnetic Interference.

CHAPTER 10. Microwave Engineering.

APPENDIX A. Vector Relations

APPENDIX B. Coordinate System Transformations.

APPENDIX C. Complex Numbers.

APPENDIX D. Integrals, Conversions, and Constants.

APPENDIX E. Material Properties.

APPENDIX F. Common MATLAB Math Functions.

APPENDIX G. Answers to Selected Problems.