Ceh V11 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide + Practice Tests Set
暫譯: Ceh V11 認證倫理駭客學習指南與練習測試套件

Messier, Ric




Master CEH v11 and identify your weak spots

As protecting information continues to be a growing concern for today's businesses, certifications in IT security have become highly desirable, even as the number of certifications has grown. Now you can set yourself apart with the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH v11) certification. CEH v11 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide and Practice Tests Set provides you with all of the technical review you need of CEH skills PLUS SEVEN practice tests to prove your readiness for exam day.

About the CEH v11 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide

The CEH v11 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide offers a comprehensive overview of the CEH certification requirements using concise and easy-to-follow instructions. Chapters are organized by exam objective, with a handy section that maps each objective to its corresponding chapter, so you can keep track of your progress. The text provides thorough coverage of all topics, along with challenging chapter review questions and Exam Essentials, a key feature that identifies critical study areas. Subjects include common attack practices like reconnaissance and scanning. Also covered are topics like intrusion detection, DoS attacks, buffer overflows, wireless attacks, mobile attacks, Internet of Things (IoT) and more.

This study guide goes beyond test prep, providing practical hands-on exercises to reinforce vital skills and real-world scenarios that put what you've learned into the context of actual job roles.

  • Gain a unique certification that allows you to function like an attacker, allowing you to identify vulnerabilities so they can be remediated
  • Expand your career opportunities with an IT certificate that satisfies the Department of Defense's 8570 Directive for Information Assurance positions
  • Fully updated for the 2020 CEH v11 exam, including the latest developments in IT security
  • Access the Sybex online learning center, with chapter review questions, TWO full-length practice exams, electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms

About the CEH v11 Certified Ethical Hacker Practice Tests

CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 11 Practice Tests are the ideal preparation for this high-stakes exam. FIVE MORE complete, unique practice tests are designed to help you identify weak spots in your understanding, so you can direct your preparation efforts efficiently and gain the confidence--and skills--you need to pass. These tests cover all section sections of the exam blueprint, allowing you to test your knowledge of Background, Analysis/Assessment, Security, Tools/Systems/Programs, Procedures/Methodology, Regulation/Policy, and Ethics.

  • Practice all seven sections of the CEH v11 exam
  • Test your knowledge of security, tools, procedures, and regulations
  • Gauge your understanding of vulnerabilities and threats
  • Master the material well in advance of exam day


**掌握 CEH v11 並識別您的弱點**

隨著保護資訊成為當今企業日益關注的議題,IT 安全認證變得越來越受歡迎,即使認證的數量也在增加。現在,您可以透過 Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH v11) 認證來脫穎而出。《CEH v11 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide and Practice Tests Set》為您提供了 CEH 技能所需的所有技術回顧,並附有七個練習測驗,以證明您為考試日的準備。

**關於 CEH v11 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide**

《CEH v11 Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide》提供了 CEH 認證要求的全面概述,使用簡潔且易於理解的指導說明。章節依據考試目標組織,並附有一個方便的部分,將每個目標對應到其相應的章節,讓您可以追蹤進度。文本全面涵蓋所有主題,並提供具有挑戰性的章節回顧問題和考試要點,這是一個識別關鍵學習領域的重要特徵。主題包括常見的攻擊實踐,如偵查和掃描。還涵蓋了入侵檢測、DoS 攻擊、緩衝區溢出、無線攻擊、移動攻擊、物聯網 (IoT) 等主題。


- 獲得獨特的認證,使您能像攻擊者一樣運作,識別漏洞以便進行修復
- 擴展您的職業機會,獲得滿足國防部 8570 指令的資訊保障職位的 IT 證書
- 完全更新至 2020 CEH v11 考試,包括 IT 安全的最新發展
- 訪問 Sybex 在線學習中心,提供章節回顧問題、兩份完整的練習考試、電子閃卡和關鍵術語詞彙表

**關於 CEH v11 Certified Ethical Hacker Practice Tests**

《CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 11 Practice Tests》是這項高風險考試的理想準備工具。五份完整且獨特的練習測驗旨在幫助您識別理解上的弱點,讓您能有效地指導準備工作,並獲得通過考試所需的信心和技能。這些測驗涵蓋考試藍圖的所有部分,讓您可以測試對背景、分析/評估、安全性、工具/系統/程序、程序/方法論、法規/政策和倫理的知識。

- 練習 CEH v11 考試的所有七個部分
- 測試您對安全性、工具、程序和法規的知識
- 評估您對漏洞和威脅的理解
- 在考試日之前充分掌握材料