The Pentester Blueprint: Starting a Career as an Ethical Hacker (Paperback)
暫譯: 滲透測試者藍圖:作為道德駭客的職業起步(平裝本)
Wylie, Phillip L., Crawley, Kim
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The Pentester Blueprint guides readers on how to prepare and enter the cybersecurity filed as a penetration tester aka ethical hacker or white hat hacker. While there are a lot of books about technical tools for penetration testing, The Pentester Blueprint describes the role of a penetration tester, what a pentest entails, and the prerequisite knowledge required to start the educational journey of a pentester. The book goes on to detail learning resources and industry certifications that are helpful in becoming a pentester. The Pentester Blueprint evolved from the author's frequent popular presentations on the same topic at many conferences.
Coverage includes:
- Foundation - Discuss the foundational perquisite knowledge needed to become a pentester. Discuss the IT basic skills such as operating systems, networking and security needed to be a pentester.
- Hacking skills - Discuss developing hacking skills and the hacker mindset.
- Education options - Discuss learning options such as college classes, security training providers and self-study.
- Education resources - Discuss education resources including; books, videos, conferences and community.
- Certifications and degrees - Discuss credentials useful for gaining employment as a pentester including; degrees and certificates.
- Getting Experience - Discuss methods for developing hacking/pentesting skills such as labs (third party and home), CTFs, bug bounties, pro bono/volunteer work.
- Developing a plan - Discuss how to assess current skillset and knowledge to find a starting place and the perform a gap analysis to develop a learning plan. Discuss goal setting and educational milestones to track progress.
- Getting employed as a pentester - Discuss how to find a job as a pentester through networking, social media and community evolvement.
- 基礎 - 討論成為滲透測試者所需的基礎先備知識。討論成為滲透測試者所需的IT基本技能,如作業系統、網路和安全性。
- 駭客技能 - 討論發展駭客技能和駭客心態。
- 教育選項 - 討論學習選項,如大學課程、安全訓練提供者和自學。
- 教育資源 - 討論教育資源,包括書籍、影片、會議和社群。
- 認證和學位 - 討論對於獲得滲透測試者職位有用的證書,包括學位和證書。
- 獲得經驗 - 討論發展駭客/滲透測試技能的方法,如實驗室(第三方和自家)、CTF、漏洞獎勵、無償/志願工作。
- 制定計畫 - 討論如何評估當前的技能和知識,以找到起點,並進行差距分析以制定學習計畫。討論設定目標和教育里程碑以追蹤進度。
- 成為滲透測試者的就業 - 討論如何通過人脈、社交媒體和社群參與來找到滲透測試者的工作。
PHILLIP L. WYLIE has over two decades of experience working in IT and information security. In addition to working as a penetration tester he has founded and runs The Pwn School Project, teaching ethical hacking. He holds the CISSP, OSCP, and GWAPT certifications. He is a highly sought-after public speaker who frequently presents at conferences about pentesting. He was interviewed for the Tribe of Hackers Red Team book.
KIM CRAWLEY is dedicated to researching and writing about a plethora of cybersecurity issues. Some of the companies Kim has worked for over the years include Sophos, AT&T Cybersecurity, BlackBerry Cylance, Tripwire, and Venafi. All matters red team, blue team, and purple team fascinate her. But she's especially fascinated by malware, social engineering, and advanced persistent threats. Kim's extracurricular activities include running an online cybersecurity event called DisInfoSec, and autistic self-advocacy.
菲利普·L·懷利擁有超過二十年的資訊科技和資訊安全工作經驗。除了擔任滲透測試員外,他還創立並運營了 Pwn School Project,教授道德駭客技術。他持有 CISSP、OSCP 和 GWAPT 認證。他是一位備受追捧的公共演講者,經常在會議上發表有關滲透測試的演講。他曾接受《黑客部落紅隊》一書的訪問。
金·克勞利專注於研究和撰寫各種網路安全問題。金這些年來曾為多家公司工作,包括 Sophos、AT&T Cybersecurity、BlackBerry Cylance、Tripwire 和 Venafi。所有與紅隊、藍隊和紫隊相關的事務都令她著迷。但她對惡意軟體、社會工程學和持續性威脅特別感興趣。金的課外活動包括舉辦一個名為 DisInfoSec 的線上網路安全活動,以及自閉症自我倡導。