Penetration Testing: A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking (Paperback)

Georgia Weidman




In Penetration Testing, security researcher and trainer Georgia Weidman provides you with a survey of important skills that any aspiring pentester needs. This beginner-friendly book opens with some basics of programming and helps you navigate Kali Linux, an operating system that comes preloaded with useful computer security tools like Wireshark and Metasploit. You'll learn about gathering information on a target, social engineering, capturing network traffic, analyzing vulnerabilities, developing exploits, and more. Hands-on examples discuss even advanced topics like mobile device security and bypassing anti-virus software.


在《滲透測試》一書中,安全研究員和培訓師Georgia Weidman向您介紹了任何有志成為滲透測試人員所需的重要技能。這本適合初學者的書籍首先介紹了一些編程基礎知識,並幫助您使用Kali Linux,這是一個預先載有有用的電腦安全工具(如Wireshark和Metasploit)的操作系統。您將學習如何收集目標信息、社交工程、捕獲網絡流量、分析漏洞、開發攻擊等。實例演示甚至涵蓋了移動設備安全和繞過防病毒軟件等高級主題。