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To advantageously plan and design for the explosive near-future increase in the number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and their demanding applications, integration of UAVs into cellular communication systems has seen increasing interest. This book provides a timely and comprehensive overview of the recent research efforts and results of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)-integrated cellular network communications. The aim of the book is to provide a comprehensive coverage of the potential applications, networking architectures, latest research findings and key enabling technologies, experimental measurement results, as well as up-to-date industry standardizations for UAV communications in cellular systems, including the existing LTE as well as the future 5G-and-beyond systems.
Yong Zeng is a Professor at the National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, China, and also with the Purple Mountain Laboratories, Nanjing, China. He is recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher by Web of Science Group. He is the recipient of IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award and IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications.
Ismail Guvenc is a Professor at North Carolina State University in the United States. He formerly worked with DOCOMO Innovations, Florida International University, and Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs. His recent research interests include 5G/6G wireless systems, aerial communications for UTM/AAM, and mmWave communications.
Rui Zhang is a Professor with the National University of Singapore. His current research interests include wireless information and power transfer, drone communication, and reconfigurable MIMO.
Giovanni Geraci is an Assistant Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. He was previously with Nokia Bell Labs and holds a Ph.D. from UNSW Sydney. He is a "la Caixa" Junior Leader and a "Ramón y Cajal" Fellow, and the recipient of the IEEE ComSoc Europe, Middle East, and Africa Outstanding Young Researcher Award.
David W. Matolak is Professor at the University of South Carolina in the United States. He has over 20 years of experience in communication systems research, development, design, and deployment. He has worked with private firms, government institutions, and academic labs.
曾勇是中國東南大學國家移動通信研究實驗室的教授,同時也在中國南京的紫金山實驗室工作。他被Web of Science Group認定為高被引研究者。他是IEEE通信學會亞太區傑出青年研究者獎和IEEE馬可尼無線通信論文獎的獲得者。
伊斯梅爾·古文奇是美國北卡羅來納州立大學的教授。他曾在DOCOMO Innovations、佛羅里達國際大學和三菱電機研究所工作。他最近的研究興趣包括5G/6G無線系統、無人機交通管理/空中交通管理的空中通信以及毫米波通信。
喬凡尼·傑拉奇是巴塞羅那龐培法布拉大學的助理教授。他曾在諾基亞貝爾實驗室工作,並擁有悉尼新南威爾士大學的博士學位。他是「la Caixa」青年領袖和「拉蒙·卡哈」研究員,並獲得IEEE ComSoc歐洲、中東和非洲傑出青年研究者獎。