Python All-in-One For Dummies
暫譯: Python 全方位入門指南

John Shovic, Alan Simpson



Your one-stop resource on all things Python

Thanks to its flexibility, Python has grown to become one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Developers use Python in app development, web development, data science, machine learning, and even in coding education classes.

There's almost no type of project that Python can't make better. From creating apps to building complex websites to sorting big data, Python provides a way to get the work done. Python All-in-One For Dummies offers a starting point for those new to coding by explaining the basics of Python and demonstrating how it's used in a variety of applications.

  • Covers the basics of the language
  • Explains its syntax through application in high-profile industries
  • Shows how Python can be applied to projects in enterprise
  • Delves into major undertakings including artificial intelligence, physical computing, machine learning, robotics and data analysis

This book is perfect for anyone new to coding as well as experienced coders interested in adding Python to their toolbox.


您的一站式 Python 資源

由於其靈活性,Python 已經成為全球最受歡迎的程式語言之一。開發人員在應用程式開發、網頁開發、數據科學、機器學習,甚至在編程教育課程中都使用 Python。

幾乎沒有任何類型的專案是 Python 無法改善的。從創建應用程式到構建複雜的網站,再到處理大數據,Python 提供了一種完成工作的方式。Python All-in-One For Dummies 為那些剛接觸編程的人提供了一個起點,通過解釋 Python 的基本概念並展示其在各種應用中的使用方式。

  • 涵蓋語言的基本知識

  • 通過在高知名度行業中的應用來解釋其語法

  • 展示 Python 如何應用於企業專案

  • 深入探討包括人工智慧、物理計算、機器學習、機器人技術和數據分析等主要任務

本書非常適合任何剛接觸編程的人,以及有經驗的程式設計師,對將 Python 加入他們的工具箱感興趣。


John Shovic is a computer science faculty member at the University of Idaho. Alan Simpson is a web development professional and prolific tech author with over 100 publications to his credit.

