Business Model Shifts: Six Ways to Create New Value for Customers
暫譯: 商業模式轉變:六種為客戶創造新價值的方法

Van Der Pijl, Patrick, Lokitz, Justin, Wijnen, Roland


Shift your business model and transform your organization in the face of disruption

Business Model Shifts is co-authored by Patrick van Der Pijl, producer of the global bestseller Business Model Generation, and offers a groundbreaking look at the challenging times in which we live, and the real-world solutions needed to conquer the obstacles organizations must now face.

Business Model Shifts is a visually stunning guide that examines six fundamental disruptions happening now and spotlights the opportunities that they present:

  • The Services Shift: the move from products to services
  • The Stakeholder Shift: the move from an exclusive shareholder orientation to creating value for all stakeholders, including employees and society
  • The Digital Shift: the move from traditional business operations to 24/7 connection to customers and their needs
  • The Platform Shift: the move from trying to serve everyone, to connecting people who can exchange value on a proprietary platform
  • The Exponential Shift: the move from seeking incremental growth to an exponential mindset that seeks 10x growth
  • The Circular Shift: the move from take-make-dispose towards restorative, regenerative, and circular value creation

Filled with case studies, stories, and in-depth analysis based on the work of hundreds of the world's largest and most intriguing organizations, Business Model Shifts details how these organizations created their own business model shifts in order to create more customer value, and ultimately, a stronger, more competitive business.

Whether you're looking for ways to redesign your business due to the latest needs of the marketplace, launching a new product or service, or simply creating more lasting value for your customers, Business Model Shifts is the essential book that will change the way you think about your business and its future.



商業模式轉變由全球暢銷書《商業模式新生代》的製作人Patrick van Der Pijl共同撰寫,提供了一個突破性的視角,探討我們所處的挑戰時代,以及克服組織必須面對的障礙所需的現實解決方案。


  • 服務轉變:從產品轉向服務
  • 利害關係人轉變:從專注於股東的獨佔取向,轉向為所有利害關係人創造價值,包括員工和社會
  • 數位轉變:從傳統商業運作轉向與客戶及其需求的24/7連結
  • 平台轉變:從試圖服務每個人,轉向連接能在專有平台上交換價值的人
  • 指數轉變:從追求漸進式增長轉向尋求10倍增長的指數思維
  • 循環轉變:從取用-製造-處置轉向恢復性、再生性和循環價值創造




PATRICK VAN DER PIJL, CEO of Business Models Inc., is an international keynote speaker and renowned business model strategist. He is a producer of the international bestseller Business Model Generation, and co-author of Design a Better Business.

JUSTIN LOKITZ, Business Designer and Managing Director of BMI's Americas office, is an experienced design strategist, business designer, and technologist and co-author of Design a Better Business.

ROLAND WIJNEN, Business Designer at Business Models Inc., leads the effort to turn business model research into compelling stories that shift mindsets.

MAARTEN VAN LIESHOUT, Creative Director of Business Models Inc., uses his visual and design skills to help companies dive into uncertainty, explore new strategic futures, and scale their ideas.


帕特里克·范德皮爾(PATRICK VAN DER PIJL),商業模型公司(Business Models Inc.)的執行長,是國際知名的主題演講者和商業模型策略專家。他是國際暢銷書《商業模型生成》(Business Model Generation)的製作人,並且是《設計更好的商業》(Design a Better Business)的共同作者。

賈斯汀·洛基茲(JUSTIN LOKITZ),商業設計師及商業模型公司美洲辦公室的董事總經理,是一位經驗豐富的設計策略師、商業設計師和技術專家,也是《設計更好的商業》的共同作者。

羅蘭·維恩(ROLAND WIJNEN),商業模型公司的商業設計師,負責將商業模型研究轉化為引人入勝的故事,以改變思維模式。

馬爾滕·范利斯霍特(MAARTEN VAN LIESHOUT),商業模型公司的創意總監,利用他的視覺和設計技能幫助公司深入不確定性,探索新的戰略未來,並擴展他們的想法。