The world’s favorite guide to everything AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT—updated for 2019!
Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019 is the world’s all-time best-selling guide to the world’s most popular drafting software. Packed with tips, tricks, techniques, and tutorials, this guide covers every inch of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT—including certification. This new edition has been fully updated to align with the software’s 2019 update, featuring the same expert instruction augmented by videos of crucial techniques. Step-by-step walk-throughs, concise explanations, specific examples and plenty of hands-on projects help you learn essential AutoCAD skills by working directly with the necessary tools—giving you a skill set that translates directly to on-the-job use.
AutoCAD is the dominant design and drafting software for 2D and 3D technical drawings, while AutoCAD LT is the more affordable version often used by students and hobbyists. Professional designers need complete command of the software’s tools and functions, but a deeper exploration of more complex capabilities can help even hobbyists produce work at a higher level of technical proficiency. This book is your ultimate guide to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, whether you’re seeking certification or just looking to draw.
- Get acquainted with the workspace and basic drafting tools
- Gain greater control of your drawings with hatches, fields, fills, dynamic blocks, and curves
- Explore the 3D modeling and imaging tools that bring your drawing to life
- Customize AutoCAD to the way you work, integrate it with other software, and more
As certification preparation material, this book is Autodesk-endorsed; as a self-study guide to AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT mastery, this book is the gold-standard, having led over a half million people on the journey to better design. If you’re ready to learn quickly so you can get down to work, Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019 is your ideal resource.
全球最受歡迎的 AutoCAD 和 AutoCAD LT 指南——2019 年更新版!
Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019 是全球暢銷的 AutoCAD 軟體指南,涵蓋了這款最受歡迎的繪圖軟體的所有內容。這本指南充滿了技巧、竅門、技術和教程,涵蓋了 AutoCAD 和 AutoCAD LT 的每一個細節,包括認證。這個新版本已全面更新,以符合軟體 2019 年的更新,並提供相同的專家指導,還增添了關鍵技術的視頻。逐步的操作說明、簡明的解釋、具體的範例以及大量的實作專案,幫助您通過直接使用必要的工具來學習基本的 AutoCAD 技能,讓您獲得可以直接應用於工作的技能組合。
AutoCAD 是主導 2D 和 3D 技術圖紙設計與繪圖的軟體,而 AutoCAD LT 則是更具經濟性的版本,通常由學生和愛好者使用。專業設計師需要完全掌握軟體的工具和功能,但對於更複雜功能的深入探索,即使是愛好者也能提升其技術水平。本書是您學習 AutoCAD 和 AutoCAD LT 的終極指南,無論您是尋求認證還是僅僅想要繪圖。
- 熟悉工作區和基本繪圖工具
- 通過填充、區域、填色、動態塊和曲線來增強對繪圖的控制
- 探索 3D 建模和影像工具,讓您的繪圖栩栩如生
- 根據 您 的工作方式自訂 AutoCAD,與其他軟體整合等
作為認證準備材料,本書獲得 Autodesk 認可;作為自學 AutoCAD 和 AutoCAD LT 精通的指南,本書是黃金標準,已引導超過五十萬人走向更好的設計。如果您準備快速學習以便開始工作,Mastering AutoCAD 2019 and AutoCAD LT 2019 是您理想的資源。