Hopping over the Rabbit Hole: How Entrepreneurs Turn Failure into Success
暫譯: 跳過兔子洞:企業家如何將失敗轉化為成功

Anthony Scaramucci

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2016-10-31
  • 售價: $1,290
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,226
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 208
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 1119116333
  • ISBN-13: 9781119116332
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



Develop the Scaramucci mindset that drives entrepreneurial success

Hopping over the Rabbit Hole chronicles the rise, fall, and resurgence of SkyBridge Capital founder Anthony Scaramucci, giving you a primer on how to thrive in an unpredictable business environment. The sheer number of American success stories has created a false impression that becoming an entrepreneur is a can't-miss endeavor—but nothing could be further from the truth. In the real world, an entrepreneur batting .150 goes directly to the Hall of Fame. Things happen. You make a bad hire, a bad strategic decision, or suffer the consequences of an unforeseen market crash. You can't control what happens to your business, but you can absolutely control how you react, and how you turn bumps in the road into ramps to the sky. Anthony Scaramucci has been there and done that, again and again, and has ultimately come out on top; in this book, he shares what he wishes he knew then.

Your chances of becoming an overnight billionaire are approximately the same as your chances of being signed to the NBA. Success is hard work, and anxiety, and tiny hiccups that can turn into disaster with a single misstep. This book shows you how to use adversity to your ultimate advantage, and build the skills you need to respond effectively to the unexpected.

  • Learn how to deal with unforeseen events
  • Map a strategic backup plan, and then a backup-backup plan
  • Train yourself to react in the most productive way
  • Internalize the lessons learned by a leader in entrepreneurship

For every 23-year-old billionaire who just created a new way to send a picture on a phone, there are countless others who have failed, and failed miserably. Hopping over the Rabbit Hole gives you the skills, insight, and mindset you need to be one of the winners.



跳過兔子洞 記錄了SkyBridge Capital創辦人安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇的崛起、衰退與復甦,為您提供在不可預測的商業環境中茁壯成長的入門指南。美國成功故事的數量之多,讓人產生了創業是一個不會錯過的機會的錯誤印象,但事實恰恰相反。在現實世界中,一位打擊率僅為.150的創業者也能直接進入名人堂。事情會發生。您可能會雇用錯誤的人,做出錯誤的戰略決策,或遭受意外市場崩潰的後果。您無法控制發生在您業務上的事情,但您絕對可以控制您的反應,以及如何將路上的顛簸轉變為通往成功的坡道。安東尼·斯卡拉穆奇曾多次經歷這一切,並最終成功;在這本書中,他分享了他當時希望自己知道的事情。


  • 學習如何應對不可預見的事件
  • 制定戰略備用計劃,然後再制定備用的備用計劃
  • 訓練自己以最具生產力的方式反應
  • 內化創業領袖所學到的教訓

對於每一位23歲的億萬富翁,他剛創造了一種新的方式來發送手機圖片,還有無數其他人失敗了,並且失敗得非常慘。跳過兔子洞 為您提供成為贏家的技能、洞察力和心態。