Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015: No Experience Required: Autodesk Official Press (Paperback) (Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015:無需經驗即可上手)
Eric Wing
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For those who like to learn by doing, this Autodesk Official Press book shows you how to build a four-story office building one step at a time, providing you with real-world practice you might expect to encounter on the job. Concise explanations, focused examples, step-by-step instructions, and an engaging hands-on tutorial make this book the perfect way to learn Revit Architecture. In addition, you can download starting files for each chapter from the website in order to compare your work to the authors, or start fresh with any chapter in the book.
Expert author Eric Wing first introduces the interface and Revit conventions, and then moves directly into building modeling. You'll learn to place walls, doors, and windows, work with structural grids, beams, and foundations; add text and dimensions, and use dimensions as a design tool. As the building takes shape, you'll discover how to generate construction documentation, create schedules, work with families, consider site issues, and use Revit's rendering capabilities. Here are some of the skills you can acquire from this book:
- Understanding Revit's interface, views, and grids
- Creating and editing roofs, railings, stairs, and ceilings
- Generating documentation and construction schedules
- Using advanced features like creating hosted families, system families, and formulas
Autodesk Revit Architecture: No Experience Required is a completely self-paced guide. You can work along with the tutorial from cover to cover or jump in anywhere. No matter how you use this book, you'll be able to transfer the useful concepts to your professional practice.
以實作方式學習 Revit Architecture
對於喜歡透過實作學習的人來說,這本 Autodesk 官方出版書籍將一步一步教你如何建造一棟四層辦公大樓,提供你在工作中可能遇到的實際練習。簡潔的解釋、重點示例、逐步指導和引人入勝的實作教程使這本書成為學習 Revit Architecture 的完美方式。此外,你可以從網站下載每章的起始檔案,以便與作者的作品進行比較,或者從本書的任何章節重新開始。
專家作者 Eric Wing 首先介紹了界面和 Revit 慣例,然後直接進入建築建模。你將學習放置牆壁、門窗,使用結構網格、樑和基礎;添加文字和尺寸,並將尺寸用作設計工具。隨著建築物的形成,你將發現如何生成施工文件、創建進度表、使用族群、考慮場地問題並使用 Revit 的渲染功能。以下是你可以從本書中獲得的一些技能:
- 理解 Revit 的界面、視圖和網格
- 創建和編輯屋頂、欄杆、樓梯和天花板
- 生成文件和施工進度表
- 使用高級功能,如創建宿主族群、系統族群和公式
Autodesk Revit Architecture: No Experience Required 是一本完全自學的指南。你可以從頭到尾跟著教程進行學習,或者從任何地方開始。無論你如何使用這本書,你都能將這些有用的概念應用到你的專業實踐中。