Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 No Experience Required: Autodesk Official Press Paperback
暫譯: Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 無需經驗:Autodesk 官方出版平裝本
Eric Wing
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 No Experience Required is your ultimate hands-on guide for mastering this essential BIM software. With step-by-step instruction and a continuous tutorial approach, this invaluable guide walks you through the design of a four-story office building. You'll be led through the entire design, documentation, and presentation process with expert instruction and helpful tips, so you can quickly become confident and productive. You'll follow a real-world workflow as you jump right into modeling, first placing doors and windows, then building floors layer-by-layer, adding roofs and ceilings, stairs, ramps, and railings. Coverage includes crucial information on detailing, view and match line information, and printing, plus advanced topics like curtain walls, sweeps, embedded families, and formulas. You'll delve into site considerations including grading and topsurface features, and integrate them into your design at the rendering stage. The companion website provides downloadable tutorial files so you can jump in at any point and compare your work to the pros.
Revit is the industry-leading Building Information Management software, hailed for its power and sophistication. This guide helps you get the most out of the software, with expert instruction and plenty of practice.
- Master the interface, tools, views, and editing capabilities
- Work with structural objects, text, dimensions, and multi-story buildings
- Generate construction documentation, schedules, and material takeoffs
- Explore phase management, work sharing, and working with various formats
BIM is the emerging paradigm for architects and others in the construction and engineering fields. Revit is the industry leader, and is quickly becoming a mandatory skillset. Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 No Experience Required provides everything you need to get up to speed and down to work.
快速從初學者成為專家,掌握終極 Revit Architecture 2016 指南
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 無需經驗 是您掌握這款重要 BIM 軟體的終極實用指南。透過逐步指導和持續的教學方式,這本寶貴的指南將帶您設計一棟四層的辦公大樓。您將在專家的指導和有用的提示下,完整地了解設計、文件編制和展示過程,讓您能夠迅速變得自信且高效。您將遵循真實的工作流程,首先進行建模,放置門和窗,然後逐層建造樓層,添加屋頂和天花板、樓梯、坡道和欄杆。內容涵蓋了細部設計、視圖和對應線資訊、列印等關鍵資訊,以及如幕牆、掃描、嵌入式族群和公式等進階主題。您將深入探討場地考量,包括地形和表面特徵,並在渲染階段將其整合到設計中。附屬網站提供可下載的教學檔案,讓您可以隨時開始並將您的作品與專業人士進行比較。
Revit 是業界領先的建築資訊管理軟體,以其強大和精緻而聞名。這本指南幫助您充分利用這款軟體,提供專業指導和大量練習。
- 掌握介面、工具、視圖和編輯功能
- 處理結構物件、文字、尺寸和多層建築
- 生成施工文件、進度表和材料清單
- 探索階段管理、工作共享和處理各種格式
BIM 是建築師及其他建設和工程領域專業人士的新興範式。Revit 是業界領導者,並迅速成為必備技能。Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 無需經驗 提供您所需的一切,讓您迅速上手並開始工作。