Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulation (Hardcover)
暫譯: 電磁模擬與建模 (精裝版)

Levent Sevgi



This unique book presents simple, easy-to-use, but effective short codes as well as virtual tools that can be used by electrical, electronic, communication, and computer engineers in a broad range of electrical engineering problems

Electromagnetic modeling is essential to the design and modeling of antenna, radar, satellite, medical imaging, and other applications. In this book, author Levent Sevgi explains techniques for solving real-time complex physical problems using MATLAB-based short scripts and comprehensive virtual tools.

Unique in coverage and tutorial approach, Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulation covers fundamental analytical and numerical models that are widely used in teaching, research, and engineering designs—including mode and ray summation approaches with the canonical 2D nonpenetrable parallel plate waveguide as well as FDTD, MoM, and SSPE scripts. The book also establishes an intelligent balance among the essentials of EM MODSIM: The Problem (the physics), The Theory and Models (mathematical background and analytical solutions), and The Simulations (code developing plus validation, verification, and calibration).

Classroom tested in graduate-level and short courses, Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulation:

  • Clarifies concepts through numerous worked problems and quizzes provided throughout the book
  • Features valuable MATLAB-based, user-friendly, effective engineering and research virtual design tools
  • Includes sample scenarios and video clips recorded during characteristic simulations that visually impact learning—available on wiley.com
  • Provides readers with their first steps in EM MODSIM as well as tools for medium and high-level code developers and users

Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulation thoroughly covers the physics, mathematical background, analytical solutions, and code development of electromagnetic modeling, making it an ideal resource for electrical engineers and researchers.



電磁建模對於天線、雷達、衛星、醫學影像及其他應用的設計和建模至關重要。在這本書中,作者 Levent Sevgi 解釋了使用基於 MATLAB 的短程式碼和綜合虛擬工具解決實時複雜物理問題的技術。

《電磁建模與模擬》在內容覆蓋和教學方法上獨樹一幟,涵蓋了在教學、研究和工程設計中廣泛使用的基本分析和數值模型,包括使用典型的 2D 不可穿透平行板波導的模式和光線總和方法,以及 FDTD、MoM 和 SSPE 程式碼。這本書還在 EM MODSIM 的基本要素之間建立了智能平衡:問題(物理)、理論和模型(數學背景和分析解)、模擬(程式碼開發加上驗證、確認和校準)。


- 通過書中提供的眾多實例問題和測驗來澄清概念
- 提供有價值的基於 MATLAB 的、用戶友好且有效的工程和研究虛擬設計工具
- 包含在特徵模擬過程中錄製的樣本場景和視頻片段,對學習產生視覺影響—可在 wiley.com 獲得
- 為讀者提供 EM MODSIM 的第一步以及中高級程式碼開發者和使用者的工具
