CCNA Total Test Prep (Exam 640-802): A Comprehensive Approach to the CCNA Certification Exam (Paperback)
暫譯: CCNA 總測試準備 (考試 640-802):全面的 CCNA 認證考試方法 (平裝本)
Todd Lammle
CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, 7e (ISBN: 978-0470901076) provides in-depth coverage of every exam objective, plus updates that reflect technology developments that have occurred since the last edition. It addition, it offers expanded coverage on key topics reflected in the current version of the exam. Finally, the book's companion CD contains over an hour of useful audio and video files, as well as the Sybex Test Engine, electronic flashcards, the Glossary of Terms in PDF format, and bonus author material.
The CCNA eTestPrep (ISBN: 978-1118271766) is a unique certification testing product offering CCNA candidates the opportunity to go beyond what previous practice test products have offered. It includes 700+ test questions with answers that link directly to an integrated PDF of best-selling CCNA Study Guide, by networking guru Todd Lammle. Customers will be able to take the exams in one of two modes: Practice mode and Learning mode. Readers can also create custom exams, either testing by objective domain, or by a specific number of questions.
Together, this comprehensive package provides the complete tool for anybody preparing for the CCNA.
《CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, 7e》(ISBN: 978-0470901076)深入涵蓋了每個考試目標,並更新了自上版以來的技術發展。此外,它對考試當前版本中反映的關鍵主題提供了擴展的覆蓋。最後,該書的隨附CD包含超過一小時的有用音頻和視頻文件,以及Sybex測試引擎、電子閃卡、PDF格式的術語表和額外的作者材料。
《CCNA eTestPrep》(ISBN: 978-1118271766)是一款獨特的認證測試產品,為CCNA考生提供了超越以往練習測試產品的機會。它包含700多道測試題目及其答案,這些答案直接連結到由網路專家Todd Lammle撰寫的暢銷《CCNA Study Guide》的整合PDF。客戶可以在兩種模式中進行考試:練習模式和學習模式。讀者還可以創建自定義考試,無論是按目標領域測試,還是按特定題數進行測試。