Comptia Network+ Study Guide with Online Labs: N10-007 Exam
暫譯: CompTIA Network+ 學習指南與線上實驗:N10-007 考試
Lammle, Todd, Buhagiar, Jon
Virtual, hands-on learning labs allow you to apply your technical skills using live hardware and software hosted in the cloud. So Sybex has bundled CompTIA Network+ labs from Practice Labs, the IT Competency Hub, with our popular CompTIA Network+ Study Guide, Fourth Edition. Working in these labs gives you the same experience you need to prepare for the CompTIA Network+ Exam N10-007 that you would face in a real-life network. Used in addition to the book, these labs in are a proven way to prepare for the certification and for work installing, configuring, and troubleshooting today's basic networking hardware peripherals and protocols.
Building on the popular Sybex Study Guide approach, CompTIA Network+ Study Guide Exam N10-007 & Online Lab Card Bundle, the 4th edition of the Study Guide provides 100% coverage of the NEW Exam N10-007 objectives. The book contains clear and concise information on the skills you need and practical examples and insights drawn from real-world experience.
Inside, networking guru Todd Lammle covers all exam objectives, explains key topics, offers plenty of practical examples, and draws upon his own invaluable 30 years of networking experience to help you learn. The Study Guide prepares you for Exam N10-007, the new CompTIA Network+ Exam:
- Covers all exam objectives including network technologies, network installation and configuration, network media and topologies, security, and much more.
- Includes practical examples review questions, as well as access to practice exams and flashcards to reinforce learning.
- Networking guru and expert author Todd Lammle offers invaluable insights and tips drawn from real-world experience.
You will have access to a robust set of online interactive learning tools, including hundreds of sample practice questions, a pre-assessment test, bonus practice exams, and over 100 electronic flashcards. Prepare for the exam and enhance your career with the authorized CompTIA Network+ Study Guide, Fourth Edition.
As part of this bundle, readers get hands-on learning labs from IT Competency Hub, Practice Labs to apply your technical skills in realistic environments.
And with this edition you also get Practice Labs virtual labs that run from your browser. The registration code is included with the book and gives you 6 months unlimited access to Practice Labs CompTIA Network+ Exam N10-007 Labs with 27 unique lab modules to practice your skills.
虛擬的實作學習實驗室讓您能夠使用雲端托管的實體硬體和軟體來應用您的技術技能。因此,Sybex 將 CompTIA Network+ 實驗室與我們受歡迎的《CompTIA Network+ 學習指南(第四版)》結合在一起。參與這些實驗室的工作讓您獲得準備 CompTIA Network+ 考試 N10-007 所需的相同經驗,這些經驗與您在真實網路中面對的情況相同。這些實驗室作為書籍的補充,是準備認證以及安裝、配置和故障排除當今基本網路硬體周邊設備和協議的有效方法。
基於受歡迎的 Sybex 學習指南方法,《CompTIA Network+ 學習指南考試 N10-007 與線上實驗室卡捆綁包(第四版)》提供了對新考試 N10-007 目標的 100% 覆蓋。這本書包含了您所需技能的清晰簡明資訊,以及來自真實世界經驗的實用範例和見解。
在書中,網路專家 Todd Lammle 涵蓋了所有考試目標,解釋了關鍵主題,提供了大量實用範例,並利用他自己寶貴的 30 年網路經驗來幫助您學習。這本學習指南為您準備考試 N10-007,即新的 CompTIA Network+ 考試:
- 涵蓋所有考試目標,包括網路技術、網路安裝與配置、網路媒介與拓撲、安全性等。
- 包含實用範例的複習問題,以及訪問練習考試和閃卡以加強學習。
- 網路專家及作者 Todd Lammle 提供了來自真實世界經驗的寶貴見解和建議。
您將可以訪問一套強大的線上互動學習工具,包括數百個範例練習問題、一個預評估測試、額外的練習考試和超過 100 張電子閃卡。準備考試並提升您的職業生涯,使用授權的《CompTIA Network+ 學習指南(第四版)》。
作為這個捆綁包的一部分,讀者可以獲得來自 IT Competency Hub 的實作學習實驗室,讓您在真實環境中應用您的技術技能。
此外,這一版還提供了可以從瀏覽器運行的 Practice Labs 虛擬實驗室。註冊碼隨書附上,並提供 6 個月的無限制訪問 Practice Labs CompTIA Network+ 考試 N10-007 實驗室,包含 27 個獨特的實驗模組以練習您的技能。
Todd Lammle,CCNA、Network+,是網路領域的權威。他在與《財富》500 強公司合作的過程中,已經從事電腦和網路工作超過 25 年。Todd 是位於達拉斯的網路整合與培訓公司 GlobalNet Training, Inc. 的總裁。他也是多本思科書籍的暢銷作者,包括廣受歡迎的 CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide,該書的印刷量超過 200,000 本。您可以通過他的網站 與他聯繫。