If you're preparing for CompTIA's new Network+ Exam N10-005, this hardcover, Deluxe version of the CompTIA Network+ Study Guide, Second Edition, is the premium study aide you need. Not only does it give you the 100% coverage of all exam topics and all the study tools you'll find in our regular study guide, this content-rich version adds even more practice exams and flashcards, as well as the exclusive Network+ network simulator, so you can practice hands-on without investing in pricey equipment.
A CompTIA Recommended product, this book is authored by renowned networking authority, Todd Lammle, who brings a wealth of practical experience and insights drawn from real-world experience.
- Prepares you for Exam N10-005, the new CompTIA Network+ Exam
- Covers all exam objectives including network technologies, network installation and configuration, network media and topologies, security, and more
- Includes practical examples and review questions to reinforce learning
- Packed with Deluxe add-ons and content, including a CD with additional practice exams and flashcards, the exclusive Network+ simulator, and e-book files in multiple formats for use on almost any reader or device
- Networking guru Todd Lammle offers invaluable insights and tips drawn from real-world experience
- A CompTIA Recommended product
Prepare for the exam and find valuable bonus material with the new CompTIA Network Deluxe Study Guide, Second Edition.
本書為 CompTIA 推薦產品,包含網路模擬器及 CD 上的免費電子書!
如果您正在準備 CompTIA 的新 Network+ 考試 N10-005,這本精裝版的 CompTIA Network+ Study Guide, Second Edition 是您所需的高級學習輔助工具。它不僅提供了 100% 覆蓋所有考試主題的內容,還包含我們常規學習指南中的所有學習工具,這本內容豐富的版本更增加了更多的練習考題和抽認卡,以及獨家的 Network+ 網路模擬器,讓您可以在不需要投資昂貴設備的情況下進行實作練習。
這本書是 CompTIA 推薦的產品,由知名網路專家 Todd Lammle 撰寫,他帶來了豐富的實務經驗和從現實世界中獲得的見解。
- 為考試 N10-005,即新的 CompTIA Network+ 考試做準備
- 涵蓋所有考試目標,包括網路技術、網路安裝與配置、網路媒介與拓撲、安全性等
- 包含實用範例和複習問題以加強學習
- 附有豪華附加內容,包括包含額外練習考題和抽認卡的 CD、獨家的 Network+ 模擬器,以及可在幾乎任何閱讀器或設備上使用的多種格式電子書檔案
- 網路專家 Todd Lammle 提供了來自實務經驗的寶貴見解和建議
- CompTIA 推薦的產品
準備考試並獲得有價值的額外資料,請參考新的 CompTIA Network Deluxe Study Guide, Second Edition。