Thorough overview of virtual reality technology fundamentals and latest advances, with coverage of hardware, software, human factors and applications, plus companion Laboratory Manual in Unity 3D.
The Third Edition of the first comprehensive technical book on the subject of virtual reality, Virtual Reality Technology, provides updated and expanded coverage of VR technology, including where it originated, how it has evolved, and where it is going. Its primary objective is to be a complete, up-to-date textbook, as well as a source of information on a rapidly developing field of science and technology with broad societal impact.
The two highly qualified authors cover all of the latest innovations and applications that are making virtual reality more important than ever before. Unlike other books on the subject, the book also includes a chapter on Human Factors, which are very important in designing technology around the human user.
Virtual Reality Technology provides Instructors with a website-accessible Laboratory Manual using the Unity 3D game engine and programming language. Unity 3D is the preferred VR language these days and will prepare the student for the VR gaming and mobile applications industry. For universities Unity 3D is cost-effective as its student license is freely available.
With comprehensive coverage of the subject, Virtual Reality Technology discusses sample topics such as:
- Input and output interfaces, including holographic displays, foveated head-mounted displays, neural interfaces, haptic and olfactory feedback
- Computing architecture, with emphasis on the rendering pipeline, the graphics processing unit and distributed/edge rendering
- Object modeling, including physical and behavioral aspects, Artificial Intelligence controlled characters, and model management techniques
- Programming toolkits for virtual reality and the game production pipeline
- Human factors issues such as user performance and sensorial conflict, cybersickness and societal impact aspects of VR
- Application examples in medical education, virtual rehabilitation, virtual heritage, gaming, and military use of virtual reality.
Virtual Reality Technology provides thorough and complete coverage of an in-demand sector of technology, making it a highly valuable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, engineering, and science, along with a variety of professionals across many different industries, including but not limited to engineering, gaming, healthcare, and defense.
虛擬實境技術基礎及最新進展的全面概述,包括硬體、軟體、人因因素及應用,並附有 Unity 3D 的實驗室手冊。
《虛擬實境技術》為教師提供了一個可透過網站訪問的實驗室手冊,使用 Unity 3D 遊戲引擎和程式語言。Unity 3D 現在是首選的虛擬實境語言,將為學生準備進入虛擬實境遊戲和行動應用產業。對於大學而言,Unity 3D 是具成本效益的,因為其學生授權是免費的。
- 輸入和輸出介面,包括全息顯示器、聚焦式頭戴顯示器、神經介面、觸覺和嗅覺反饋
- 計算架構,重點在於渲染管線、圖形處理單元及分散式/邊緣渲染
- 物件建模,包括物理和行為方面、人工智慧控制的角色及模型管理技術
- 虛擬實境的程式設計工具包及遊戲製作流程
- 人因因素問題,如使用者表現和感官衝突、網路暈動症及虛擬實境的社會影響
- 在醫學教育、虛擬復健、虛擬遺產、遊戲及軍事用途中的應用範例。
GRIGORE C. BURDEA is Professor Emeritus at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey; he is author of several books on virtual reality and recipient of the prestigious IEEE Virtual Reality Career Award. Burdea is Fellow of the IEEE Virtual Reality Academy and Founder of the International Society on Virtual Rehabilitation.
PHILIPPE COIFFET was Director of Research at the French National Scientific Research Center and Member of the National Academy for Technology of France. He authored 20 books on robotics and virtual reality, which have been translated into several languages.
GRIGORE C. BURDEA 是新澤西州立大學羅格斯大學的名譽教授;他是多本虛擬實境書籍的作者,並獲得了享有盛譽的 IEEE 虛擬實境職業獎。Burdea 是 IEEE 虛擬實境學院的院士,也是國際虛擬復健學會的創始人。
PHILIPPE COIFFET 曾任法國國家科學研究中心的研究主任,並且是法國國家技術學院的成員。他著有20本關於機器人技術和虛擬實境的書籍,這些書籍已被翻譯成多種語言。