Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis with BEAST

Alexei J. Drummond, Remco R. Bouckaert


What are the models used in phylogenetic analysis and what exactly is involved in Bayesian evolutionary analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods? How can you choose and apply these models, which parameterisations and priors make sense, and how can you diagnose Bayesian MCMC when things go wrong? These are just a few of the questions answered in this comprehensive overview of Bayesian approaches to phylogenetics. This practical guide: • Addresses the theoretical aspects of the field • Advises on how to prepare and perform phylogenetic analysis • Helps with interpreting analyses and visualisation of phylogenies • Describes the software architecture • Helps developing BEAST 2.2 extensions to allow these models to be extended further. With an accompanying website providing example files and tutorials (, this one-stop reference to applying the latest phylogenetic models in BEAST 2 will provide essential guidance for all users - from those using phylogenetic tools, to computational biologists and Bayesian statisticians.



- 涉及該領域的理論方面
- 提供如何準備和執行系統發生分析的建議
- 幫助解釋分析結果和可視化系統發生樹
- 描述軟體架構
- 幫助開發BEAST 2.2擴展,以進一步擴展這些模型。

隨附的網站提供示例檔案和教程(,這本針對在BEAST 2中應用最新系統發生模型的一站式參考將為所有用戶提供必要的指導——從使用系統發生工具的研究人員,到計算生物學家和貝葉斯統計學家。