Electricity and Magnetism, 3/e (Hardcover) (封底內頁有瑕疵 不影響閱讀)

Edward M. Purcell, David J. Morin




For 50 years, Edward M. Purcell's classic textbook has introduced students to the world of electricity and magnetism. The third edition has been brought up to date and is now in SI units. It features hundreds of new examples, problems, and figures, and contains discussions of real-life applications. The textbook covers all the standard introductory topics, such as electrostatics, magnetism, circuits, electromagnetic waves, and electric and magnetic fields in matter. Taking a nontraditional approach, magnetism is derived as a relativistic effect. Mathematical concepts are introduced in parallel with the physics topics at hand, making the motivations clear. Macroscopic phenomena are derived rigorously from the underlying microscopic physics. With worked examples, hundreds of illustrations, and nearly 600 end-of-chapter problems and exercises, this textbook is ideal for electricity and magnetism courses. Solutions to the exercises are available for instructors at www.cambridge.org/Purcell-Morin.


五十年來,Edward M. Purcell的經典教科書向學生介紹了電學和磁學的世界。第三版已經更新至國際單位制(SI units)。它包含了數百個新的例子、問題和圖片,並討論了實際應用。該教科書涵蓋了所有標準的入門主題,如靜電學、磁學、電路、電磁波以及物質中的電場和磁場。採用非傳統的方法,磁學是作為相對論效應推導出來的。數學概念與當前的物理主題並行介紹,使動機清晰明確。宏觀現象從基礎的微觀物理嚴謹推導出來。本教科書配有解題示例、數百幅插圖,以及近600個章末問題和練習題,非常適合電學和磁學課程使用。教師可以在www.cambridge.org/Purcell-Morin網站上獲得練習題的解答。