Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster

Croll, Alistair, Yoskovitz, Benjamin


Whether you're a startup founder trying to disrupt an industry or an entrepreneur trying to provoke change from within, your biggest challenge is creating a product people actually want. Lean Analytics steers you in the right direction.

This book shows you how to validate your initial idea, find the right customers, decide what to build, how to monetize your business, and how to spread the word. Packed with more than thirty case studies and insights from over a hundred business experts, Lean Analytics provides you with hard-won, real-world information no entrepreneur can afford to go without.

  • Understand Lean Startup, analytics fundamentals, and the data-driven mindset
  • Look at six sample business models and how they map to new ventures of all sizes
  • Find the One Metric That Matters to you
  • Learn how to draw a line in the sand, so you'll know it's time to move forward
  • Apply Lean Analytics principles to large enterprises and established products




- 理解精益創業、分析基礎知識和數據驅動的思維方式
- 查看六個樣本商業模型以及它們如何適用於各種規模的新創企業
- 找到對你來說最重要的一個指標
- 學習如何劃定底線,這樣你就會知道是時候前進了
- 將精益分析原則應用於大型企業和已建立的產品