5g and Beyond Wireless Communications: Fundamentals, Applications, and Challenges
暫譯: 5G及未來無線通信:基礎、應用與挑戰

Bhowmick, Abhijit, Kumar Choukiker, Yogesh, Singh, Indrasen

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2024-09-03
  • 售價: $6,780
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$6,441
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 400
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 1032622563
  • ISBN-13: 9781032622569
  • 相關分類: 5GWireless-networks
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



This book provides a thorough introduction of 5G and Beyond 5G (B5G) wireless networks, as well as cutting-edge technologies that aid in network design and development. This book also covers machine learning techniques for advanced communications.




Abhijit Bhowmick received his BE (hons) degree in electronics and telecommunication engineering in 2002 from Burdwan University, West Bengal, India, and MTech degree in telecommunication engineering in 2009 and PhD in December 2016 from NIT Durgapur. He worked for Cubix Control System Pvt. Ltd. from 2004 to 2006. He joined the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Bengal College of Engineering and Technology, Durgapur, as a lecturer in 2006. Thereafter, he joined VIT University, Vellore, TN, India, in the School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE) in June 2016 and is currently serving as an associate professor there. His research interests include cognitive radio networks, focusing on spectrum sensing and spectrum sharing issues, cooperative communications in cognitive radio networks, energy harvesting in wireless network, D2D communication, and physical layer security issues in wireless networks, and UAV-assisted communication.

Yogesh Kumar Choukiker received his BE degree in 2007 and MTech and the PhD degrees from the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India, in 2009 and 2014, respectively, both in electronics engineering. He is specialized in antenna and wave propagation. In particular, his research interest is microstrip antenna (fractal antennas) in the area of wireless application, MIMO environment, UWB, and reconfigurable fractal. He completed the ISRO RESPOND project in 2013, which is based on optimization techniques. At present, he has been working as a professor in Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, from January 2014. He was also a visiting research scholar in San Diego State University, California, USA, in his PhD.

Indrasen Singh is working as an assistant professor (senior grade 2) in the Department of Embedded Technology under the School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE), Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. He received his BTech and MTech degrees in electronics and communication engineering from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, India, in 2006 and 2010, respectively. He obtained his PhD degree in electronics and communication engineering from then National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Haryana, India, in 2019. He has qualified GATE examination many times. He has more than 15 years of teaching/research experience in the various reputed technical institutes/universities. He is supervising BTech, MTech, and PhD students. He is an editorial board member for AJECE, Science Publishing Group, USA. He is the reviewer of many SCI/SCOPUS-indexed international journals and served as TPC member and reviewer in different conferences. He has published more than 25 research papers in national/international journals/conferences of repute, and many are under review. His research interests are in the area of cooperative communication, stochastic geometry, modelling of wireless networks, heterogeneous networks, millimetre wave communications, device-to-device communication, machine learning, and 5G/6G communication.

Arumugam Nallanathan is a professor of wireless communications and the founding head of Communication Systems Research (CSR) group in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) from September 2017. He was with the Department of Informatics at King's College London from December 2007 to August 2017, where he was a professor of wireless communications from April 2013 to August 2017. He was an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, from August 2000 to December 2007. His areas of interest are communication, stochastic geometry, modelling of wireless networks, heterogeneous networks, millimetre wave communications, device-to-device communication, and 5G/6G communication.


Abhijit Bhowmick 於2002年獲得印度西孟加拉邦Burdwan University電子與電信工程的榮譽學士學位,並於2009年獲得電信工程的碩士學位,2016年12月獲得NIT Durgapur的博士學位。他於2004年至2006年在Cubix Control System Pvt. Ltd.工作。2006年,他加入了Durgapur的Bengal College of Engineering and Technology電子與通信工程系擔任講師。此後,他於2016年6月加入印度泰米爾納德邦VIT University的電子工程學院(SENSE),目前擔任副教授。他的研究興趣包括認知無線電網絡,專注於頻譜感知和頻譜共享問題、認知無線電網絡中的協作通信、無線網絡中的能量收集、設備對設備(D2D)通信、無線網絡中的物理層安全問題以及無人機輔助通信。

Yogesh Kumar Choukiker 於2007年獲得學士學位,並於2009年和2014年分別獲得印度奧里薩邦國立技術學院(National Institute of Technology, Rourkela)電子工程的碩士和博士學位。他專注於天線和波傳播,特別是無線應用領域的微帶天線(分形天線)、MIMO環境、超寬頻(UWB)和可重構分形。他於2013年完成了基於優化技術的ISRO RESPOND項目。目前,他自2014年1月以來在Vellore Institute of Technology擔任教授。他在攻讀博士學位期間,曾在美國加州聖地牙哥州立大學擔任訪問研究學者。

Indrasen Singh 目前在印度泰米爾納德邦Vellore Institute of Technology(VIT)電子工程學院(SENSE)嵌入式技術系擔任助理教授(高級2級)。他於2006年和2010年分別獲得印度烏塔爾邦技術大學(Uttar Pradesh Technical University)電子與通信工程的學士和碩士學位。2019年,他獲得哈里亞納邦國立技術學院(National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra)電子與通信工程的博士學位。他多次通過GATE考試,擁有超過15年的教學/研究經驗,曾在多所知名技術學院/大學任教。他指導BTech、MTech和PhD學生,並擔任美國Science Publishing Group的AJECE編輯委員會成員。他是多本SCI/SCOPUS索引的國際期刊的審稿人,並在不同會議中擔任TPC成員和審稿人。他在國內外知名期刊/會議上發表了超過25篇研究論文,許多論文正在審稿中。他的研究興趣包括協作通信、隨機幾何、無線網絡建模、異構網絡、毫米波通信、設備對設備通信、機器學習以及5G/6G通信。

Arumugam Nallanathan 是倫敦女王瑪麗大學(Queen Mary University of London, QMUL)電子工程與計算機科學學院無線通信教授及通信系統研究(CSR)小組的創始負責人,自2017年9月起任職。他於2007年12月至2017年8月在倫敦國王學院(King's College London)信息學系工作,並於2013年4月至2017年8月擔任無線通信教授。他於2000年8月至2007年12月在新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)電氣與計算機工程系擔任助理教授。他的研究領域包括通信、隨機幾何、無線網絡建模、異構網絡、毫米波通信、設備對設備通信以及5G/6G通信。