Driving 5G Mobile Communications with Artificial Intelligence towards 6G
暫譯: 以人工智慧推動5G行動通信邁向6G
Milovanovic, Dragorad A., Bojkovic, Zoran S., Fowdur, Tulsi Pawan
- 出版商: CRC
- 出版日期: 2024-12-19
- 售價: $2,410
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,290
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 488
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 1032071273
- ISBN-13: 9781032071275
5G、人工智慧、行動通訊 Mobile-communication
Driving 5G Mobile Communications with Artificial Intelligence towards 6G presents current work and directions of continuous innovation and development in multimedia communications with a focus on services and users. The fifth generation of mobile wireless networks achieved the first deployment by 2020, completed the first phase of evolution in 2022, and started transition phase of 5G-Advanced toward the sixth generation. Perhaps one of the most important innovations brought by 5G is the platform-approach to connectivity, i.e., a single standard that can adapt to the heterogeneous connectivity requirements of vastly different use cases. 5G networks contain a list of different requirements, standardized technical specifications and a range of implementation options with spectral efficiency, latency, and reliability as primary performance metrics. Towards 6G, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) methods have recently proposed new approaches to modeling, designing, optimizing and implementing systems. They are now matured technologies that improve many research fields significantly.
The area of wireless multimedia communications has developed immensely, generating a large number of concepts, ideas, technical specifications, mobile standards, patents, and articles. Identifying the basic ideas and their complex interconnections becomes increasingly important.
The book is divided into three major parts, with each part containing four or five chapters:
- Advanced 5G communication
- Machine learning-based communication and network automation
- Artificial Intelligence towards 6G
The first part discusses three main scenarios and standard specification of 5G use cases (eMBB, URLLC, mMTC), vehicular systems beyond 5G, and efficient edge architecture on NFV infrastructure. In the second part, different AI/ML-based methodologies and open research challenges are presented in introducing 5G-AIoT artificial intelligence of things, scheduling in 5G/6G communication systems, application of DL techniques to modulation, detection, and channel coding as well as 5G Open Source tools for experimentations and testing. The third part paved the way to deployment scenarios for different innovative services including technologies and applications of 5G/6G intelligent connectivity, AI-assisted eXtended Reality, integrated 5G-IoT architecture in next-generation Smart Grid, privacy requirements in a hyper-connected world, and evaluation of representative 6G use cases and technology trends.
The book is written by field experts from Europe and Mauritius who introduce a blend of scientific and engineering concepts covering this emerging wireless communication era. It is a very good reference book for telecom professionals, engineers, and practitioner in various 5G vertical domains and, finally, a basis for student courses in 5G/6G wireless systems.
- 先進的5G通信
- 基於機器學習的通信和網路自動化
- 邁向6G的人工智慧
Dragorad Milovanovic received the Dipl. Electr. Eng. and Magistar degree from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. From 1987 to 1991, he was a Research Assistant and PhD researcher from 1991 to 2001 at the Department of Electrical Engineering, where his interest includes simulation&analysis of digital communications systems. He has been working as R&D engineer for DSP software development in digital television industry. Also, he is serving as an ICT lecturer medicine/sports informatics and consultant in development standard-based solutions. He participated in research/innovation projects and published more than 300 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He also, co-authored reference books/chapters in multimedia communications published by Prentice Hall, Wiley, CRC Press (2009, 2020), Springer and IGI Global. Present projects include adaptive coding of 3D-Video and immersive media, intelligent connectivity integration&interoperability, 5G/6G multimedia wireless communication.
Zoran Bojkovic is full professor of Electrical Engineering University of Belgrade, Serbia, Life Senior Member of IEEE, full member of Engineering Academy of Serbia, member of Scientific Society of Serbia, member of Athens Institute for Education and Research ATINER. He was and still is visiting professor worldwide. He is author/co-author of more than 500 publications: monographies, books (Prentice-Hall, Wiley, McGraw Hill, Springer, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, IGI GLOBAL, WSEAS Press), book chapters, peer-reviewed journal, conference and symposium papers. Some of the books have been translated in China, India, Canada, Singapore. His research focuses on computer networks, multimedia communications, green communications, 5G and beyond. He is a highly regarded expert in the IEEE, contributing to the growth of communication industry and society reviewing process in many journals as well as organizing special sessions and being General Chair and TPC member at numerous conferences all over the world. He is also serving as editor-in-chief and associate editor of several international journals such as World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), North Atlantic University Union (NAUN), and International Association of Research and Science (IARAS).
Pawan Fowdur, received his BEng (Hons) degree in Electronic and Communication Engineering with first class honours from the University of Mauritius in 2004. He was the recipient of a Gold medal for having produced the best degree project at the Faculty of Engineering in 2004. In 2005 he obtained a full-time PhD scholarship from the Tertiary Education Commission of Mauritius and was awarded his PhD degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 2010 by the University of Mauritius. He is also a Registered Chartered Engineer of the Engineering Council of the UK, member of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals of the UK and the IEEE. He joined the University of Mauritius as an academic in June 2009 and is presently an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Mauritius. His research interests include Mobile and Wireless Communications, Multimedia Communications, Networking and Security, Telecommunications Applications Development, Internet of Things and AI. He has published several papers in these areas and is actively involved in research supervision, reviewing of papers and has been the General Co-Chair two international conferences.
**Dragorad Milovanovic** 於塞爾維亞貝爾格萊德大學獲得電機工程學士及碩士學位。從1987年到1991年,他在電機工程系擔任研究助理,並於1991年至2001年期間擔任博士研究員,他的研究興趣包括數位通信系統的模擬與分析。他在數位電視產業擔任DSP軟體開發的研發工程師。此外,他還擔任醫學/運動資訊學的ICT講師及標準解決方案開發的顧問。他參與了多個研究/創新項目,並在國際期刊和會議論文集中發表了300多篇論文。他還共同撰寫了由Prentice Hall、Wiley、CRC Press(2009、2020)、Springer和IGI Global出版的多媒體通信參考書籍/章節。目前的項目包括3D視頻和沉浸式媒體的自適應編碼、智能連接整合與互操作性、5G/6G多媒體無線通信。
**Zoran Bojkovic** 是塞爾維亞貝爾格萊德大學的電機工程全職教授,IEEE的終身高級會員,塞爾維亞工程學院的正式會員,塞爾維亞科學學會的成員,以及雅典教育與研究學會(ATINER)的成員。他曾在全球多所大學擔任訪問教授。他是500多篇出版物的作者/共同作者,包括專著、書籍(Prentice-Hall、Wiley、McGraw Hill、Springer、CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group、IGI GLOBAL、WSEAS Press)、書籍章節、同行評審期刊、會議和研討會論文。其中一些書籍已被翻譯成中文、印地語、加拿大語和新加坡語。他的研究重點包括計算機網絡、多媒體通信、綠色通信、5G及其後續技術。他在IEEE中被高度評價,對通信產業和社會的發展做出了貢獻,並在許多期刊中擔任審稿人,組織特別會議,並在全球多個會議中擔任總主席和技術程序委員會成員。他還擔任多個國際期刊的主編和副編輯,如世界科學與工程學院及學會(WSEAS)、北大西洋大學聯盟(NAUN)和國際研究與科學協會(IARAS)。
**Pawan Fowdur** 於2004年在毛里求斯大學獲得電子與通信工程一級榮譽學士學位。他因在2004年工程學院中產出最佳學位專案而獲得金獎。在2005年,他獲得毛里求斯高等教育委員會的全職博士獎學金,並於2010年在毛里求斯大學獲得電氣與電子工程博士學位。他也是英國工程委員會的註冊特許工程師,英國電信專業人員協會及IEEE的成員。他於2009年6月加入毛里求斯大學擔任學術職位,目前是毛里求斯大學電氣與電子工程系的副教授。他的研究興趣包括行動與無線通信、多媒體通信、網絡與安全、電信應用開發、物聯網及人工智慧。他在這些領域發表了多篇論文,並積極參與研究指導、論文審稿,並擔任過兩場國際會議的共同主席。