Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques: Variants, Hybrids, Improvements, and Applications
暫譯: 多目標優化技術:變體、混合、改進與應用

Rashid, Tarik A., Ahmed, Aram Mahmoon, Hassan, Bryar A.

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2025-03-31
  • 售價: $7,420
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$7,049
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 342
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 1032589981
  • ISBN-13: 9781032589985
  • 尚未上市,無法訂購


The book establishes how to design, develop, and test different hybrids of multi-objective optimization algorithms. It presents several application areas of multi-objective optimization algorithms.

  • Presents a thorough analysis of equations, mathematical models, and mechanisms of multi-objective optimization algorithms.
  • Explores different alternatives of multi-objective optimization algorithms to solve binary, multi-objective, noisy, dynamic, and combinatorial optimization problems.
  • Illustrates how to design, develop, and test different hybrids of multi-objective optimization algorithms.
  • Discusses multi-objective optimization techniques for cloud, fog, and edge computing.
  • Highlights applications of multi-objective optimization in diverse sectors such as engineering, e-healthcare, and scheduling.

The text is primarily written for senior undergraduates, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, communications engineering, computer science and engineering, and mathematics.



- 提供對多目標優化演算法的方程式、數學模型和機制的徹底分析。
- 探討不同的多目標優化演算法替代方案,以解決二元、多目標、噪聲、動態和組合優化問題。
- 說明如何設計、開發和測試不同混合型的多目標優化演算法。
- 討論雲端、霧計算和邊緣計算的多目標優化技術。
- 突出多目標優化在工程、電子健康照護和排程等多個領域的應用。



Tarik Ahmed Rash is a professor, in the Department of computer science and Engineering, at the University of Kurdistan Hewlêr (UKH), Iraq. His areas of research cover the fields of artificial intelligence, nature-inspired algorithms, swarm intelligence, computational intelligence, machine learning, and data mining. He is a member of IEEE, Machine Intelligence Research Labs. He has authored and edited overall 117 Web of Science and Scopus publication documents, including 3 books and 27 book chapters in CRC, Springer, Elsevier, and IET.

Aram M. Ahmed is presently working as a lecturer and researcher, in the Department of information technology, University of Human Development, Sulaimani, Iraq. He is interested in modeling biological and natural systems into computational techniques. He is an active researcher who has published books and papers in peer-review academic journals with high impact factors.

Bryar A. Hassan pursued bachelor's and master's degrees in software engineering from the University of Southampton, and the joint Ph.D. degree in information technology. He is a renowned assistant professor in computer science at the University of Kurdistan Hewler. He is on the list of the World's Top 2% Scientists Rankings 2023 (by Stanford University and Elsevier). He has worked as a software developer and entrepreneur for several years. He is currently a renowned assistant professor; he inspires students through innovative teaching and cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and optimisation algorithms. His research interests include artificial intelligence, optimisation algorithms, medical computing, semantic web, and NLP.

Zaher Mundher Yaseen is an Assistant professor and pioneer research scientist in the field of civil and environmental engineering. Currently, he is working at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. The scope of his research is quite abroad, covering water resources engineering, environmental engineering, knowledge-based system development, climate and the implementation of data analytic and artificial intelligence. He has published over 500 research articles within international journals and total number of citations over 22000 (Google Scholar H-Index = 83). He has collaborated with over 60 international countries and more than 950 researchers. He has served as a reviewer for more than 140 international journals and academic editor in several Clarivate ISI journals.

Professor Seyedali Mirjalili is a globally recognized expert in Artificial Intelligence and Optimization. He founded the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research and Optimization in 2019 and serves as a Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Torrens University Australia. Recently, he joined VSB - Technical University of Ostrava to be a part of the REFRESH project. Prof. Mirjalili is renowned for developing nature-inspired algorithms, which have been widely adopted in various engineering applications. He has published over 600 papers, with more than 120,000 citations and an H-index of 120, and has been among the top 1% of highly cited researchers globally since 2019. Prof. Mirjalili has also shared his expertise on prestigious platforms, including delivering a talk for TED, where he highlighted the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence. Notably, The Australian recognized him as a global leader in Artificial Intelligence since 2022 and 2023. Prof. Mirjalili is a senior member of IEEE and an associate editor for leading journals such as Applied Soft Computing, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, and Neurocomputing.

Nebojsa Bacanin currently works as a full professor and as a vice-rector for scientific research at Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia. He is involved in scientific research in the field of computer science and his specialty includes stochastic optimization algorithms, swarm intelligence, soft-computing, and optimization and modeling, as well as artificial intelligence algorithms, swarm intelligence, machine learning, image processing, and cloud and distributed computing. He has published more than 220 scientific papers in high-quality journals and international conferences indexed in Clarivate Analytics JCR, Scopus, WoS, IEEE Explore, and other scientific databases.

Sinan Salih is a lecturer and scientific researcher at Al-Bayan University. He had published 60 research papers during the past few years and received hundreds of citations, with 27 H-Index on google scholar. His major research interests are including machine learning, optimization problems, nature-inspired algorithms, and enhancing their advanced versions.


Tarik Ahmed Rash 是伊拉克庫爾德斯坦赫維勒大學 (UKH) 計算機科學與工程系的教授。他的研究領域涵蓋人工智慧、自然啟發演算法、群體智慧、計算智慧、機器學習和資料探勘。他是 IEEE 和機器智慧研究實驗室的成員。他已發表和編輯了 117 篇 Web of Science 和 Scopus 的出版文件,包括 3 本書和 27 章書籍,出版於 CRC、Springer、Elsevier 和 IET。

Aram M. Ahmed 目前在伊拉克蘇萊曼尼的人民發展大學資訊科技系擔任講師和研究員。他對將生物和自然系統建模為計算技術感興趣。他是一位活躍的研究者,已在高影響力的同行評審學術期刊上發表書籍和論文。

Bryar A. Hassan 在南安普敦大學獲得了軟體工程的學士和碩士學位,並獲得資訊科技的聯合博士學位。他是庫爾德斯坦赫維勒大學的知名助理教授。他在 2023 年的全球前 2% 科學家排名中名列前茅(由史丹佛大學和 Elsevier 提供)。他曾擔任軟體開發人員和企業家多年。目前,他是一位知名的助理教授,通過創新的教學和尖端的人工智慧及優化演算法研究來啟發學生。他的研究興趣包括人工智慧、優化演算法、醫療計算、語意網和自然語言處理 (NLP)。

Zaher Mundher Yaseen 是土木與環境工程領域的助理教授和先驅研究科學家。目前,他在沙烏地阿拉伯的法赫德石油與礦業大學工作。他的研究範圍相當廣泛,涵蓋水資源工程、環境工程、知識基礎系統開發、氣候以及數據分析和人工智慧的實施。他在國際期刊上發表了超過 500 篇研究文章,總引用次數超過 22000(Google Scholar H-Index = 83)。他與超過 60 個國家的 950 多位研究人員合作過,並擔任超過 140 本國際期刊的審稿人,以及多本 Clarivate ISI 期刊的學術編輯。

Seyedali Mirjalili 教授是全球公認的人工智慧和優化專家。他於 2019 年創立了人工智慧研究與優化中心,並擔任澳大利亞托倫斯大學的人工智慧教授。最近,他加入了 VSB - 奧斯特拉瓦技術大學,成為 REFRESH 項目的一部分。Mirjalili 教授因開發自然啟發演算法而聞名,這些演算法已廣泛應用於各種工程應用中。他已發表超過 600 篇論文,引用次數超過 120,000,H-index 為 120,自 2019 年以來一直位於全球高引用研究者的前 1%。Mirjalili 教授還在 TED 等知名平台分享他的專業知識,並強調人工智慧的變革潛力。值得注意的是,澳大利亞媒體自 2022 年和 2023 年以來將他視為人工智慧的全球領袖。Mirjalili 教授是 IEEE 的高級會員,並擔任《應用軟體計算》、《人工智慧工程應用》和《神經計算》等領先期刊的副編輯。

Nebojsa Bacanin 目前在塞爾維亞貝爾格萊德的辛吉杜姆大學擔任全職教授及科學研究副校長。他從事計算機科學領域的科學研究,專長包括隨機優化演算法、群體智慧、軟計算、優化與建模,以及人工智慧演算法、群體智慧、機器學習、影像處理和雲端及分散式計算。他在高品質期刊和國際會議上發表了超過 220 篇科學論文,這些論文均被 Clarivate Analytics JCR、Scopus、WoS、IEEE Explore 和其他科學數據庫索引。

Sinan Salih 是阿爾拜揚大學的講師和科學研究員。在過去幾年中,他發表了 60 篇研究論文,並獲得了數百次引用,Google Scholar 的 H-Index 為 27。他的主要研究興趣包括機器學習、優化問題、自然啟發演算法及其進階版本的增強。