Engineering Economics of Life Cycle Cost Analysis
暫譯: 生命週期成本分析的工程經濟學

Farr, John Vail, Faber, Isaac J.

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2024-11-29
  • 售價: $2,400
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,280
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 389
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1032184876
  • ISBN-13: 9781032184876
  • 相關分類: 經濟學 Economy
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This book offers a systems and life cycle or total ownership cost perspective. It presents advanced costing techniques such as simulation-based costing, decision analysis, complex systems costing, software, big data, and cloud computing estimation. Examples and problems demonstrate these techniques with real-world applications.




Dr. John V. Farr is a Professor Emeritus of Engineering Management at the United States Military Academy at West Point and currently an adjunct faculty member at the University of Central Florida and the School of Business at Clarkson University. From 2010 until his retirement from West Point in 2017 he was a Professor and the Founding Director of the Center for Nation Reconstruction and Capacity Development. From 2007 to 2010 he was a Professor of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and Associate Dean for Academics in the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology. He was the Founding Director of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at Stevens from 2000 to 2007. Before coming to Stevens in 2000, Dr. Farr was a Professor of Engineering Management at the United States Military Academy at West Point where he was the first permanent civilian professor in engineering and Director of their Engineering Management Program. Dr. Farr is a former past president and Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) and a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He is a former editor of the Journal of Management in Engineering and the founder of the Engineering Management Practice Periodical. He has authored or edited over 200 technical publications which includes five books, seven book chapters, and over 90-refereed publications mainly on cost analysis, infrastructure, engineering education, engineering management, and systems engineering. Dr. Farr earned his undergraduate degree from Mississippi State University and Masters and PhD in Civil Engineering from Purdue and the University of Michigan, respectively. Dr. Farr is also a member of Chi Epsilon, a Founding Member of Epsilon Mu Eta, and Phi Kappa Phi honor societies. He is a member of the International Council of Systems Engineering, ASCE, and ASEM. He is also a registered civil engineer in Florida and Mississippi and a certified project management professional (PMP). Dr. Farr has served on numerous defense national and academic advisory boards to include membership on the Army Science Board, Army Education Advisory Committee, Board on Army RDT&E, Systems Acquisition and Logistics, and as a member of the Air Force Studies Board and the Board on Army Research and Development of the National Academies. He has served as a consultant and principal subject matter expert to numerous companies and government agencies and worked in Afghanistan, Africa, Vietnam, and the Marshall Islands on a wide variety of economic and capacity development and assessment projects. He taught at the University of Technical Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2013 as a Fulbright Specialist.

Isaac J. Faber is an active-duty officer in the United States Army and is the Chief Data Scientist at the Artificial Intelligence and Integration Center. Previously he completed his Ph.D. at Stanford University where his research focused on advanced techniques for cyber security, early warning of complex attacks, and the costing of complex computer systems. While at Stanford he was involved in the startup of a company focusing on managing data mining solutions. He previously served as the lead data scientist at the Army's cyber warfare unit. In that role, he guided the development and architecture of an operational cyber analytics platform. Dr. Faber also served a three-year tour at the United States Military Academy at West Point where he was promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor. At West Point he served in the Department of Systems Engineering and taught courses in decision analysis and engineering economy. He also maintained an active sponsored research program in logistics and cyber warfare. Though still an active duty Army officer, he has found time to produced four peer-reviewed journal articles, eleven peer-reviewed conference articles, and six working papers. He is a Ranger qualified combat veteran of Iraq with a Bronze Star and Combat Infantry badge. He has served as the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering Chair of the Engineering Economy Division. He holds degrees in Computer Information Systems (B.S) from Arizona State University, Industrial Engineering (M.S.) from the University of Washington, and Management Science & Engineering (Ph.D.) from Stanford University.


約翰·V·法爾博士(Dr. John V. Farr)是美國西點軍校(United States Military Academy at West Point)工程管理的名譽教授,目前擔任中央佛羅里達大學(University of Central Florida)及克拉克森大學(Clarkson University)商學院的兼任教員。自2010年至2017年退休前,他擔任西點軍校的教授及國家重建與能力發展中心的創始主任。2007年至2010年間,他是史蒂文斯科技學院(Stevens Institute of Technology)系統工程與工程管理的教授及學術副院長。他於2000年至2007年期間擔任史蒂文斯的系統工程與工程管理系的創始主任。在2000年之前,法爾博士是美國西點軍校的工程管理教授,並且是該校第一位永久性民間工程教授及其工程管理計畫的主任。法爾博士曾擔任美國工程管理學會(American Society for Engineering Management, ASEM)的前任會長及會士,並且是美國土木工程師學會(American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE)的會士。他曾擔任《工程管理期刊》(Journal of Management in Engineering)的編輯,並創立了《工程管理實務期刊》(Engineering Management Practice Periodical)。他撰寫或編輯了超過200篇技術出版物,包括五本書、七章書籍及90篇以上的審核出版物,主要涉及成本分析、基礎設施、工程教育、工程管理及系統工程。法爾博士在密西西比州立大學獲得學士學位,並在普渡大學(Purdue University)及密ichigan大學(University of Michigan)分別獲得土木工程碩士及博士學位。法爾博士也是Chi Epsilon的成員,Epsilon Mu Eta的創始成員,以及Phi Kappa Phi榮譽學會的成員。他是國際系統工程委員會(International Council of Systems Engineering)、ASCE及ASEM的成員。他同時是佛羅里達州及密西西比州的註冊土木工程師及認證專案管理專業人員(PMP)。法爾博士曾在多個國防國家及學術諮詢委員會任職,包括陸軍科學委員會、陸軍教育諮詢委員會、陸軍研發與工程委員會、系統採購與物流委員會,以及空軍研究委員會及國家科學院的陸軍研究與發展委員會成員。他曾擔任多家企業及政府機構的顧問及主要主題專家,並在阿富汗、非洲、越南及馬紹爾群島參與各種經濟及能力發展與評估專案。2013年,他作為富布賴特專家在越南胡志明市的技術教育大學授課。

艾薩克·J·法伯(Isaac J. Faber)是美國陸軍的現役軍官,並擔任人工智慧與整合中心的首席數據科學家。此前,他在史丹佛大學(Stanford University)獲得博士學位,研究重點為網絡安全的先進技術、複雜攻擊的早期預警及複雜計算機系統的成本計算。在史丹佛大學期間,他參與了一家專注於數據挖掘解決方案管理的初創公司。他曾擔任陸軍網絡戰部隊的首席數據科學家。在該角色中,他指導了運營網絡分析平台的開發與架構。法伯博士還在美國西點軍校服役三年,並晉升為助理教授。在西點軍校,他在系統工程系任教,教授決策分析及工程經濟學課程。他還維持了一個活躍的物流及網絡戰的贊助研究計畫。儘管仍是現役陸軍軍官,他仍抽出時間發表了四篇同行評審的期刊文章、十一篇同行評審的會議文章及六篇工作論文。他是伊拉克的游騎兵合格作戰退伍軍人,獲得過銅星勳章及作戰步兵徽章。他曾擔任工業與系統工程學會(Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering)工程經濟學部門的主席。他擁有亞利桑那州立大學(Arizona State University)的計算機信息系統學士學位、華盛頓大學(University of Washington)的工業工程碩士學位,以及史丹佛大學的管理科學與工程博士學位。