Systems Analysis and Design, 9/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: 系統分析與設計,第9版 (IE-平裝本)

Julie Kendall (author) Kenneth Kendall (author)

  • 出版商: Prentice Hall
  • 出版日期: 2013-03-28
  • 售價: $1,176
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 552
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0273787101
  • ISBN-13: 9780273787105
  • 相關分類: 軟體工程
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約5~7天)




For undergraduate systems analysis and design courses.
Kendall and Kendall's Systems Analysis and Design, 9e, is a human-centered book that concisely presents the latest systems development methods, tools, and techniques to students in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner.
Flexible text organization.
The five major parts of the text can be varied and supplemented by using real-world projects, HyperCase experiences, or other materials available on the instructor
s resource section of the Companion Website.
Part 1: Systems Analysis Fundamentals (Chapters 1-3) focuses on the basics of what an analyst does, how emerging information systems fit into organizations, ecommerce project management coverage, and how to manage a systems project using special software tools. Part 1 now includes introductions of the three main methodologies of the systems development life cycle (SDLC), expanded coverage of evaluating software and hardware, when to use COTS (commercial off the shelf software), and earlier, expanded material on creating the project charter.
Part 2: Information Requirements Analysis (Chapters 4-6) emphasizes the use of systematic and structured methodologies for performing information requirements analysis. The information in these chapters enables students to understand the approach to systems development.
Part 3: The Analysis Process (Chapters 7-10) details the analysis process, and builds on the previous two parts to move students into analysis of data flows as well as structured and semi-structured decisions. 
Part 4: The Essentials of Design (Chapters 11-14) covers designing output, the design of web-based forms, relations between output method and content, the effect of output on users, and designing good forms and screens. 
Part 5: Quality Assurance and Implementation (Chapters 15-16) focuses on designing accurate data entry procedures and includes material on managing the supply chain through the effective design of business-to-business (B2B) ecommerce.
Design Features help students easily grasp the subject matter.
Conceptual Diagrams introduce system analyst tools through called-out functions and color-coding.
Computer Displays demonstrate software features using actual software screen shots.
Paper Forms show input and output design as well as the design of questionnaires. Blue ink identifies information filled in by users.
Tables organize and classify text and numbers in an easy-to-read format.
Pedagogical Features
Learning Objectives are listed at the beginning of every chapter.
Summaries tie together the salient points of each chapter while providing an excellent source of review for exams.
Keywords and Phrases 
Review Questions 
Group Projects help students work together in a systems team to solve important problems that are best solved through group interaction
Consulting Opportunities. More than 50 minicases throughout the book address relevant and emerging topics that have arisen in the field, including designing systems from an HCI perspective, ecommerce applications for the Web, COTS software, and using UML to model information systems from an object-oriented perspective. Consulting Opportunities can be used for stimulating in-class discussions, or assigned as homework or take-home exam questions. 
Mac Appeal feature columns update students on innovative design software available on Mac® and the iTunes Store®.
HyperCase Experiences. New scenarios, graphics, and problems to accompany HyperCase are incorporated in this edition. HyperCase is a Web-based, interactive software that presents an organization called Maple Ridge Engineering (MRE) in a colorful, three-dimensional graphics environment. With HyperCase, students become immediately immersed in organizational life; they can interview people, observe office environments, analyze their prototypes, and review the documentation of their existing systems. With HyperCase, professors have exciting multimedia material for the systems analysis and design class.
CPU Case Episodes. The CPU case runs throughout the text, taking students through all phases of the systems development life cycle. Students can use Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visio, or Visible Analyst to complete new assignments. 

New To This Edition
The Ninth Edition of Kendall & Kendall: Systems Analysis and Design includes extensive changes inspired by the swift transformations in the IS field over the last three years, and they are included as a response to the thoughtful input of our adopters, students, and reviewers. Many innovative and upgraded features are incorporated throughout this new edition. In particular: 
New coverage of how systems analysts and organizations can participate in open source communities (Chapter 1) 
Expanded coverage of the analyst role in ERP (enterprise systems) (Chapter 2) 
New in-depth coverage of project management techniques (Chapter 3) 
Expanded coverage of when to use cloud services versus purchasing hardware and software (Chapter 3)
New coverage of time estimation techniques for project management (Chapter 3) 
New coverage of the work breakdown structure (WBS) for project management (Chapter 3)
New material on designing corporate and ecommerce sites to include Web 2.0 technologies and social media (Chapter 11)
Innovative treatment of designing apps for smartphone and tablets (Chapter 11)
Expanded coverage of designing input for intranets, the Web, smartphones, and tablets (Chapter 12)
New material on the relationship of business intelligence to data warehouses, big data, business analytics and text analytics (Chapter 13)
Innovative coverage on designing gesture-based interfaces for smartphones and tablets (Chapter 14)
Additional material on designing alerts, queries, and notices for smartphones and tablets (Chapter 14)
Innovative handling of designing two-dimensional (2D) codes such as Microsoft Tags and QR codes for input (Chapter 15)
New material on how service-oriented architecture and cloud computing are changing the nature of information systems design (Chapter 16)
Expanded coverage of ERP systems and their relationship to cloud computing (Chapter 16)


1. Systems, Roles, and Development Methodologies
2. Understanding and Modeling Organizational Systems

3. Project Management
4. Information Gathering: Interactive Methods
5. Information Gathering: Unobtrusive Methods
6. Agile Modeling and Prototyping
7. Using Data Flow Diagrams
8. Analyzing Systems Using Data Dictionaries
9. Process Specifications and Structured Decisions
10. Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML
11. Designing Effective Output
12. Designing Effective Input
13. Designing Databases
14. Human-Computer Interaction
15. Designing Accurate Data Entry Procedures
16. Quality Assurance and Implementation



Kendall 和 Kendall 的《系統分析與設計》第九版是一本以人為中心的書籍,簡明扼要地向學生介紹最新的系統開發方法、工具和技術,以引人入勝且易於理解的方式呈現。
本書的五個主要部分可以通過使用真實世界的專案、HyperCase 體驗或其他可在教師資源部分的伴隨網站上獲得的材料進行變化和補充。
• 第一部分:系統分析基礎(第 1-3 章)專注於分析師的基本職責、新興資訊系統如何融入組織、電子商務專案管理的涵蓋範圍,以及如何使用特殊軟體工具管理系統專案。第一部分現在包括系統開發生命週期(SDLC)三種主要方法論的介紹,擴展了對軟體和硬體評估的涵蓋,何時使用 COTS(商用現成軟體),以及更早的擴展材料有關創建專案章程。
• 第二部分:資訊需求分析(第 4-6 章)強調使用系統化和結構化的方法進行資訊需求分析。本章的資訊使學生能夠理解系統開發的方法。
• 第三部分:分析過程(第 7-10 章)詳細說明分析過程,並在前兩部分的基礎上,將學生引入數據流的分析以及結構化和半結構化決策。
• 第四部分:設計要素(第 11-14 章)涵蓋輸出的設計、基於網頁的表單設計、輸出方法與內容之間的關係、輸出對用戶的影響,以及設計良好的表單和螢幕。
• 第五部分:品質保證與實施(第 15-16 章)專注於設計準確的數據輸入程序,並包括通過有效設計商業對商業(B2B)電子商務來管理供應鏈的材料。
• 概念圖通過標示的功能和顏色編碼介紹系統分析師工具。
• 電腦顯示使用實際的軟體螢幕截圖展示軟體功能。
• 紙本表單顯示輸入和輸出設計以及問卷的設計。藍色墨水標識用戶填寫的信息。
• 表格以易於閱讀的格式組織和分類文本和數字。
• 每章的開頭列出學習目標。
• 總結將每章的要點串聯起來,同時提供優秀的考試複習資料。
• 關鍵詞和短語
• 複習問題
• 問題
• 團體專案幫助學生在系統團隊中合作解決通過團體互動最佳解決的重要問題
• 諮詢機會。本書中有 50 多個小案例,涉及該領域出現的相關和新興主題,包括從 HCI 角度設計系統、網路電子商務應用、COTS 軟體,以及使用 UML 從面向對象的角度建模資訊系統。諮詢機會可用於激發課堂討論,或作為家庭作業或帶回家的考題。
• Mac Appeal 特徵專欄更新學生有關可在 Mac® 和 iTunes Store® 上獲得的創新設計軟體。
• HyperCase 體驗。本版中納入了新的場景、圖形和問題以配合 HyperCase。HyperCase 是一款基於網頁的互動軟體,呈現一個名為 Maple Ridge Engineering (MRE) 的組織,並在色彩繽紛的三維圖形環境中展示。使用 HyperCase,學生立即沉浸於組織生活中;他們可以訪問人員、觀察辦公環境、分析原型,並檢視現有系統的文檔。使用 HyperCase,教授擁有令人興奮的多媒體材料,用於系統分析與設計課程。
• CPU 案例集。CPU 案例貫穿整本書,帶領學生經歷系統開發生命週期的所有階段。學生可以使用 Microsoft Access、Microsoft Visio 或 Visible Analyst 完成新的作業。

Kendall & Kendall 的《系統分析與設計》第九版包括了受到過去三年資訊系統領域快速變化啟發的廣泛變更,這些變更是對我們的採用者、學生和評審者的深思熟慮的意見的回應。本新版本中納入了許多創新和升級的特徵。特別是:
• 新增系統分析師和組織如何參與開源社區的內容(第 1 章)
• 擴展分析師在 ERP(企業系統)中的角色的內容(第 2 章)
• 新增專案管理技術的深入內容(第 3 章)
• 擴展何時使用雲服務與購買硬體和軟體的內容(第 3 章)
• 新增專案管理的時間估算技術的內容(第 3 章)
• 新增專案管理的工作分解結構(WBS)內容(第 3 章)
• 新增設計企業和電子商務網站以包含 Web 2.0 技術和社交媒體的材料(第 11 章)
• 創新處理設計智能手機和平板電腦應用的內容(第 11 章)
• 擴展設計內部網路、網頁、智能手機和平板電腦輸入的內容(第 12 章)
• 新增商業智慧與數據倉庫、大數據、商業分析和文本分析之間關係的材料(第 13 章)
• 創新處理設計智能手機和平板電腦的手勢介面的內容(第 14 章)
• 新增設計智能手機和平板電腦的警報、查詢和通知的材料(第 14 章)
• 創新處理設計用於輸入的二維(2D)碼,如 Microsoft Tags 和 QR 碼的內容(第 15 章)
• 新增服務導向架構和雲計算如何改變資訊系統設計性質的材料(第 16 章)
• 擴展 ERP 系統及其與雲計算的關係的內容(第 16 章)

I. 系統分析基礎
1. 系統、角色與開發方法論
2. 理解與建模組織系統
3. 專案管理
II. 資訊需求分析
4. 資訊收集:互動方法
5. 資訊收集:不干擾方法
6. 敏捷建模與原型設計
III. 分析過程
7. 使用數據流圖
8. 使用數據字典分析系統
9. 流程規範與結構化決策
10. 使用 UML 的面向對象系統分析與設計
IV. 設計要素
11. 設計有效的輸出
12. 設計有效的輸入
13. 設計數據庫
14. 人機互動