Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2/e (IE-Paperback)
暫譯: 資料庫系統:完整書籍(第二版,IE-平裝本)
Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom
- 出版商: Prentice Hall
- 出版日期: 2008-06-14
- 定價: $1,180
- 售價: 9.8 折 $1,156
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 1203
- ISBN: 0131354280
- ISBN-13: 9780131354289
數據庫系統實現, 2/e (簡中版)
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For Database Systems and Database Design and Application courses offered at the junior, senior and graduate levels in Computer Science departments.
Written by well-known computer scientists, this introduction to database systems offers a comprehensive approach, focusing on database design, database use, and implementation of database applications and database management systems.
The first half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer. It covers the latest database standards SQL:1999, SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, JDBC, ODL, and XML, with broader coverage of SQL than most other texts. The second half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the DBMS implementor. It focuses on storage structures, query processing, and transaction management. The book covers the main techniques in these areas with broader coverage of query optimization than most other texts, along with advanced topics including multidimensional and bitmap indexes, distributed transactions, and information integration techniques.
- Open access Author Website ¿¿includes Power Point slides, teaching notes, assignments, projects, Oracle Programming Guidelines, and solutions to selected exercises.
- Instructor only Pearson Resources: Complete Solutions Manual (click on the Resources tab above to view downloadable files)
- Many real-world examples.
Offers a readable and engaging presentation.
- Extensive treatment of database modeling–Includes detailed and separate explanations of how to use E/R and ODL to design databases.
Teaches about this important first step of the planning process.
- Excellent, up-to-date and detailed coverage of SQL–Includes coverage of object-relational systems and many aspects of the new SQL:1999 standard.
Provides a more extensive treatment of query processing than other books on the market.
- Discussion of the technologies used to connect database programming with C or Java code–Includes discussions of SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, and JDBC.
Gives students practical advice on integrating state-of-the-art technologies with databases.
- Coverage of advanced issues important to database designers and users.
Includes discussions of views, integrity constraints, assertions, triggers, transactions, authorization, and recursion in SQL:1999.
- Discussions of how to successfully plan a database application before building it.
Reflects how these plans are developed in the real world.
- Coverage of topics such as designing storage structures and implementing a variety of indexing schemes.
Shows students how to build efficient database management systems.
- Extensive coverage of query processing and optimization.
Shows students how to fine tune database systems to improve performance.
- Comprehensive coverage of transaction processing mechanisms for concurrency control and recovery, including distributed and long-duration transactions.
Shows how to design complex database systems that can handle real-world business applications.
- Coverage of information integration, including data warehousing, mediation, OLAP, data-cube systems, and data mining.
Exposes readers to cutting edge technology used in business applications.
- Extensive exercises–In almost every section.
Provides students with the opportunity to practice and apply the concepts they've learned in each chapter.
- Please note that GOAL/Gradiance is no longer available with this book.
New to this Edition
- Chapters have been extensively reorganized and augmented.
- Relational modeling is covered in chapters 2-4.
- Chapter 4 is devoted to high-level modeling, and includes the E/R model as well as UML (Unified Modeling Language).
- The viewpoint of Chapter 3 - which focuses on functional and multivalued dependencies - has been modified, so that a functional dependency is now assumed to have a set of attributes on the right. Explicitly certain algorithms, including the “chase,” allow us to manipulate dependencies. The discussion of third normal form has been augmented to include the 3NF synthesis algorithm and to delineate the tradeoff between 3NF and BCNF.
- Chapter 5 contains the coverage of relational algebra from the previous edition, and is joined by (part of) the treatment of Datalog from the old Chapter 10.
- The discussion of recursion in Datalog is either moved to the book's Web site or combined with the treatment of recursive SQL in Chapter 10 of this edition.
- Chapters 6-10 are devoted to aspects of SQL programming, and they represent a reorganization and augmentation of the earlier book's Chapters 6, 7, 8, and parts of 10. The material on indexes and views has been moved to its own chapter, number 8, and this material has been augmented with a discussion of important new topics, including materialized views, and automatic selection of indexes.
- The New Chapter 9 is based on the old Chapter 8 (embedded SQL). It is introduced by a new section on 3-tiered architecture. It also includes an expanded discussion of JDBC and new coverage of PHP.
- Chapter 10 collects a number of advanced SQL topics, including the nested-relation model, object-relational features of SQL, and data cubes.
- Chapters 11 and 12, covering XML and XML-based systems, contain new and expanded material on modeling and programming, including XML schema, DTD's, XPath, XQuery, and XSLT.
- Chapter 20, covering parallel and distributed databases, includes new sections on distributed query execution, the map-reduce framework for parallel computation, peer-to-peer databases and their implementation of distributed hash tables.
- New sections on local-as-view mediators and entity resolution have been added to Chapter 21, which covers information integration.
- The expanded data mining chapter includes material on association rules and frequent itemset mining, including both the famous A-Priori Algorithm and certain efficiency improvements. Key techniques of shingling, minhashing, locality-sensitive hashing, and clustering have been added.
- An entirely new Chapter 23 addresses ways in which the Internet has impacted database technology through search engines and data-stream management systems.
### 內容描述
本書的前半部分從資料庫設計者、使用者和應用程式程式設計師的角度深入探討資料庫。涵蓋了最新的資料庫標準 SQL:1999、SQL/PSM、SQL/CLI、JDBC、ODL 和 XML,對 SQL 的涵蓋範圍比大多數其他書籍更廣泛。後半部分則從 DBMS 實作者的角度深入探討資料庫,重點在於儲存結構、查詢處理和交易管理。本書涵蓋了這些領域的主要技術,對查詢優化的探討比大多數其他書籍更為深入,並包括多維和位圖索引、分散式交易及資訊整合技術等進階主題。
- 開放存取作者網站?包括 Power Point 簡報、教學筆記、作業、專案、Oracle 程式設計指導方針及選定練習的解答。
- 僅限教師的 Pearson 資源:完整解答手冊(請點擊上方的資源標籤以查看可下載的檔案)
### 特點
- **許多真實世界的範例。**
- 提供可讀性高且引人入勝的呈現方式。
- **廣泛的資料庫建模處理** – 包括如何使用 E/R 和 ODL 設計資料庫的詳細和獨立解釋。
- 教導這一重要的規劃過程的第一步。
- **優秀、最新且詳細的 SQL 涵蓋** – 包括對物件關聯系統及新 SQL:1999 標準的許多方面的探討。
- 提供比市場上其他書籍更廣泛的查詢處理探討。
- **討論將資料庫程式設計與 C 或 Java 代碼連接的技術** – 包括 SQL/PSM、SQL/CLI 和 JDBC 的討論。
- 給予學生有關將尖端技術與資料庫整合的實用建議。
- **涵蓋對資料庫設計者和使用者重要的進階議題。**
- 包括對 SQL:1999 中的視圖、完整性約束、斷言、觸發器、交易、授權和遞迴的討論。
- **討論如何在建構資料庫應用程式之前成功規劃。**
- 反映這些計劃在現實世界中的發展方式。
- **涵蓋設計儲存結構和實作各種索引方案的主題。**
- 向學生展示如何建立高效的資料庫管理系統。
- **廣泛的查詢處理和優化涵蓋。**
- 向學生展示如何微調資料庫系統以改善性能。
- **全面涵蓋交易處理機制以進行併發控制和恢復,包括分散式和長時間交易。**
- 展示如何設計能夠處理現實世界商業應用的複雜資料庫系統。
- **涵蓋資訊整合,包括資料倉儲、中介、OLAP、資料立方體系統和資料挖掘。**
- 讓讀者接觸到商業應用中使用的尖端技術。
- **廣泛的練習** – 幾乎在每一個部分。
- 提供學生練習和應用他們在每一章中學到的概念的機會。
- 請注意,**GOAL/Gradiance** 現在不再與本書一起提供。
### 本版新內容
- 各章節已被廣泛重組和增補。
- 關聯建模在第 2-4 章中涵蓋。
- 第 4 章專注於高層次建模,包括 E/R 模型及 UML(統一建模語言)。
- 第 3 章的觀點 - 專注於功能和多值依賴 - 已被修改,現在假設功能依賴的右側有一組屬性。明確某些算法,包括“追逐”,允許我們操作依賴。對第三范式的討論已增補,包括 3NF 合成算法並界定 3NF 和 BCNF 之間的權衡。
- 第 5 章包含前一版的關聯代數內容,並與舊第 10 章的 Datalog 部分結合。
- Datalog 中的遞迴討論已移至本書的網站或與本版第 10 章的遞迴 SQL 討論結合。
- 第 6-10 章專注於 SQL 程式設計的各個方面,並重新組織和增補了早期書籍的第 6、7、8 章及第 10 章的部分內容。索引和視圖的材料已移至第 8 章,並增補了重要新主題的討論,包括物化視圖和自動索引選擇。
- 新的第 9 章基於舊的第 8 章(嵌入式 SQL)。它由有關三層架構的新部分引入,還包括擴展的 JDBC 討論和新的 PHP 涵蓋。
- 第 10 章收集了多個進階 SQL 主題,包括嵌套關係模型、SQL 的物件關聯特性和資料立方體。
- 第 11 和 12 章涵蓋 XML 和基於 XML 的系統,包含有關建模和程式設計的新擴展材料,包括 XML 架構、DTD、XPath、XQuery 和 XSLT。
- 第 20 章涵蓋平行和分散式資料庫,包括有關分散式查詢執行、平行計算的 map-reduce 框架、對等資料庫及其分散式雜湊表實作的新部分。
- 第 21 章涵蓋資訊整合,新增有關 local-as-view 中介和實體解析的新部分。
- 擴展的資料挖掘章節包括有關關聯規則和頻繁項集挖掘的材料,包括著名的 A-Priori 算法及某些效率改進。新增了 shingling、minhashing、局部敏感雜湊和聚類的關鍵技術。
- 全新的第 23 章探討了互聯網如何通過搜尋引擎和資料流管理系統影響資料庫技術。
Hector Garcia-Molina is the L. Bosack and S. Lerner Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. His research interests include digital libraries, information integration, and database applications on the Internet. He was a recipient of the SIGMOD Innovations Award and a member of PITAC (President's Information-Technology Advisory Council). He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Oracle Corp.
Jeffrey D. Ullman is the Stanford W. Ascherman Professor of Computer Science (emeritus) at Stanford University. He is the author or co-author of 16 books, including Elements of ML Programming (Prentice Hall 1998). His research interests include data mining, information integration, and electronic education. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Karl V. Karlstom Outstanding Educator Award, the SIGMOD Contributions and Edgar F. Codd Innovations Awards, and the Knuth Prize.
Jennifer Widom is Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. Her research interests span many aspects of nontraditional data management. She is an ACM Fellow and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, she received the ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations award in 2007 and was a Guggenheim Fellow in 2000, and she has served on a variety of program committees, advisory boards, and editorial boards.
赫克托·加西亞-莫利納是史丹佛大學計算機科學與電機工程的L. Bosack和S. Lerner教授。他的研究興趣包括數位圖書館、資訊整合以及互聯網上的資料庫應用。他曾獲得SIGMOD創新獎,並且是PITAC(總統資訊科技諮詢委員會)的成員。他目前擔任Oracle Corp.的董事會成員。
傑佛瑞·D·烏爾曼是史丹佛大學的史丹佛·W·阿什曼計算機科學榮譽教授。他是16本書的作者或合著者,包括《ML程式設計要素》(Prentice Hall 1998)。他的研究興趣包括資料探勘、資訊整合和電子教育。他是美國國家工程院的成員,並獲得古根海姆獎學金、卡爾·V·卡爾斯頓傑出教育者獎、SIGMOD貢獻獎和埃德加·F·科德創新獎,以及克努斯獎。
珍妮佛·維多姆是史丹佛大學計算機科學與電機工程的教授。她的研究興趣涵蓋非傳統資料管理的多個方面。她是ACM會士及美國國家工程院的成員,於2007年獲得ACM SIGMOD埃德加·F·科德創新獎,並於2000年成為古根海姆獎學金得主,此外,她還曾擔任多個程序委員會、諮詢委員會和編輯委員會的成員。
1 The Worlds of Database Systems
1.1 The Evolution of Database Systems
1.1.1 Early Database Management Systems
1.1.2 Relational Database Systems
1.1.3 Smaller and Smaller Systems
1.1.4 Bigger and Bigger Systems
1.1.5 Information Integration
1.2 Overview of a Database Management System
1.2.1 Data-Definition Language Commands
1.2.2 Overview of Query Processing
1.2.3 Storage and Buffer Management
1.2.4 Transaction Processing
1.2.5 The Query Processor
1.3 Outline of Database-System Studies
1.4 References for Chapter 1
PART I: Relational Database Modeling
2 The Relational Model of Data
2.1 An Overview of Data Models
2.1.1 What is a Data Model?
2.1.2 Important Data Models
2.1.3 The Relational Model in Brief
2.1.4 The Semistructured Model in Brief
2.1.5 Other Data Model
2.1.6 Comparison of Modeling Approaches
2.2 Basics of the Relational Model
2.2.1 Attributes
2.2.2 Schemas
2.2.3 Tuples
2.2.4 Domains
2.2.5 Equivalent Representations of a Relation
2.2.6 Relation Instances
2.2.7 Keys of Relations
2.2.8 An Example Database Schema
2.2.9 Exercises for Section 2.2
2.3 Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
2.3.1 Relations in SQL
2.3.2 Data Types
2.3.3 Simple Table Declarations
2.3.4 Modifying Relation Schemas
2.3.5 Default Values
2.3.6 Declaring Keys
2.3.7 Exercises for Section 2.3
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
2.4.1 Why Do We Need a Special Query Language?
2.4.2 What is an Algebra?
2.4.3 Overview of Relational Algebra
2.4.4 Set Operations on Relations
2.4.5 Projection
2.4.6 Selection
2.4.7 Cartesian Product
2.4.8 Natural Joins
2.4.9 Theta-Joins
2.4.10 Combining Operations to Form Queries
2.4.11 Naming and Renaming
2.4.12 Relationships Among Operations
2.4.13 A Linear Notation for Algebraic Expressions
2.4.14 Exercises for Section 2.4
2.5 Constraints on Relations
2.5.1 Relational Algebra as a Constraint Language
2.5.2 Referential Integrity Constraints
2.5.3 Key Constraints
2.5.4 Additional Constraint Examples
2.5.5 Exercises for Section 2.5
2.6 Summary of Chapter 2
2.7 References for Chapter 2
3 Design Theory for Relational Databases
3.1 Functional Dependencies
3.1.1 Definition of Functional Dependency
3.1.2 Keys of Relations
3.1.3 Superkeys
3.1.4 Exercises for Section 3.1
3.2 Rules About Functional Dependencies
3.2.1 Reasoning About Functional Dependencies
3.2.2 The Splitting/Combining Rule
3.2.3 Trivial Functional Dependencies
3.2.4 Computing the Closure of Attributes
3.2.5 Why the Closure Algorithm Works
3.2.6 The Transitive Rule
3.2.7 Closing Sets of Functional Dependencies
3.2.8 Projecting Functional Dependencies
3.2.9 Exercises for Section 3.2
3.3 Design of Relational Database Schemas
3.3.1 Anomalies
3.3.2 Decomposing Relations
3.3.3 Boyce-Codd Normal Form
3.3.4 Decomposition into BCN
3.3.5 Exercises for Section 3.
3.4 Decomposition: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
3.4.1 Recovering Information from a Decomposition
3.4.2 The Chase Test for Lossless Join
3.4.3 Why the Chase Works
3.4.4 Dependency Preservation
3.4.5 Exercises for Section 3.4
3.5 Third Normal Form
3.5.1 Definition of Third Normal Form
3.5.2 The Synthesis Algorithm for 3NF Schemas
3.5.3 Why the 3NF Synthesis Algorithm Work
3.5.4 Exercises for Section 3.5
3.6 Multivalued Dependencies
3.6.1 Attribute Independence and Its Consequent Redundancy
3.6.2 Definition of Multivalued Dependencies
3.6.3 Reasoning About Multivalued Dependencies
3.6.4 Fourth Normal Form
3.6.5 Decomposition into Fourth Normal Form
3.6.6 Relationships Among Normal Forms
3.6.7 Exercises for Section 3.6
3.7 An Algorithm for Discovering MVD's
3.7.1 The Closure and the Chase
3.7.2 Extending the Chase to MVD's
3.7.3 Why the Chase Works for MVD's
3.7.4 Projecting MVD's
3.7.5 Exercises for Section 3.7
3.8 Summary of Chapter 3
3.9 References for Chapter 3
4 High-Level Database Models
4.1 The Entity/Relationship Model
4.1.1 Entity Sets
4.1.2 Attributes
4.1.3 Relationships
4.1.4 Entity-Relationship Diagrams
4.1.5 Instances of an E/R Diagram
4.1.6 Multiplicity of Binary E/R Relationships
4.1.7 Multiway Relationships
4.1.8 Roles in Relationships
4.1.9 Attributes on Relationships
4.1.10 Converting Multiway Relationships to Binary
4.1.11 Subclasses in the E/R Model
4.1.12 Exercises for Section 4.1
4.2 Design Principles
4.2.1 Faithfulness
4.2.2 Avoiding Redundancy
4.2.3 Simplicity Counts
4.2.4 Choosing the Right Relationships
4.2.5 Picking the Right Kind of Element
4.2.6 Exercises for Section 4.2
4.3 Constraints in the E/R Model
4.3.1 Keys in the E/R Model
4.3.2 Representing Keys in the E/R Model
4.3.3 Referential Integrity
4.3.4 Degree Constraints
4.3.5 Exercises for Section 4.3
4.4 Weak Entity Sets
4.4.1 Causes of Weak Entity Sets
4.4.2 Requirements for Weak Entity Sets
4.4.3 Weak Entity Set Notation
4.4.4 Exercises for Section 4.4
4.5 From E/R Diagrams to Relational Designs
4.5.1 From Entity Sets to Relations
4.5.2 From E/R Relationships to Relations
4.5.3 Combining Relations
4.5.4 Handling Weak Entity Sets
4.5.5 Exercises for Section 4.5
4.6 Converting Subclass Structures to Relations
4.6.1 E/R-Style Conversion
4.6.2 An Object-Oriented Approach
4.6.3 Using Null Values to Combine Relations
4.6.4 Comparison of Approaches
4.6.5 Exercises for Section 4.6
4.7 Unified Modeling Language
4.7.1 UML Classes
4.7.2 Keys for UML classes
4.7.3 Associations
4.7.4 Self-Associations
4.7.5 Association Classes
4.7.6 Subclasses in UML
4.7.7 Aggregations and Compositions
4.7.8 Exercises for Section 4.7
4.8 From UML Diagrams to Relations
4.8.1 UML-to-Relations Basics
4.8.2 From UML Subclasses to Relations
4.8.3 From Aggregations and Compositions to Relations
4.8.4 The UML Analog of Weak Entity Sets
4.8.5 Exercises for Section 4.8
4.9 Object Definition Language
4.9.1 Class Declarations
4.9.2 Attributes in ODL
4.9.3 Relationships in ODL
4.9.4 Inverse Relationships
4.9.5 Multiplicity of Relationships
4.9.6 Types in ODL
4.9.7 Subclasses in ODL
4.9.8 Declaring Keys in ODL
4.9.9 Exercises for Section 4.9
4.10 From ODL Designs to Relational Designs
4.10.1 From ODL Classes to Relations
4.10.2 Complex Attributes in Classes
4.10.3 Representing Set-Valued Attributes
4.10.4 Representing Other Type Constructors
4.10.5 Representing ODL Relationships
4.10.6 Exercises for Section 4.10
4.11 Summary of Chapter 4
4.12 References for Chapter 4
PART II: Relational Database Programming
5 Algebraic and Logical Query Languages
5.1 Relational Operations on Bags
5.1.1 Why Bags?
5.1.2 Union, Intersection, and Difference of Bags
5.1.3 Projection of Bags
5.1.4 Selection on Bags
5.1.5 Product of Bags
5.1.6 Joins of Bags
5.1.7 Exercises for Section 5.1
5.2 Extended Operators of Relational Algebra
5.2.1 Duplicate Elimination
5.2.2 Aggregation Operators
5.2.3 Grouping
5.2.4 The Grouping Operator
5.2.5 Extending the Projection Operator
5.2.6 The Sorting Operator
5.2.7 Outerjoins
5.2.8 Exercises for Section 5.2
5.3 A Logic for Relations
5.3.1 Predicates and Atoms
5.3.2 Arithmetic Atoms
5.3.3 Datalog Rules and Queries
5.3.4 Meaning of Datalog Rules
5.3.5 Extensional and Intensional Predicates
5.3.6 Datalog Rules Applied to Bags
5.3.7 Exercises for Section 5.3
5.4 Relational Algebra and Datalog
5.4.1 Boolean Operations
5.4.2 Projection
5.4.3 Selection
5.4.4 Product
5.4.5 Joins
5.4.6 Simulating Multiple Operations with Datalog
5.4.7 Comparison Between Datalog and Relational Algebra
5.4.8 Exercises for Section 5.4
5.5 Summary of Chapter 5
5.6 References for Chapter 5
6 The Database Language SQL
6.1 Simple Queries in SQL
6.1.1 Projection in SQL
6.1.2 Selection in SQL
6.1.3 Comparison of Strings
6.1.4 Pattern Matching in SQL
6.1.5 Dates and Times
6.1.6 Null Values and Comparisons Involving {\tt NULL}
6.1.7 The Truth-Value {\tt UNKNOWN}
6.1.8 Ordering the Output
6.1.9 Exercises for Section 6.1
6.2 Queries Involving More Than One Relation
6.2.1 Products and Joins in SQL
6.2.2 Disambiguating Attributes
6.2.3 Tuple Variables
6.2.4 Interpreting Multirelation Queries
6.2.5 Union, Intersection, and Difference of Queries
6.2.6 Exercises for Section 6.2
6.3 Subqueries
6.3.1 Subqueries that Produce Scalar Values
6.3.2 Conditions Involving Relations
6.3.3 Conditions Involving Tuples
6.3.4 Correlated Subqueries
6.3.5 Subqueries in {\tt FROM}\ Clauses
6.3.6 SQL Join Expressions
6.3.7 Natural Joins
6.3.8 Outerjoins
6.3.9 Exercises for Section 6.3
6.4 Full-Relation Operations
6.4.1 Eliminating Duplicates
6.4.2 Duplicates in Unions, Intersections, and Differences
6.4.3 Grouping and Aggregation in SQL
6.4.4 Aggregation Operators
6.4.5 Grouping
6.4.6 Grouping, Aggregation, and Nulls
6.4.7 {\tt HAVING} Clauses
6.4.8 Exercises for Section 6.4
6.5 Database Modifications
6.5.1 Insertion
6.5.2 Deletion
6.5.3 Updates
6.5.4 Exercises for Section 6.5
6.6 Transactions in SQL
6.6.1 Serializability
6.6.2 Atomicity
6.6.3 Transactions
6.6.4 Read-Only Transactions
6.6.5 Dirty Reads
6.6.6 Other Isolation Levels
6.6.7 Exercises for Section 6.6
6.7 Summary of Chapter 6
6.8 References for Chapter 6
7 Constraints and Triggers
7.1 Keys and Foreign Keys
7.1.1 Declaring Foreign-Key Constraints
7.1.2 Maintaining Referential Integrity
7.1.3 Deferred Checking of Constraints
7.1.4 Exercises for Section 7.1
7.2 Constraints on Attributes and Tuples
7.2.1 Not-Null Constraints
7.2.2 Attribute-Based {\tt CHECK} Constraints
7.2.3 Tuple-Based {\tt CHECK} Constraints
7.2.4 Comparison of Tuple- and Attribute-Based Constraints
7.2.5 Exercises for Section 7.2
7.3 Modification of Constraints
7.3.1 Giving Names to Constraints
7.3.2 Altering Constraints on Tables
7.3.3 Exercises for Section 7.3
7.4 Assertions
7.4.1 Creating Assertions
7.4.2 Using Assertions
7.4.3 Exercises for Section 7.4
7.5 Triggers
7.5.1 Triggers in SQL
7.5.2 The Options for Trigger Design
7.5.3 Exercises for Section 7.5
7.6 Summary of Chapter 7
7.7 References for Chapter 7
8 Views and Indexes
8.1 Virtual Views
8.1.1 Declaring Views
8.1.2 Querying Views
8.1.3 Renaming Attributes
8.1.4 Exercises for Section 8.1
8.2 Modifying Views
8.2.1 View Removal
8.2.2 Updatable Views
8.2.3 Instead-Of Triggers on Views
8.2.4 Exercises for Section 8.2
8.3 Indexes in SQL
8.3.1 Motivation for Indexes
8.3.2 Declaring Indexes
8.3.3 Exercises for Section 8.3
8.4 Selection of Indexes
8.4.1 A Simple Cost Model
8.4.2 Some Useful Indexes
8.4.3 Calculating the Best Indexes to Create
8.4.4 Automatic Selection of Indexes to Create
8.4.5 Exercises for Section 8.4
8.5 Materialized Views
8.5.1 Maintaining a Materialized View
8.5.2 Periodic Maintenance of Materialized Views
8.5.3 Rewriting Queries to Use Materialized Views
8.5.4 Automatic Creation of Materialized Views
8.5.5 Exercises for Section 8.5
8.6 Summary of Chapter 8
8.7 References for Chapter 8
9 SQL in a Server Environment
9.1 The Three-Tier Architecture
9.1.1 The Web-Server Tier
9.1.2 The Application Tier
9.1.3 The Database Tier
9.2 The SQL Environment
9.2.1 Environments
9.2.2 Schemas
9.2.3 Catalogs
9.2.4 Clients and Servers in the SQL Environment
9.2.5 Connections
9.2.6 Sessions
9.2.7 Modules
9.3 The SQL/Host-Language Interface
9.3.1 The Impedance Mismatch Problem
9.3.2 Connecting SQL to the Host Language
9.3.3 The {\tt DECLARE} Section
9.3.4 Using Shared Variables
9.3.5 Single-Row Select Statements
9.3.6 Cursors
9.3.7 Modifications by Cursor
9.3.8 Protecting Against Concurrent Updates
9.3.9 Dynamic SQL
9.3.10 Exercises for Section 9.3
9.4 Stored Procedures
9.4.1 Creating PSM Functions and Procedures
9.4.2 Some Simple Statement Forms in PSM
9.4.3 Branching Statements
9.4.4 Queries in PSM
9.4.5 Loops in PSM
9.4.6 For-Loops
9.4.7 Exceptions in PSM
9.4.8 Using PSM Functions and Procedures
9.4.9 Exercises for Section 9.4
9.5 Using a Call-Level Interface
9.5.1 Introduction to SQL/CLI
9.5.2 Processing Statements
9.5.3 Fetching Data From a Query Result
9.5.4 Passing Parameters to Queries
9.5.5 Exercises for Section 9.5
9.6 JDBC
9.6.1 Introduction to JDBC
9.6.2 Creating Statements in JDBC
9.6.3 Cursor Operations in JDBC
9.6.4 Parameter Passing
9.6.5 Exercises for Section 9.6
9.7 PHP
9.7.1 PHP Basics
9.7.2 Arrays
9.7.3 The PEAR DB Library
9.7.4 Creating a Database Connection Using DB
9.7.5 Executing SQL Statements
9.7.6 Cursor Operations in PHP
9.7.7 Dynamic SQL in PHP
9.7.8 Exercises for Section 9.7
9.8 Summary of Chapter 9
9.9 References for Chapter 9
10 Advanced Topics in Relational Databases
10.1 Security and User Authorization in SQL
10.1.1 Privileges
10.1.2 Creating Privileges
10.1.3 The Privilege-Checking Process
10.1.4 Granting Privileges
10.1.5 Grant Diagrams
10.1.6 Revoking Privileges
10.1.7 Exercises for Section 10.1
10.2 Recursion in SQL
10.2.1 Defining Recursive Relations in SQL
10.2.2 Problematic Expressions in Recursive SQL
10.2.3 Exercises for Section 10.2
10.3 The Object-Relational Model
10.3.1 From Relations to Object-Relations
10.3.2 Nested Relations
10.3.3 References
10.3.4 Object-Oriented Versus Object-Relational
10.3.5 Exercises for Section 10.3
10.4 User-Defined Types in SQL
10.4.1 Defining Types in SQL
10.4.2 Method Declarations in UDT's
10.4.3 Method Definitions
10.4.4 Declaring Relations with a UDT
10.4.5 References
10.4.6 Creating Object ID's for Tables
10.4.7 Exercises for Section 10.4
10.5 Operations on Object-Relational Data
10.5.1 Following References
10.5.2 Accessing Components of Tuples with a UDT
10.5.3 Generator and Mutator Functions
10.5.4 Ordering Relationships on UDT's
10.5.5 Exercises for Section 10.5
10.6 On-Line Analytic Processing
10.6.1 OLAP and Data Warehouses
10.6.2 OLAP Applications
10.6.3 A Multidimensional View of OLAP Data
10.6.4 Star Schemas
10.6.5 Slicing and Dicing
10.6.6 Exercises for Section 10.6
10.7 Data Cubes
10.7.1 The Cube Operator
10.7.2 The Cube Operator in SQL
10.7.3 Exercises for Section 10.7
10.8 Summary of Chapter 10
10.9 References for Chapter 10
PART III: Modeling and Programming for Semistructured Data
11 The Semistructured-Data Model
11.1 Semistructured Data
11.1.1 Motivation for the Semistructured-Data Model
11.1.2 Semistructured Data Representation
11.1.3 Information Integration Via Semistructured Data
11.1.4 Exercises for Section 11.1
11.2 XML
11.2.1 Semantic Tags
11.2.2 XML With and Without a Schema
11.2.3 Well-Formed XML
11.2.4 Attributes
11.2.5 Attributes That Connect Elements
11.2.6 Namespaces
11.2.7 XML and Databases
11.2.8 Exercises for Section 11.2
11.3 Document Type Definitions
11.3.1 The Form of a DTD
11.3.2 Using a DTD
11.3.3 Attribute Lists
11.3.4 Identifiers and References
11.3.5 Exercises for Section 11.3
11.4 XML Schema
11.4.1 The Form of an XML Schema
11.4.2 Elements
11.4.3 Complex Types
11.4.4 Attributes
11.4.5 Restricted Simple Types
11.4.6 Keys in XML Schema
11.4.7 Foreign Keys in XML Schema
11.4.8 Exercises for Section 11.4
11.5 Summary of Chapter 11
11.6 References for Chapter 11
12 Programming Languages for XML
12.1 XPath
12.1.1 The XPath Data Model
12.1.2 Document Nodes
12.1.3 Path Expressions
12.1.4 Relative Path Expressions
12.1.5 Attributes in Path Expressions
12.1.6 Axes
12.1.7 Context of Expressions
12.1.8 Wildcards
12.1.9 Conditions in Path Expressions
12.1.10 Exercises for Section 12.1
12.2 XQuery
12.2.1 XQuery Basics
12.2.2 FLWR Expressions
12.2.3 Replacement of Variables by Their Values
12.2.4 Joins in XQuery
12.2.5 XQuery Comparison Operators
12.2.6 Elimination of Duplicates
12.2.7 Quantification in XQuery
12.2.8 Aggregations
12.2.9 Branching in XQuery Expressions
12.2.10 Ordering the Result of a Query
12.2.11 Exercises for Section 12.2
12.3 Extensible Stylesheet Language
12.3.1 XSLT Basics
12.3.2 Templates
12.3.3 Obtaining Values From XML Data
12.3.4 Recursive Use of Templates
12.3.5 Iteration in XSLT
12.3.6 Conditionals in XSLT
12.3.7 Exercises for Section 12.3
12.4 Summary of Chapter 12
12.5 References for Chapter 12
PART IV: Database System Implementation
13 Secondary Storage Management
13.1 The Memory Hierarchy
13.1.1 The Memory Hierarchy
13.1.2 Transfer of Data Between Levels
13.1.3 Volatile and Nonvolatile Storage
13.1.4 Virtual Memory
13.1.5 Exercises for Section 13.1
13.2 Disks
13.2.1 Mechanics of Disks
13.2.2 The Disk Controller
13.2.3 Disk Access Characteristics
13.2.4 Exercises for Section 13.2
13.3 Accelerating Access to Secondary Storage
13.3.1 The I/O Model of Computation
13.3.2 Organizing Data by Cylinders
13.3.3 Using Multiple Disks
13.3.4 Mirroring Disks
13.3.5 Disk Scheduling and the Elevator Algorithm
13.3.6 Prefetching and Large-Scale Buffering
13.3.7 Exercises for Section 13.3
13.4 Disk Failures
13.4.1 Intermittent Failures
13.4.2 Checksums
13.4.3 Stable Storage
13.4.4 Error-Handling Capabilities of Stable Storage
13.4.5 Recovery from Disk Crashes
13.4.6 Mirroring as a Redundancy Technique
13.4.7 Parity Blocks
13.4.8 An Improvement: RAID 5
13.4.9 Coping With Multiple Disk Crashes
13.4.10 Exercises for Section 13.4
13.5 Arranging Data on Disk
13.5.1 Fixed-Length Records
13.5.2 Packing Fixed-Length Records into Blocks
13.5.3 Exercises for Section 13.5
13.6 Representing Block and Record Addresses
13.6.1 Addresses in Client-Server Systems
13.6.2 Logical and Structured Addresses
13.6.3 Pointer Swizzling
13.6.4 Returning Blocks to Disk
13.6.5 Pinned Records and Blocks
13.6.6 Exercises for Section 13.6
13.7 Variable-Length Data and Records
13.7.1 Records With Variable-Length Fields
13.7.2 Records With Repeating Fields
13.7.3 Variable-Format Records
13.7.4 Records That Do Not Fit in a Block
13.7.5 BLOBs
13.7.6 Column Stores
13.7.7 Exercises for Section 13.7
13.8 Record Modifications
13.8.1 Insertion
13.8.2 Deletion
13.8.3 Update
13.8.4 Exercises for Section 13.8
13.9 Summary of Chapter 13
13.10 References for Chapter 13
14 Index Structures
14.1 Index-Structure Basics
14.1.1 Sequential Files
14.1.2 Dense Indexes
14.1.3 Sparse Indexes
14.1.4 Multiple Levels of Index
14.1.5 Secondary Indexes
14.1.6 Applications of Secondary Indexes
14.1.7 Indirection in Secondary Indexes
14.1.8 Document Retrieval and Inverted Indexes
14.1.9 Exercises for Section 14.1
14.2 B-Trees
14.2.1 The Structure of B-trees
14.2.2 Applications of B-trees
14.2.3 Lookup in B-Trees
14.2.4 Range Queries
14.2.5 Insertion Into B-Trees
14.2.6 Deletion From B-Trees
14.2.7 Efficiency of B-Trees
14.2.8 Exercises for Section 14.2
14.3 Hash Tables
14.3.1 Secondary-Storage Hash Tables
14.3.2 Insertion Into a Hash Table
14.3.3 Hash-Table Deletion
14.3.4 Efficiency of Hash Table Indexes
14.3.5 Extensible Hash Tables
14.3.6 Insertion Into Extensible Hash Tables
14.3.7 Linear Hash Tables
14.3.8 Insertion Into Linear Hash Tables
14.3.9 Exercises for Section 14.3
14.4 Multidimensional Indexes
14.4.1 Applications of Multidimensional Indexes
14.4.2 Executing Range Queries Using Conventional Indexes
14.4.3 Executing Nearest-Neighbor Queries Using Conventional Indexes
14.4.4 Overview of Multidimensional Index Structures
14.5 Hash Structures for Multidimensional Data
14.5.1 Grid Files
14.5.2 Lookup in a Grid File
14.5.3 Insertion Into Grid Files
14.5.4 Performance of Grid Files
14.5.5 Partitioned Hash Functions
14.5.6 Comparison of Grid Files and Partitioned Hashing
14.5.7 Exercises for Section 14.5
14.6 Tree Structures for Multidimensional Data
14.6.1 Multiple-Key Indexes
14.6.2 Performance of Multiple-Key Indexes
14.6.3 $kd$-Trees
14.6.4 Operations on $kd$-Trees
14.6.5 Adapting $kd$-Trees to Secondary Storage
14.6.6 Quad Trees
14.6.7 R-Trees
14.6.8 Operations on R-Trees
14.6.9 Exercises for Section 14.6
14.7 Bitmap Indexes
14.7.1 Motivation for Bitmap Indexes
14.7.2 Compressed Bitmaps
14.7.3 Operating on Run-Length-Encoded Bit-Vectors
14.7.4 Managing Bitmap Indexes
14.7.5 Exercises for Section 14.7
14.8 Summary of Chapter 14
14.9 References for Chapter 14
15 Query Execution
15.1 Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators
15.1.1 Scanning Tables
15.1.2 Sorting While Scanning Tables
15.1.3 The Computation Model for Physical Operators
15.1.4 Parameters for Measuring Costs
15.1.5 I/O Cost for Scan Operators
15.1.6 Iterators for Implementation of Physical Operators
15.2 One-Pass Algorithms
15.2.1 One-Pass Algorithms for Tuple-at-a-Time Operations
15.2.2 One-Pass Algorithms for Unary, Full-Relation Operations
15.2.3 One-Pass Algorithms for Binary Operations
15.2.4 Exercises for Section 15.2
15.3 Nested-Loop Joins
15.3.1 Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join
15.3.2 An Iterator for Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join
15.3.3 Block-Based Nested-Loop Join Algorithm
15.3.4 Analysis of Nested-Loop Join
15.3.5 Summary of Algorithms so Far
15.3.6 Exercises for Section 15.3
15.4 Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting
15.4.1 Two-Phase, Multiway Merge-Sort
15.4.2 Duplicate Elimination Using Sorting
15.4.3 Grouping and Aggregation Using Sorting
15.4.4 A Sort-Based Union Algorithm
15.4.5 Sort-Based Intersection and Difference
15.4.6 A Simple Sort-Based Join Algorithm
15.4.7 Analysis of Simple Sort-Join
15.4.8 A More Efficient Sort-Based Join
15.4.9 Summary of Sort-Based Algorithms
15.4.10 Exercises for Section 15.4
15.5 Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing
15.5.1 Partitioning Relations by Hashing
15.5.2 A Hash-Based Algorithm for Duplicate Elimination
15.5.3 Hash-Based Grouping and Aggregation
15.5.4 Hash-Based Union, Intersection, and Difference
15.5.5 The Hash-Join Algorithm
15.5.6 Saving Some Disk I/O's
15.5.7 Summary of Hash-Based Algorithms
15.5.8 Exercises for Section 15.5
15.6 Index-Based Algorithms
15.6.1 Clustering and Nonclustering Indexes
15.6.2 Index-Based Selection
15.6.3 Joining by Using an Index
15.6.4 Joins Using a Sorted Index
15.6.5 Exercises for Section 15.6
15.7 Buffer Management
15.7.1 Buffer Management Architecture
15.7.2 Buffer Management Strategies
15.7.3 The Relationship Between Physical Operator Selection and Buffer Management
15.7.4 Exercises for Section 15.7
15.8 Algorithms Using More Than Two Passes
15.8.1 Multipass Sort-Based Algorithms
15.8.2 Performance of Multipass, Sort-Based Algorithms
15.8.3 Multipass Hash-Based Algorithms
15.8.4 Performance of Multipass Hash-Based Algorithms
15.8.5 Exercises for Section 15.8
15.9 Summary of Chapter 15
15.10 References for Chapter 15
16 The Query Compiler
16.1 Parsing and Preprocessing
16.1.1 Syntax Analysis and Parse Trees
16.1.2 A Grammar for a Simple Subset of SQL
16.1.3 The Preprocessor
16.1.4 Preprocessing Queries Involving Views
16.1.5 Exercises for Section 16.1
16.2 Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans
16.2.1 Commutative and Associative Laws
16.2.2 Laws Involving Selection
16.2.3 Pushing Selections
16.2.4 Laws Involving Projection
16.2.5 Laws About Joins and Products
16.2.6 Laws Involving Duplicate Elimination
16.2.7 Laws Involving Grouping and Aggregation
16.2.8 Exercises for Section 16.2
16.3 From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans
16.3.1 Conversion to Relational Algebra
16.3.2 Removing Subqueries From Conditions
16.3.3 Improving the Logical Query Plan
16.3.4 Grouping Associative/Commutative Operators
16.3.5 Exercises for Section 16.3
16.4 Estimating the Cost of Operations
16.4.1 Estimating Sizes of Intermediate Relations
16.4.2 Estimating the Size of a Projection
16.4.3 Estimating the Size of a Selection
16.4.4 Estimating the Size of a Join
16.4.5 Natural Joins With Multiple Join Attributes
16.4.6 Joins of Many Relations
16.4.7 Estimating Sizes for Other Operations
16.4.8 Exercises for Section 16.4
16.5 Introduction to Cost-Based Plan Selection
16.5.1 Obtaining Estimates for Size Parameters
16.5.2 Computation of Statistics
16.5.3 Heuristics for Reducing the Cost of Logical Query Plans
16.5.4 Approaches to Enumerating Physical Plans
16.5.5 Exercises for Section 16.5
16.6 Choosing an Order for Joins
16.6.1 Significance of Left and Right Join Arguments
16.6.2 Join Trees
16.6.3 Left-Deep Join Trees
16.6.4 Dynamic Programming to Select a Join Order and Grouping
16.6.5 Dynamic Programming With More Detailed Cost Functions
16.6.6 A Greedy Algorithm for Selecting a Join Order
16.6.7 Exercises for Section 16.6
16.7 Completing the Physical-Query-Plan
16.7.1 Choosing a Selection Method
16.7.2 Choosing a Join Method
16.7.3 Pipelining Versus Materialization
16.7.4 Pipelining Unary Operations
16.7.5 Pipelining Binary Operations
16.7.6 Notation for Physical Query Plans
16.7.7 Ordering of Physical Operations
16.7.8 Exercises for Section 16.7
16.8 Summary of Chapter 16
16.9 References for Chapter 16
17 Coping With System Failures
17.1 Issues and Models for Resilient Operation
17.1.1 Failure Modes
17.1.2 More About Transactions
17.1.3 Correct Execution of Transactions
17.1.4 The Primitive Operations of Transactions
17.1.5 Exercises for Section 17.1
17.2 Undo Logging
17.2.1 Log Records
17.2.2 The Undo-Logging Rules
17.2.3 Recovery Using Undo Logging
17.2.4 Checkpointing
17.2.5 Nonquiescent Checkpointing
17.2.6 Exercises for Section 17.2
17.3 Redo Logging
17.3.1 The Redo-Logging Rule
17.3.2 Recovery With Redo Logging
17.3.3 Checkpointing a Redo Log
17.3.4 Recovery With a Checkpointed Redo Log
17.3.5 Exercises for Section 17.3
17.4 Undo/Redo Logging
17.4.1 The Undo/Redo Rules
17.4.2 Recovery With Undo/Redo Logging
17.4.3 Checkpointing an Undo/Redo Log
17.4.4 Exercises for Section 17.4
17.5 Protecting Against Media Failures
17.5.1 The Archive
17.5.2 Nonquiescent Archiving
17.5.3 Recovery Using an Archive and Log
17.5.4 Exercises for Section 17.5
17.6 Summary of Chapter 17
17.7 References for Chapter 17
18 Concurrency Control
18.1 Serial and Serializable Schedules
18.1.1 Schedules
18.1.2 Serial Schedules
18.1.3 Serializable Schedules
18.1.4 The Effect of Transaction Semantics
18.1.5 A Notation for Transactions and Schedules
18.1.6 Exercises for Section 18.1
18.2 Conflict-Serializability
18.2.1 Conflicts
18.2.2 Precedence Graphs and a Test for Conflict-Serializability
18.2.3 Why the Precedence-Graph Test Works
18.2.4 Exercises for Section 18.2
18.3 Enforcing Serializability by Locks
18.3.1 Locks
18.3.2 The Locking Scheduler
18.3.3 Two-Phase Locking
18.3.4 Why Two-Phase Locking Works
18.3.5 Exercises for Section 18.3
18.4 Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes
18.4.1 Shared and Exclusive Locks
18.4.2 Compatibility Matrices
18.4.3 Upgrading Locks
18.4.4 Update Locks
18.4.5 Increment Locks
18.4.6 Exercises for Section 18.4
18.5 An Architecture for a Locking Scheduler
18.5.1 A Scheduler That Inserts Lock Actions
18.5.2 The Lock Table
18.5.3 Exercises for Section 18.5
18.6 Hierarchies of Database Elements
18.6.1 Locks With Multiple Granularity
18.6.2 Warning Locks
18.6.3 Phantoms and Handling Insertions Correctly
18.6.4 Exercises for Section 18.6
18.7 The Tree Protocol
18.7.1 Motivation for Tree-Based Locking
18.7.2 Rules for Access to Tree-Structured Data
18.7.3 Why the Tree Protocol Works
18.7.4 Exercises for Section 18.7
18.8 Concurrency Control by Timestamps
18.8.1 Timestamps
18.8.2 Physically Unrealizable Behaviors
18.8.3 Problems With Dirty Data
18.8.4 The Rules for Timestamp-Based Scheduling
18.8.5 Multiversion Timestamps
18.8.6 Timestamps Versus Locking
18.8.7 Exercises for Section 18.8
18.9 Concurrency Control by Validation
18.9.1 Architecture of a Validation-Based Scheduler
18.9.2 The Validation Rules
18.9.3 Comparison of Three Concurrency-Control Mechanisms
18.9.4 Exercises for Section 18.9
18.10 Summary of Chapter 18
18.11 References for Chapter 18
19 More About Transaction Management
19.1 Serializability and Recoverability
19.1.1 The Dirty-Data Problem
19.1.2 Cascading Rollback
19.1.3 Recoverable Schedules
19.1.4 Schedules That Avoid Cascading Rollback
19.1.5 Managing Rollbacks Using Locking
19.1.6 Group Commit
19.1.7 Logical Logging
19.1.8 Recovery From Logical Logs
19.1.9 Exercises for Section 19.1
19.2 Deadlocks
19.2.1 Deadlock Detection by Timeout
19.2.2 The Waits-For Graph
19.2.3 Deadlock Prevention by Ordering Elements
19.2.4 Detecting Deadlocks by Timestamps
19.2.5 Comparison of Deadlock-Management Methods
19.2.6 Exercises for Section 19.2
19.3 Long-Duration Transactions
19.3.1 Problems of Long Transactions
19.3.2 Sagas
19.3.3 Compensating Transactions
19.3.4 Why Compensating Transactions Work
19.3.5 Exercises for Section 19.3
19.4 Summary of Chapter 19
19.5 References for Chapter 19
20 Parallel and Distributed Databases
20.1 Parallel Algorithms on Relations
20.1.1 Models of Parallelism
20.1.2 Tuple-at-a-Time Operations in Parallel
20.1.3 Parallel Algorithms for Full-Relation Operations
20.1.4 Performance of Parallel Algorithms
20.1.5 Exercises for Section 20.1
20.2 The Map-Reduce Parallelism Framework
20.2.1 The Storage Model
20.2.2 The Map Function
20.2.3 The Reduce Function
20.2.4 Exercises for Section 20.2
20.3 Distributed Databases
20.3.1 Distribution of Data
20.3.2 Distributed Transactions
20.3.3 Data Replication
20.3.4 Exercises for Section 20.3
20.4 Distributed Query Processing
20.4.1 The Distributed Join Problem
20.4.2 Semijoin Reductions
20.4.3 Joins of Many Relations
20.4.4 Acyclic Hypergraphs
20.4.5 Full Reducers for Acyclic Hypergraphs
20.4.6 Why the Full-Reducer Algorithm Works
20.4.7 Exercises for Section 20.4
20.5 Distributed Commit
20.5.1 Supporting Distributed Atomicity
20.5.2 Two-Phase Commit
20.5.3 Recovery of Distributed Transactions
20.5.4 Exercises for Section 20.5
20.6 Distributed Locking
20.6.1 Centralized Lock Systems
20.6.2 A Cost Model for Distributed Locking Algorithms
20.6.3 Locking Replicated Elements
20.6.4 Primary-Copy Locking
20.6.5 Global Locks From Local Locks
20.6.6 Exercises for Section 20.6
20.7 Peer-to-Peer Distributed Search
20.7.1 Peer-to-Peer Networks
20.7.2 The Distributed-Hashing Problem
20.7.3 Centralized Solutions for Distributed Hashing
20.7.4 Chord Circles
20.7.5 Links in Chord Circles
20.7.6 Search Using Finger Tables
20.7.7 Adding New Nodes
20.7.8 When a Peer Leaves the Network
20.7.9 When a Peer Fails
20.7.10 Exercises for Section 20.7
20.8 Summary of Chapter 20
20.9 References for Chapter 20
PART V: Other Issues in Management of Massive Data
21 Information Integration
21.1 Introduction to Information Integration
21.1.1 Why Information Integration?
21.1.2 The Heterogeneity Problem
21.2 Modes of Information Integration
21.2.1 Federated Database Systems
21.2.2 Data Warehouses
21.2.3 Mediators
21.2.4 Exercises for Section 21.2
21.3 Wrappers in Mediator-Based Systems
21.3.1 Templates for Query Patterns
21.3.2 Wrapper Generators
21.3.3 Filters
21.3.4 Other Operations at the Wrapper
21.3.5 Exercises for Section 21.3
21.4 Capability-Based Optimization
21.4.1 The Problem of Limited Source Capabilities
21.4.2 A Notation for Describing Source Capabilities
21.4.3 Capability-Based Query-Plan Selection
21.4.4 Adding Cost-Based Optimization
21.4.5 Exercises for Section 21.4
21.5 Optimizing Mediator Queries
21.5.1 Simplified Adornment Notation
21.5.2 Obtaining Answers for Subgoals
21.5.3 The Chain Algorithm
21.5.4 Incorporating Union Views at the Mediator
21.5.5 Exercises for Section 21.5
21.6 Local-as-View Mediators
21.6.1 Motivation for LAV Mediators
21.6.2 Terminology for LAV Mediation
21.6.3 Expanding Solutions
21.6.4 Containment of Conjunctive Queries
21.6.5 Why the Containment-Mapping Test Works
21.6.6 Finding Solutions to a Mediator Query
21.6.7 Why the LMSS Theorem Holds
21.6.8 Exercises for Section 21.6
21.7 Entity Resolution
21.7.1 Deciding Whether Records Represent a Common Entity
21.7.2 Merging Similar Records
21.7.3 Useful Properties of Similarity and Merge Functions
21.7.4 The R-Swoosh Algorithm for ICAR Records
21.7.5 Why R-Swoosh Works
21.7.6 Other Approaches to Entity Resolution
21.7.7 Exercises for Section 21.7
21.8 Summary of Chapter 21
21.9 References for Chapter 21
22 Data Mining
22.1 Frequent-Itemset Mining
22.1.1 The Market-Basket Model
22.1.2 Basic Definitions
22.1.3 Association Rules
22.1.4 The Computation Model for Frequent Itemsets
22.1.5 Exercises for Section 22.1
22.2 Algorithms for Finding Frequent Itemsets
22.2.1 The Distribution of Frequent Itemsets
22.2.2 The Naive Algorithm for Finding Frequent Itemsets
22.2.3 The A-Priori Algorithm
22.2.4 Implementation of the A-Priori Algorithm
22.2.5 Making Better Use of Main Memory
22.2.6 When to Use the PCY Algorithm
22.2.7 The Multistage Algorithm
22.2.8 Exercises for Section 22.2
22.3 Finding Similar Items
22.3.1 The Jaccard Measure of Similarity
22.3.2 Applications of Jaccard Similarity
22.3.3 Minhashing
22.3.4 Minhashing and Jaccard Distance
22.3.5 Why Minhashing Works
22.3.6 Implementing Minhashing
22.3.7 Exercises for Section 22.3
22.4 Locality-Sensitive Hashing
22.4.1 Entity Resolution as an Example of LSH
22.4.2 Locality-Sensitive Hashing of Signatures
22.4.3 Combining Minhashing and Locality-Sensitive Hashing
22.4.4 Exercises for Section 22.4
22.5 Clustering of Large-Scale Data
22.5.1 Applications of Clustering
22.5.2 Distance Measures
22.5.3 Agglomerative Clustering
22.5.4 $k$-Means Algorithms
22.5.5 $k$-Means for Large-Scale Data
22.5.6 Processing a Memory Load of Points
22.5.7 Exercises for Section 22.5
22.6 Summary of Chapter 22
22.7 References for Chapter 22
23 Database Systems and the Internet
23.1 The Architecture of a Search Engine
23.1.1 Components of a Search Engine
23.1.2 Web Crawlers
23.1.3 Query Processing in Search Engines
23.1.4 Ranking Pages
23.2 PageRank for Identifying Important Pages
23.2.1 The Intuition Behind PageRank
23.2.2 Recursive Formulation of PageRank\nobreakspace {}--- First Try
23.2.3 Spider Traps and Dead Ends
23.2.4 PageRank Accounting for Spider Traps and Dead Ends
23.2.5 Exercises for Section 23.2
23.3 Topic-Specific PageRank
23.3.1 Teleport Sets
23.3.2 Calculating A Topic-Specific PageRank
23.3.3 Link Spam
23.3.4 Topic-Specific PageRank and Link Spam
23.3.5 Exercises for Section 23.3
23.4 Data Streams
23.4.1 Data-Stream-Management Systems
23.4.2 Stream Applications
23.4.3 A Data-Stream Data Model
23.4.4 Converting Streams Into Relations
23.4.5 Converting Relations Into Streams
23.4.6 Exercises for Section 23.4
23.5 Data Mining of Streams
23.5.1 Motivation
23.5.2 Counting Bits
23.5.3 Counting the Number of Distinct Elements
23.5.4 Exercises for Section 23.5
23.6 Summary of Chapter 23
23.7 References for Chapter 23
1 The Worlds of Database Systems
1.1 The Evolution of Database Systems
1.1.1 Early Database Management Systems
1.1.2 Relational Database Systems
1.1.3 Smaller and Smaller Systems
1.1.4 Bigger and Bigger Systems
1.1.5 Information Integration
1.2 Overview of a Database Management System
1.2.1 Data-Definition Language Commands
1.2.2 Overview of Query Processing
1.2.3 Storage and Buffer Management
1.2.4 Transaction Processing
1.2.5 The Query Processor
1.3 Outline of Database-System Studies
1.4 References for Chapter 1
PART I: Relational Database Modeling
2 The Relational Model of Data
2.1 An Overview of Data Models
2.1.1 What is a Data Model?
2.1.2 Important Data Models
2.1.3 The Relational Model in Brief
2.1.4 The Semistructured Model in Brief
2.1.5 Other Data Model
2.1.6 Comparison of Modeling Approaches
2.2 Basics of the Relational Model
2.2.1 Attributes
2.2.2 Schemas
2.2.3 Tuples
2.2.4 Domains
2.2.5 Equivalent Representations of a Relation
2.2.6 Relation Instances
2.2.7 Keys of Relations
2.2.8 An Example Database Schema
2.2.9 Exercises for Section 2.2
2.3 Defining a Relation Schema in SQL
2.3.1 Relations in SQL
2.3.2 Data Types
2.3.3 Simple Table Declarations
2.3.4 Modifying Relation Schemas
2.3.5 Default Values
2.3.6 Declaring Keys
2.3.7 Exercises for Section 2.3
2.4 An Algebraic Query Language
2.4.1 Why Do We Need a Special Query Language?
2.4.2 What is an Algebra?
2.4.3 Overview of Relational Algebra
2.4.4 Set Operations on Relations
2.4.5 Projection
2.4.6 Selection
2.4.7 Cartesian Product
2.4.8 Natural Joins
2.4.9 Theta-Joins
2.4.10 Combining Operations to Form Queries
2.4.11 Naming and Renaming
2.4.12 Relationships Among Operations
2.4.13 A Linear Notation for Algebraic Expressions
2.4.14 Exercises for Section 2.4
2.5 Constraints on Relations
2.5.1 Relational Algebra as a Constraint Language
2.5.2 Referential Integrity Constraints
2.5.3 Key Constraints
2.5.4 Additional Constraint Examples
2.5.5 Exercises for Section 2.5
2.6 Summary of Chapter 2
2.7 References for Chapter 2
3 Design Theory for Relational Databases
3.1 Functional Dependencies
3.1.1 Definition of Functional Dependency
3.1.2 Keys of Relations
3.1.3 Superkeys
3.1.4 Exercises for Section 3.1
3.2 Rules About Functional Dependencies
3.2.1 Reasoning About Functional Dependencies
3.2.2 The Splitting/Combining Rule
3.2.3 Trivial Functional Dependencies
3.2.4 Computing the Closure of Attributes
3.2.5 Why the Closure Algorithm Works
3.2.6 The Transitive Rule
3.2.7 Closing Sets of Functional Dependencies
3.2.8 Projecting Functional Dependencies
3.2.9 Exercises for Section 3.2
3.3 Design of Relational Database Schemas
3.3.1 Anomalies
3.3.2 Decomposing Relations
3.3.3 Boyce-Codd Normal Form
3.3.4 Decomposition into BCN
3.3.5 Exercises for Section 3.
3.4 Decomposition: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
3.4.1 Recovering Information from a Decomposition
3.4.2 The Chase Test for Lossless Join
3.4.3 Why the Chase Works
3.4.4 Dependency Preservation
3.4.5 Exercises for Section 3.4
3.5 Third Normal Form
3.5.1 Definition of Third Normal Form
3.5.2 The Synthesis Algorithm for 3NF Schemas
3.5.3 Why the 3NF Synthesis Algorithm Work
3.5.4 Exercises for Section 3.5
3.6 Multivalued Dependencies
3.6.1 Attribute Independence and Its Consequent Redundancy
3.6.2 Definition of Multivalued Dependencies
3.6.3 Reasoning About Multivalued Dependencies
3.6.4 Fourth Normal Form
3.6.5 Decomposition into Fourth Normal Form
3.6.6 Relationships Among Normal Forms
3.6.7 Exercises for Section 3.6
3.7 An Algorithm for Discovering MVD's
3.7.1 The Closure and the Chase
3.7.2 Extending the Chase to MVD's
3.7.3 Why the Chase Works for MVD's
3.7.4 Projecting MVD's
3.7.5 Exercises for Section 3.7
3.8 Summary of Chapter 3
3.9 References for Chapter 3
4 High-Level Database Models
4.1 The Entity/Relationship Model
4.1.1 Entity Sets
4.1.2 Attributes
4.1.3 Relationships
4.1.4 Entity-Relationship Diagrams
4.1.5 Instances of an E/R Diagram
4.1.6 Multiplicity of Binary E/R Relationships
4.1.7 Multiway Relationships
4.1.8 Roles in Relationships
4.1.9 Attributes on Relationships
4.1.10 Converting Multiway Relationships to Binary
4.1.11 Subclasses in the E/R Model
4.1.12 Exercises for Section 4.1
4.2 Design Principles
4.2.1 Faithfulness
4.2.2 Avoiding Redundancy
4.2.3 Simplicity Counts
4.2.4 Choosing the Right Relationships
4.2.5 Picking the Right Kind of Element
4.2.6 Exercises for Section 4.2
4.3 Constraints in the E/R Model
4.3.1 Keys in the E/R Model
4.3.2 Representing Keys in the E/R Model
4.3.3 Referential Integrity
4.3.4 Degree Constraints
4.3.5 Exercises for Section 4.3
4.4 Weak Entity Sets
4.4.1 Causes of Weak Entity Sets
4.4.2 Requirements for Weak Entity Sets
4.4.3 Weak Entity Set Notation
4.4.4 Exercises for Section 4.4
4.5 From E/R Diagrams to Relational Designs
4.5.1 From Entity Sets to Relations
4.5.2 From E/R Relationships to Relations
4.5.3 Combining Relations
4.5.4 Handling Weak Entity Sets
4.5.5 Exercises for Section 4.5
4.6 Converting Subclass Structures to Relations
4.6.1 E/R-Style Conversion
4.6.2 An Object-Oriented Approach
4.6.3 Using Null Values to Combine Relations
4.6.4 Comparison of Approaches
4.6.5 Exercises for Section 4.6
4.7 Unified Modeling Language
4.7.1 UML Classes
4.7.2 Keys for UML classes
4.7.3 Associations
4.7.4 Self-Associations
4.7.5 Association Classes
4.7.6 Subclasses in UML
4.7.7 Aggregations and Compositions
4.7.8 Exercises for Section 4.7
4.8 From UML Diagrams to Relations
4.8.1 UML-to-Relations Basics
4.8.2 From UML Subclasses to Relations
4.8.3 From Aggregations and Compositions to Relations
4.8.4 The UML Analog of Weak Entity Sets
4.8.5 Exercises for Section 4.8
4.9 Object Definition Language
4.9.1 Class Declarations
4.9.2 Attributes in ODL
4.9.3 Relationships in ODL
4.9.4 Inverse Relationships
4.9.5 Multiplicity of Relationships
4.9.6 Types in ODL
4.9.7 Subclasses in ODL
4.9.8 Declaring Keys in ODL
4.9.9 Exercises for Section 4.9
4.10 From ODL Designs to Relational Designs
4.10.1 From ODL Classes to Relations
4.10.2 Complex Attributes in Classes
4.10.3 Representing Set-Valued Attributes
4.10.4 Representing Other Type Constructors
4.10.5 Representing ODL Relationships
4.10.6 Exercises for Section 4.10
4.11 Summary of Chapter 4
4.12 References for Chapter 4
PART II: Relational Database Programming
5 Algebraic and Logical Query Languages
5.1 Relational Operations on Bags
5.1.1 Why Bags?
5.1.2 Union, Intersection, and Difference of Bags
5.1.3 Projection of Bags
5.1.4 Selection on Bags
5.1.5 Product of Bags
5.1.6 Joins of Bags
5.1.7 Exercises for Section 5.1
5.2 Extended Operators of Relational Algebra
5.2.1 Duplicate Elimination
5.2.2 Aggregation Operators
5.2.3 Grouping
5.2.4 The Grouping Operator
5.2.5 Extending the Projection Operator
5.2.6 The Sorting Operator
5.2.7 Outerjoins
5.2.8 Exercises for Section 5.2
5.3 A Logic for Relations
5.3.1 Predicates and Atoms
5.3.2 Arithmetic Atoms
5.3.3 Datalog Rules and Queries
5.3.4 Meaning of Datalog Rules
5.3.5 Extensional and Intensional Predicates
5.3.6 Datalog Rules Applied to Bags
5.3.7 Exercises for Section 5.3
5.4 Relational Algebra and Datalog
5.4.1 Boolean Operations
5.4.2 Projection
5.4.3 Selection
5.4.4 Product
5.4.5 Joins
5.4.6 Simulating Multiple Operations with Datalog
5.4.7 Comparison Between Datalog and Relational Algebra
5.4.8 Exercises for Section 5.4
5.5 Summary of Chapter 5
5.6 References for Chapter 5
6 The Database Language SQL
6.1 Simple Queries in SQL
6.1.1 Projection in SQL
6.1.2 Selection in SQL
6.1.3 Comparison of Strings
6.1.4 Pattern Matching in SQL
6.1.5 Dates and Times
6.1.6 Null Values and Comparisons Involving {\tt NULL}
6.1.7 The Truth-Value {\tt UNKNOWN}
6.1.8 Ordering the Output
6.1.9 Exercises for Section 6.1
6.2 Queries Involving More Than One Relation
6.2.1 Products and Joins in SQL
6.2.2 Disambiguating Attributes
6.2.3 Tuple Variables
6.2.4 Interpreting Multirelation Queries
6.2.5 Union, Intersection, and Difference of Queries
6.2.6 Exercises for Section 6.2
6.3 Subqueries
6.3.1 Subqueries that Produce Scalar Values
6.3.2 Conditions Involving Relations
6.3.3 Conditions Involving Tuples
6.3.4 Correlated Subqueries
6.3.5 Subqueries in {\tt FROM}\ Clauses
6.3.6 SQL Join Expressions
6.3.7 Natural Joins
6.3.8 Outerjoins
6.3.9 Exercises for Section 6.3
6.4 Full-Relation Operations
6.4.1 Eliminating Duplicates
6.4.2 Duplicates in Unions, Intersections, and Differences
6.4.3 Grouping and Aggregation in SQL
6.4.4 Aggregation Operators
6.4.5 Grouping
6.4.6 Grouping, Aggregation, and Nulls
6.4.7 {\tt HAVING} Clauses
6.4.8 Exercises for Section 6.4
6.5 Database Modifications
6.5.1 Insertion
6.5.2 Deletion
6.5.3 Updates
6.5.4 Exercises for Section 6.5
6.6 Transactions in SQL
6.6.1 Serializability
6.6.2 Atomicity
6.6.3 Transactions
6.6.4 Read-Only Transactions
6.6.5 Dirty Reads
6.6.6 Other Isolation Levels
6.6.7 Exercises for Section 6.6
6.7 Summary of Chapter 6
6.8 References for Chapter 6
7 Constraints and Triggers
7.1 Keys and Foreign Keys
7.1.1 Declaring Foreign-Key Constraints
7.1.2 Maintaining Referential Integrity
7.1.3 Deferred Checking of Constraints
7.1.4 Exercises for Section 7.1
7.2 Constraints on Attributes and Tuples
7.2.1 Not-Null Constraints
7.2.2 Attribute-Based {\tt CHECK} Constraints
7.2.3 Tuple-Based {\tt CHECK} Constraints
7.2.4 Comparison of Tuple- and Attribute-Based Constraints
7.2.5 Exercises for Section 7.2
7.3 Modification of Constraints
7.3.1 Giving Names to Constraints
7.3.2 Altering Constraints on Tables
7.3.3 Exercises for Section 7.3
7.4 Assertions
7.4.1 Creating Assertions
7.4.2 Using Assertions
7.4.3 Exercises for Section 7.4
7.5 Triggers
7.5.1 Triggers in SQL
7.5.2 The Options for Trigger Design
7.5.3 Exercises for Section 7.5
7.6 Summary of Chapter 7
7.7 References for Chapter 7
8 Views and Indexes
8.1 Virtual Views
8.1.1 Declaring Views
8.1.2 Querying Views
8.1.3 Renaming Attributes
8.1.4 Exercises for Section 8.1
8.2 Modifying Views
8.2.1 View Removal
8.2.2 Updatable Views
8.2.3 Instead-Of Triggers on Views
8.2.4 Exercises for Section 8.2
8.3 Indexes in SQL
8.3.1 Motivation for Indexes
8.3.2 Declaring Indexes
8.3.3 Exercises for Section 8.3
8.4 Selection of Indexes
8.4.1 A Simple Cost Model
8.4.2 Some Useful Indexes
8.4.3 Calculating the Best Indexes to Create
8.4.4 Automatic Selection of Indexes to Create
8.4.5 Exercises for Section 8.4
8.5 Materialized Views
8.5.1 Maintaining a Materialized View
8.5.2 Periodic Maintenance of Materialized Views
8.5.3 Rewriting Queries to Use Materialized Views
8.5.4 Automatic Creation of Materialized Views
8.5.5 Exercises for Section 8.5
8.6 Summary of Chapter 8
8.7 References for Chapter 8
9 SQL in a Server Environment
9.1 The Three-Tier Architecture
9.1.1 The Web-Server Tier
9.1.2 The Application Tier
9.1.3 The Database Tier
9.2 The SQL Environment
9.2.1 Environments
9.2.2 Schemas
9.2.3 Catalogs
9.2.4 Clients and Servers in the SQL Environment
9.2.5 Connections
9.2.6 Sessions
9.2.7 Modules
9.3 The SQL/Host-Language Interface
9.3.1 The Impedance Mismatch Problem
9.3.2 Connecting SQL to the Host Language
9.3.3 The {\tt DECLARE} Section
9.3.4 Using Shared Variables
9.3.5 Single-Row Select Statements
9.3.6 Cursors
9.3.7 Modifications by Cursor
9.3.8 Protecting Against Concurrent Updates
9.3.9 Dynamic SQL
9.3.10 Exercises for Section 9.3
9.4 Stored Procedures
9.4.1 Creating PSM Functions and Procedures
9.4.2 Some Simple Statement Forms in PSM
9.4.3 Branching Statements
9.4.4 Queries in PSM
9.4.5 Loops in PSM
9.4.6 For-Loops
9.4.7 Exceptions in PSM
9.4.8 Using PSM Functions and Procedures
9.4.9 Exercises for Section 9.4
9.5 Using a Call-Level Interface
9.5.1 Introduction to SQL/CLI
9.5.2 Processing Statements
9.5.3 Fetching Data From a Query Result
9.5.4 Passing Parameters to Queries
9.5.5 Exercises for Section 9.5
9.6 JDBC
9.6.1 Introduction to JDBC
9.6.2 Creating Statements in JDBC
9.6.3 Cursor Operations in JDBC
9.6.4 Parameter Passing
9.6.5 Exercises for Section 9.6
9.7 PHP
9.7.1 PHP Basics
9.7.2 Arrays
9.7.3 The PEAR DB Library
9.7.4 Creating a Database Connection Using DB
9.7.5 Executing SQL Statements
9.7.6 Cursor Operations in PHP
9.7.7 Dynamic SQL in PHP
9.7.8 Exercises for Section 9.7
9.8 Summary of Chapter 9
9.9 References for Chapter 9
10 Advanced Topics in Relational Databases
10.1 Security and User Authorization in SQL
10.1.1 Privileges
10.1.2 Creating Privileges
10.1.3 The Privilege-Checking Process
10.1.4 Granting Privileges
10.1.5 Grant Diagrams
10.1.6 Revoking Privileges
10.1.7 Exercises for Section 10.1
10.2 Recursion in SQL
10.2.1 Defining Recursive Relations in SQL
10.2.2 Problematic Expressions in Recursive SQL
10.2.3 Exercises for Section 10.2
10.3 The Object-Relational Model
10.3.1 From Relations to Object-Relations
10.3.2 Nested Relations
10.3.3 References
10.3.4 Object-Oriented Versus Object-Relational
10.3.5 Exercises for Section 10.3
10.4 User-Defined Types in SQL
10.4.1 Defining Types in SQL
10.4.2 Method Declarations in UDT's
10.4.3 Method Definitions
10.4.4 Declaring Relations with a UDT
10.4.5 References
10.4.6 Creating Object ID's for Tables
10.4.7 Exercises for Section 10.4
10.5 Operations on Object-Relational Data
10.5.1 Following References
10.5.2 Accessing Components of Tuples with a UDT
10.5.3 Generator and Mutator Functions
10.5.4 Ordering Relationships on UDT's
10.5.5 Exercises for Section 10.5
10.6 On-Line Analytic Processing
10.6.1 OLAP and Data Warehouses
10.6.2 OLAP Applications
10.6.3 A Multidimensional View of OLAP Data
10.6.4 Star Schemas
10.6.5 Slicing and Dicing
10.6.6 Exercises for Section 10.6
10.7 Data Cubes
10.7.1 The Cube Operator
10.7.2 The Cube Operator in SQL
10.7.3 Exercises for Section 10.7
10.8 Summary of Chapter 10
10.9 References for Chapter 10
PART III: Modeling and Programming for Semistructured Data
11 The Semistructured-Data Model
11.1 Semistructured Data
11.1.1 Motivation for the Semistructured-Data Model
11.1.2 Semistructured Data Representation
11.1.3 Information Integration Via Semistructured Data
11.1.4 Exercises for Section 11.1
11.2 XML
11.2.1 Semantic Tags
11.2.2 XML With and Without a Schema
11.2.3 Well-Formed XML
11.2.4 Attributes
11.2.5 Attributes That Connect Elements
11.2.6 Namespaces
11.2.7 XML and Databases
11.2.8 Exercises for Section 11.2
11.3 Document Type Definitions
11.3.1 The Form of a DTD
11.3.2 Using a DTD
11.3.3 Attribute Lists
11.3.4 Identifiers and References
11.3.5 Exercises for Section 11.3
11.4 XML Schema
11.4.1 The Form of an XML Schema
11.4.2 Elements
11.4.3 Complex Types
11.4.4 Attributes
11.4.5 Restricted Simple Types
11.4.6 Keys in XML Schema
11.4.7 Foreign Keys in XML Schema
11.4.8 Exercises for Section 11.4
11.5 Summary of Chapter 11
11.6 References for Chapter 11
12 Programming Languages for XML
12.1 XPath
12.1.1 The XPath Data Model
12.1.2 Document Nodes
12.1.3 Path Expressions
12.1.4 Relative Path Expressions
12.1.5 Attributes in Path Expressions
12.1.6 Axes
12.1.7 Context of Expressions
12.1.8 Wildcards
12.1.9 Conditions in Path Expressions
12.1.10 Exercises for Section 12.1
12.2 XQuery
12.2.1 XQuery Basics
12.2.2 FLWR Expressions
12.2.3 Replacement of Variables by Their Values
12.2.4 Joins in XQuery
12.2.5 XQuery Comparison Operators
12.2.6 Elimination of Duplicates
12.2.7 Quantification in XQuery
12.2.8 Aggregations
12.2.9 Branching in XQuery Expressions
12.2.10 Ordering the Result of a Query
12.2.11 Exercises for Section 12.2
12.3 Extensible Stylesheet Language
12.3.1 XSLT Basics
12.3.2 Templates
12.3.3 Obtaining Values From XML Data
12.3.4 Recursive Use of Templates
12.3.5 Iteration in XSLT
12.3.6 Conditionals in XSLT
12.3.7 Exercises for Section 12.3
12.4 Summary of Chapter 12
12.5 References for Chapter 12
PART IV: Database System Implementation
13 Secondary Storage Management
13.1 The Memory Hierarchy
13.1.1 The Memory Hierarchy
13.1.2 Transfer of Data Between Levels
13.1.3 Volatile and Nonvolatile Storage
13.1.4 Virtual Memory
13.1.5 Exercises for Section 13.1
13.2 Disks
13.2.1 Mechanics of Disks
13.2.2 The Disk Controller
13.2.3 Disk Access Characteristics
13.2.4 Exercises for Section 13.2
13.3 Accelerating Access to Secondary Storage
13.3.1 The I/O Model of Computation
13.3.2 Organizing Data by Cylinders
13.3.3 Using Multiple Disks
13.3.4 Mirroring Disks
13.3.5 Disk Scheduling and the Elevator Algorithm
13.3.6 Prefetching and Large-Scale Buffering
13.3.7 Exercises for Section 13.3
13.4 Disk Failures
13.4.1 Intermittent Failures
13.4.2 Checksums
13.4.3 Stable Storage
13.4.4 Error-Handling Capabilities of Stable Storage
13.4.5 Recovery from Disk Crashes
13.4.6 Mirroring as a Redundancy Technique
13.4.7 Parity Blocks
13.4.8 An Improvement: RAID 5
13.4.9 Coping With Multiple Disk Crashes
13.4.10 Exercises for Section 13.4
13.5 Arranging Data on Disk
13.5.1 Fixed-Length Records
13.5.2 Packing Fixed-Length Records into Blocks
13.5.3 Exercises for Section 13.5
13.6 Representing Block and Record Addresses
13.6.1 Addresses in Client-Server Systems
13.6.2 Logical and Structured Addresses
13.6.3 Pointer Swizzling
13.6.4 Returning Blocks to Disk
13.6.5 Pinned Records and Blocks
13.6.6 Exercises for Section 13.6
13.7 Variable-Length Data and Records
13.7.1 Records With Variable-Length Fields
13.7.2 Records With Repeating Fields
13.7.3 Variable-Format Records
13.7.4 Records That Do Not Fit in a Block
13.7.5 BLOBs
13.7.6 Column Stores
13.7.7 Exercises for Section 13.7
13.8 Record Modifications
13.8.1 Insertion
13.8.2 Deletion
13.8.3 Update
13.8.4 Exercises for Section 13.8
13.9 Summary of Chapter 13
13.10 References for Chapter 13
14 Index Structures
14.1 Index-Structure Basics
14.1.1 Sequential Files
14.1.2 Dense Indexes
14.1.3 Sparse Indexes
14.1.4 Multiple Levels of Index
14.1.5 Secondary Indexes
14.1.6 Applications of Secondary Indexes
14.1.7 Indirection in Secondary Indexes
14.1.8 Document Retrieval and Inverted Indexes
14.1.9 Exercises for Section 14.1
14.2 B-Trees
14.2.1 The Structure of B-trees
14.2.2 Applications of B-trees
14.2.3 Lookup in B-Trees
14.2.4 Range Queries
14.2.5 Insertion Into B-Trees
14.2.6 Deletion From B-Trees
14.2.7 Efficiency of B-Trees
14.2.8 Exercises for Section 14.2
14.3 Hash Tables
14.3.1 Secondary-Storage Hash Tables
14.3.2 Insertion Into a Hash Table
14.3.3 Hash-Table Deletion
14.3.4 Efficiency of Hash Table Indexes
14.3.5 Extensible Hash Tables
14.3.6 Insertion Into Extensible Hash Tables
14.3.7 Linear Hash Tables
14.3.8 Insertion Into Linear Hash Tables
14.3.9 Exercises for Section 14.3
14.4 Multidimensional Indexes
14.4.1 Applications of Multidimensional Indexes
14.4.2 Executing Range Queries Using Conventional Indexes
14.4.3 Executing Nearest-Neighbor Queries Using Conventional Indexes
14.4.4 Overview of Multidimensional Index Structures
14.5 Hash Structures for Multidimensional Data
14.5.1 Grid Files
14.5.2 Lookup in a Grid File
14.5.3 Insertion Into Grid Files
14.5.4 Performance of Grid Files
14.5.5 Partitioned Hash Functions
14.5.6 Comparison of Grid Files and Partitioned Hashing
14.5.7 Exercises for Section 14.5
14.6 Tree Structures for Multidimensional Data
14.6.1 Multiple-Key Indexes
14.6.2 Performance of Multiple-Key Indexes
14.6.3 $kd$-Trees
14.6.4 Operations on $kd$-Trees
14.6.5 Adapting $kd$-Trees to Secondary Storage
14.6.6 Quad Trees
14.6.7 R-Trees
14.6.8 Operations on R-Trees
14.6.9 Exercises for Section 14.6
14.7 Bitmap Indexes
14.7.1 Motivation for Bitmap Indexes
14.7.2 Compressed Bitmaps
14.7.3 Operating on Run-Length-Encoded Bit-Vectors
14.7.4 Managing Bitmap Indexes
14.7.5 Exercises for Section 14.7
14.8 Summary of Chapter 14
14.9 References for Chapter 14
15 Query Execution
15.1 Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators
15.1.1 Scanning Tables
15.1.2 Sorting While Scanning Tables
15.1.3 The Computation Model for Physical Operators
15.1.4 Parameters for Measuring Costs
15.1.5 I/O Cost for Scan Operators
15.1.6 Iterators for Implementation of Physical Operators
15.2 One-Pass Algorithms
15.2.1 One-Pass Algorithms for Tuple-at-a-Time Operations
15.2.2 One-Pass Algorithms for Unary, Full-Relation Operations
15.2.3 One-Pass Algorithms for Binary Operations
15.2.4 Exercises for Section 15.2
15.3 Nested-Loop Joins
15.3.1 Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join
15.3.2 An Iterator for Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join
15.3.3 Block-Based Nested-Loop Join Algorithm
15.3.4 Analysis of Nested-Loop Join
15.3.5 Summary of Algorithms so Far
15.3.6 Exercises for Section 15.3
15.4 Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting
15.4.1 Two-Phase, Multiway Merge-Sort
15.4.2 Duplicate Elimination Using Sorting
15.4.3 Grouping and Aggregation Using Sorting
15.4.4 A Sort-Based Union Algorithm
15.4.5 Sort-Based Intersection and Difference
15.4.6 A Simple Sort-Based Join Algorithm
15.4.7 Analysis of Simple Sort-Join
15.4.8 A More Efficient Sort-Based Join
15.4.9 Summary of Sort-Based Algorithms
15.4.10 Exercises for Section 15.4
15.5 Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing
15.5.1 Partitioning Relations by Hashing
15.5.2 A Hash-Based Algorithm for Duplicate Elimination
15.5.3 Hash-Based Grouping and Aggregation
15.5.4 Hash-Based Union, Intersection, and Difference
15.5.5 The Hash-Join Algorithm
15.5.6 Saving Some Disk I/O's
15.5.7 Summary of Hash-Based Algorithms
15.5.8 Exercises for Section 15.5
15.6 Index-Based Algorithms
15.6.1 Clustering and Nonclustering Indexes
15.6.2 Index-Based Selection
15.6.3 Joining by Using an Index
15.6.4 Joins Using a Sorted Index
15.6.5 Exercises for Section 15.6
15.7 Buffer Management
15.7.1 Buffer Management Architecture
15.7.2 Buffer Management Strategies
15.7.3 The Relationship Between Physical Operator Selection and Buffer Management
15.7.4 Exercises for Section 15.7
15.8 Algorithms Using More Than Two Passes
15.8.1 Multipass Sort-Based Algorithms
15.8.2 Performance of Multipass, Sort-Based Algorithms
15.8.3 Multipass Hash-Based Algorithms
15.8.4 Performance of Multipass Hash-Based Algorithms
15.8.5 Exercises for Section 15.8
15.9 Summary of Chapter 15
15.10 References for Chapter 15
16 The Query Compiler
16.1 Parsing and Preprocessing
16.1.1 Syntax Analysis and Parse Trees
16.1.2 A Grammar for a Simple Subset of SQL
16.1.3 The Preprocessor
16.1.4 Preprocessing Queries Involving Views
16.1.5 Exercises for Section 16.1
16.2 Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans
16.2.1 Commutative and Associative Laws
16.2.2 Laws Involving Selection
16.2.3 Pushing Selections
16.2.4 Laws Involving Projection
16.2.5 Laws About Joins and Products
16.2.6 Laws Involving Duplicate Elimination
16.2.7 Laws Involving Grouping and Aggregation
16.2.8 Exercises for Section 16.2
16.3 From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans
16.3.1 Conversion to Relational Algebra
16.3.2 Removing Subqueries From Conditions
16.3.3 Improving the Logical Query Plan
16.3.4 Grouping Associative/Commutative Operators
16.3.5 Exercises for Section 16.3
16.4 Estimating the Cost of Operations
16.4.1 Estimating Sizes of Intermediate Relations
16.4.2 Estimating the Size of a Projection
16.4.3 Estimating the Size of a Selection
16.4.4 Estimating the Size of a Join
16.4.5 Natural Joins With Multiple Join Attributes
16.4.6 Joins of Many Relations
16.4.7 Estimating Sizes for Other Operations
16.4.8 Exercises for Section 16.4
16.5 Introduction to Cost-Based Plan Selection
16.5.1 Obtaining Estimates for Size Parameters
16.5.2 Computation of Statistics
16.5.3 Heuristics for Reducing the Cost of Logical Query Plans
16.5.4 Approaches to Enumerating Physical Plans
16.5.5 Exercises for Section 16.5
16.6 Choosing an Order for Joins
16.6.1 Significance of Left and Right Join Arguments
16.6.2 Join Trees
16.6.3 Left-Deep Join Trees
16.6.4 Dynamic Programming to Select a Join Order and Grouping
16.6.5 Dynamic Programming With More Detailed Cost Functions
16.6.6 A Greedy Algorithm for Selecting a Join Order
16.6.7 Exercises for Section 16.6
16.7 Completing the Physical-Query-Plan
16.7.1 Choosing a Selection Method
16.7.2 Choosing a Join Method
16.7.3 Pipelining Versus Materialization
16.7.4 Pipelining Unary Operations
16.7.5 Pipelining Binary Operations
16.7.6 Notation for Physical Query Plans
16.7.7 Ordering of Physical Operations
16.7.8 Exercises for Section 16.7
16.8 Summary of Chapter 16
16.9 References for Chapter 16
17 Coping With System Failures
17.1 Issues and Models for Resilient Operation
17.1.1 Failure Modes
17.1.2 More About Transactions
17.1.3 Correct Execution of Transactions
17.1.4 The Primitive Operations of Transactions
17.1.5 Exercises for Section 17.1
17.2 Undo Logging
17.2.1 Log Records
17.2.2 The Undo-Logging Rules
17.2.3 Recovery Using Undo Logging
17.2.4 Checkpointing
17.2.5 Nonquiescent Checkpointing
17.2.6 Exercises for Section 17.2
17.3 Redo Logging
17.3.1 The Redo-Logging Rule
17.3.2 Recovery With Redo Logging
17.3.3 Checkpointing a Redo Log
17.3.4 Recovery With a Checkpointed Redo Log
17.3.5 Exercises for Section 17.3
17.4 Undo/Redo Logging
17.4.1 The Undo/Redo Rules
17.4.2 Recovery With Undo/Redo Logging
17.4.3 Checkpointing an Undo/Redo Log
17.4.4 Exercises for Section 17.4
17.5 Protecting Against Media Failures
17.5.1 The Archive
17.5.2 Nonquiescent Archiving
17.5.3 Recovery Using an Archive and Log
17.5.4 Exercises for Section 17.5
17.6 Summary of Chapter 17
17.7 References for Chapter 17
18 Concurrency Control
18.1 Serial and Serializable Schedules
18.1.1 Schedules
18.1.2 Serial Schedules
18.1.3 Serializable Schedules
18.1.4 The Effect of Transaction Semantics
18.1.5 A Notation for Transactions and Schedules
18.1.6 Exercises for Section 18.1
18.2 Conflict-Serializability
18.2.1 Conflicts
18.2.2 Precedence Graphs and a Test for Conflict-Serializability
18.2.3 Why the Precedence-Graph Test Works
18.2.4 Exercises for Section 18.2
18.3 Enforcing Serializability by Locks
18.3.1 Locks
18.3.2 The Locking Scheduler
18.3.3 Two-Phase Locking
18.3.4 Why Two-Phase Locking Works
18.3.5 Exercises for Section 18.3
18.4 Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes
18.4.1 Shared and Exclusive Locks
18.4.2 Compatibility Matrices
18.4.3 Upgrading Locks
18.4.4 Update Locks
18.4.5 Increment Locks
18.4.6 Exercises for Section 18.4
18.5 An Architecture for a Locking Scheduler
18.5.1 A Scheduler That Inserts Lock Actions
18.5.2 The Lock Table
18.5.3 Exercises for Section 18.5
18.6 Hierarchies of Database Elements
18.6.1 Locks With Multiple Granularity
18.6.2 Warning Locks
18.6.3 Phantoms and Handling Insertions Correctly
18.6.4 Exercises for Section 18.6
18.7 The Tree Protocol
18.7.1 Motivation for Tree-Based Locking
18.7.2 Rules for Access to Tree-Structured Data
18.7.3 Why the Tree Protocol Works
18.7.4 Exercises for Section 18.7
18.8 Concurrency Control by Timestamps
18.8.1 Timestamps
18.8.2 Physically Unrealizable Behaviors
18.8.3 Problems With Dirty Data
18.8.4 The Rules for Timestamp-Based Scheduling
18.8.5 Multiversion Timestamps
18.8.6 Timestamps Versus Locking
18.8.7 Exercises for Section 18.8
18.9 Concurrency Control by Validation
18.9.1 Architecture of a Validation-Based Scheduler
18.9.2 The Validation Rules
18.9.3 Comparison of Three Concurrency-Control Mechanisms
18.9.4 Exercises for Section 18.9
18.10 Summary of Chapter 18
18.11 References for Chapter 18
19 More About Transaction Management
19.1 Serializability and Recoverability
19.1.1 The Dirty-Data Problem
19.1.2 Cascading Rollback
19.1.3 Recoverable Schedules
19.1.4 Schedules That Avoid Cascading Rollback
19.1.5 Managing Rollbacks Using Locking
19.1.6 Group Commit
19.1.7 Logical Logging
19.1.8 Recovery From Logical Logs
19.1.9 Exercises for Section 19.1
19.2 Deadlocks
19.2.1 Deadlock Detection by Timeout
19.2.2 The Waits-For Graph
19.2.3 Deadlock Prevention by Ordering Elements
19.2.4 Detecting Deadlocks by Timestamps
19.2.5 Comparison of Deadlock-Management Methods
19.2.6 Exercises for Section 19.2
19.3 Long-Duration Transactions
19.3.1 Problems of Long Transactions
19.3.2 Sagas
19.3.3 Compensating Transactions
19.3.4 Why Compensating Transactions Work
19.3.5 Exercises for Section 19.3
19.4 Summary of Chapter 19
19.5 References for Chapter 19
20 Parallel and Distributed Databases
20.1 Parallel Algorithms on Relations
20.1.1 Models of Parallelism
20.1.2 Tuple-at-a-Time Operations in Parallel
20.1.3 Parallel Algorithms for Full-Relation Operations
20.1.4 Performance of Parallel Algorithms
20.1.5 Exercises for Section 20.1
20.2 The Map-Reduce Parallelism Framework
20.2.1 The Storage Model
20.2.2 The Map Function
20.2.3 The Reduce Function
20.2.4 Exercises for Section 20.2
20.3 Distributed Databases
20.3.1 Distribution of Data
20.3.2 Distributed Transactions
20.3.3 Data Replication
20.3.4 Exercises for Section 20.3
20.4 Distributed Query Processing
20.4.1 The Distributed Join Problem
20.4.2 Semijoin Reductions
20.4.3 Joins of Many Relations
20.4.4 Acyclic Hypergraphs
20.4.5 Full Reducers for Acyclic Hypergraphs
20.4.6 Why the Full-Reducer Algorithm Works
20.4.7 Exercises for Section 20.4
20.5 Distributed Commit
20.5.1 Supporting Distributed Atomicity
20.5.2 Two-Phase Commit
20.5.3 Recovery of Distributed Transactions
20.5.4 Exercises for Section 20.5
20.6 Distributed Locking
20.6.1 Centralized Lock Systems
20.6.2 A Cost Model for Distributed Locking Algorithms
20.6.3 Locking Replicated Elements
20.6.4 Primary-Copy Locking
20.6.5 Global Locks From Local Locks
20.6.6 Exercises for Section 20.6
20.7 Peer-to-Peer Distributed Search
20.7.1 Peer-to-Peer Networks
20.7.2 The Distributed-Hashing Problem
20.7.3 Centralized Solutions for Distributed Hashing
20.7.4 Chord Circles
20.7.5 Links in Chord Circles
20.7.6 Search Using Finger Tables
20.7.7 Adding New Nodes
20.7.8 When a Peer Leaves the Network
20.7.9 When a Peer Fails
20.7.10 Exercises for Section 20.7
20.8 Summary of Chapter 20
20.9 References for Chapter 20
PART V: Other Issues in Management of Massive Data
21 Information Integration
21.1 Introduction to Information Integration
21.1.1 Why Information Integration?
21.1.2 The Heterogeneity Problem
21.2 Modes of Information Integration
21.2.1 Federated Database Systems
21.2.2 Data Warehouses
21.2.3 Mediators
21.2.4 Exercises for Section 21.2
21.3 Wrappers in Mediator-Based Systems
21.3.1 Templates for Query Patterns
21.3.2 Wrapper Generators
21.3.3 Filters
21.3.4 Other Operations at the Wrapper
21.3.5 Exercises for Section 21.3
21.4 Capability-Based Optimization
21.4.1 The Problem of Limited Source Capabilities
21.4.2 A Notation for Describing Source Capabilities
21.4.3 Capability-Based Query-Plan Selection
21.4.4 Adding Cost-Based Optimization
21.4.5 Exercises for Section 21.4
21.5 Optimizing Mediator Queries
21.5.1 Simplified Adornment Notation
21.5.2 Obtaining Answers for Subgoals
21.5.3 The Chain Algorithm
21.5.4 Incorporating Union Views at the Mediator
21.5.5 Exercises for Section 21.5
21.6 Local-as-View Mediators
21.6.1 Motivation for LAV Mediators
21.6.2 Terminology for LAV Mediation
21.6.3 Expanding Solutions
21.6.4 Containment of Conjunctive Queries
21.6.5 Why the Containment-Mapping Test Works
21.6.6 Finding Solutions to a Mediator Query
21.6.7 Why the LMSS Theorem Holds
21.6.8 Exercises for Section 21.6
21.7 Entity Resolution
21.7.1 Deciding Whether Records Represent a Common Entity
21.7.2 Merging Similar Records
21.7.3 Useful Properties of Similarity and Merge Functions
21.7.4 The R-Swoosh Algorithm for ICAR Records
21.7.5 Why R-Swoosh Works
21.7.6 Other Approaches to Entity Resolution
21.7.7 Exercises for Section 21.7
21.8 Summary of Chapter 21
21.9 References for Chapter 21
22 Data Mining
22.1 Frequent-Itemset Mining
22.1.1 The Market-Basket Model
22.1.2 Basic Definitions
22.1.3 Association Rules
22.1.4 The Computation Model for Frequent Itemsets
22.1.5 Exercises for Section 22.1
22.2 Algorithms for Finding Frequent Itemsets
22.2.1 The Distribution of Frequent Itemsets
22.2.2 The Naive Algorithm for Finding Frequent Itemsets
22.2.3 The A-Priori Algorithm
22.2.4 Implementation of the A-Priori Algorithm
22.2.5 Making Better Use of Main Memory
22.2.6 When to Use the PCY Algorithm
22.2.7 The Multistage Algorithm
22.2.8 Exercises for Section 22.2
22.3 Finding Similar Items
22.3.1 The Jaccard Measure of Similarity
22.3.2 Applications of Jaccard Similarity
22.3.3 Minhashing
22.3.4 Minhashing and Jaccard Distance
22.3.5 Why Minhashing Works
22.3.6 Implementing Minhashing
22.3.7 Exercises for Section 22.3
22.4 Locality-Sensitive Hashing
22.4.1 Entity Resolution as an Example of LSH
22.4.2 Locality-Sensitive Hashing of Signatures
22.4.3 Combining Minhashing and Locality-Sensitive Hashing
22.4.4 Exercises for Section 22.4
22.5 Clustering of Large-Scale Data
22.5.1 Applications of Clustering
22.5.2 Distance Measures
22.5.3 Agglomerative Clustering
22.5.4 $k$-Means Algorithms
22.5.5 $k$-Means for Large-Scale Data
22.5.6 Processing a Memory Load of Points
22.5.7 Exercises for Section 22.5
22.6 Summary of Chapter 22
22.7 References for Chapter 22
23 Database Systems and the Internet
23.1 The Architecture of a Search Engine
23.1.1 Components of a Search Engine
23.1.2 Web Crawlers
23.1.3 Query Processing in Search Engines
23.1.4 Ranking Pages
23.2 PageRank for Identifying Important Pages
23.2.1 The Intuition Behind PageRank
23.2.2 Recursive Formulation of PageRank\nobreakspace {}--- First Try
23.2.3 Spider Traps and Dead Ends
23.2.4 PageRank Accounting for Spider Traps and Dead Ends
23.2.5 Exercises for Section 23.2
23.3 Topic-Specific PageRank
23.3.1 Teleport Sets
23.3.2 Calculating A Topic-Specific PageRank
23.3.3 Link Spam
23.3.4 Topic-Specific PageRank and Link Spam
23.3.5 Exercises for Section 23.3
23.4 Data Streams
23.4.1 Data-Stream-Management Systems
23.4.2 Stream Applications
23.4.3 A Data-Stream Data Model
23.4.4 Converting Streams Into Relations
23.4.5 Converting Relations Into Streams
23.4.6 Exercises for Section 23.4
23.5 Data Mining of Streams
23.5.1 Motivation
23.5.2 Counting Bits
23.5.3 Counting the Number of Distinct Elements
23.5.4 Exercises for Section 23.5
23.6 Summary of Chapter 23
23.7 References for Chapter 23