Demystifying AI for the Enterprise: A Playbook for Business Value and Digital Transformation
暫譯: 企業人工智慧解密:商業價值與數位轉型的實戰手冊
Natarajan, Prashant, Rogers, Bob, Dixon, Edward
- 出版商: Productivity Press
- 出版日期: 2021-12-31
- 售價: $2,570
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,442
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 360
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 103214520X
- ISBN-13: 9781032145204
Artificial Intelligence in its various forms - machine learning, chat-bots, robots, agents, etc. - is increasingly being seen as a core component of enterprise business workflow and information management systems. The current promise and hype around AI are being driven by software vendors, academic research projects, and startups. However, we posit that the greatest promise and potential for AI lies in the enterprise with its applications touching all organizational facets.
Increasing business process and workflow maturity coupled with recent trends in cloud computing, datafication, IoT, cyber security, and advanced analytics, there is appreciation that the challenges of tomorrow cannot be solely addressed with today's people, processes, and products. A recent Gartner article supports our contention that AI is essential because it promises to solve problems organizations could not before because it delivers benefits that no humans could legitimately perform.
There is still considerable mystery, hype, and fear about AI. A considerable amount t of current discourse focuses on a dystopian future - with adversity impacted individuals/employees/society. Such opinions, with understandable fear of the unknown, don't consider the history of human innovation, current state of business/technology, or the primarily augmentative nature of tomorrow's AI.
Our book demystifies AI for the enterprise. Our journey takes the reader from the basics (definitions, state of the art, etc.) to a multi-industry journey, and concludes with validated expert advice on everything an organization and its people must do to succeed. Along the way, we also debunk myths, provide practical pointers, and include best practices with appropriate vignettes.
In summary, AI brings to enterprises capabilities that promise new ways by which professionals can address both mundane and interesting challenges more efficiently, effectively, and collaboratively (with humans). The opportunity for tomorrow's enterprise is to augment existing teams and resources with the power of AI in order to gain competitive advantage, discover new business models, establish or optimize new revenues and achieve better customer/user satisfaction.
Prashant Natarajan
Prashant Natarajan is an executive who focuses on the intersection of business outcomes, technology strategy, and digital transformation programs. He is currently the Vice President of Strategy and Customer Advisory at He is passionate about customer happiness, digital transformation successes and innovation at scale - with AI, advanced analytics, cloud, and data - for global clients in insurance, health sciences, and manufacturing. Previously, Prashant was a Principal at Deloitte Consulting, global leader for data science and analytics at Unum Group, and portfolio director of cloud data platforms and analytics products at Oracle's Health Sciences GBU. He is a keynote speaker, popular panelist/moderator, and has been interviewed on multiple podcasts and in media.
Prashant is an author/co-author of five books, all of which are practical, industry-focused titles that demystify digital transformation, data, machine learning/AI, and healthcare informatics. He is an invited Co-faculty Instructor at Stanford University, a Distinguished Fellow at the Health Innovation Alliance, and Member of the Advisory Board at Pistoia Alliance AI Center of Excellence. Prashant has also been invited to contribute as an industry thought leader and expert advisor by members of the US Congress, the White House, and leading private sector organizations & governments in the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe. He has an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering and a graduate degree in technical communication and linguistics.
Bob Rogers
Bob Rogers, PhD, is Expert in Residence for AI at the University of California San Francisco's Center for Digital Health Innovation, where he applies his experience solving problems with advanced analytics and Artificial Intelligence to help build world-class medical AI technologies. He is also co-founder of Orchestrated Intelligence which uses novel technology to automate global supply chains. He is a member of the Board of Advisors to the Harvard Institute for Applied Computational Science. Prior to UCSF, Bob was Chief Data Scientist in the Data Center Group at Intel, and was also co-founder and Chief Scientist at Apixio, a healthcare AI company.
Bob began his career as an astrophysicist, developing computer models of physical processes near supermassive black holes. His research expanded to include artificial neural networks. He co-authored the book, Artificial Neural Networks: Forecasting Time Series, which led to a 12-year career as co-founder of a quantitative futures trading fund. In 2006, Bob transitioned into healthcare as a medical device product manager. He received his BA in physics at University of California, Berkeley and his PhD in physics at Harvard.
Edward Dixon
Edward Dixon's interest in AI stems from a hope that, someday, a robot will iron his shirts. Edward is Principle at Rigr AI, a small consultancy focused on AI for sensitive data, with a special interest in the application of AI to Digital Forensics, stemming from his work with Intel's Safer Children program and the Interpol DevOps technical working group.
Jonas Christensen
Jonas Christensen has spent his career leading data science functions across multiple industries. He is an international keynote speaker on data science and analytics leadership, a postgraduate educator and advisor in the field of data science and machine learning and host of the Leaders of Analytics podcast. He holds a Masters of International Finance and a Masters of Accounting from Deakin University as well as a Bachelor of Economics and Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School.
Jonas is passionate about what data science and AI can do for the world of business and beyond. He believes data science and AI will be as revolutionary to the way we do business and interact with each other as IT and personal computing has been over the past 40 years.
Kirk Borne
Dr. Kirk Borne is a data scientist and astrophysicist, providing thought leadership, global speaking, content creation, mentoring, training, and consulting activities in data science, machine learning, and AI across multiple disciplines. He is the Chief Science Officer at where he applies his extensive experience and knowledge of the trends in these critical fields to developing data-intensive professions and mentoring data scientists of all experience levels. Previously, he was the Principal Data Scientist, Data Science Fellow, and an Executive Advisor at global technology and consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton from 2015 to 2021. Before that, he was Professor of Astrophysics and Computational Science at George Mason for 12 years in the graduate and undergraduate data science programs. Prior to that, he spent nearly 20 years supporting data systems activities for NASA space science programs, including a role as NASA's Data Archive Project Scientist for the Hubble Space Telescope and 10 years as contract manager in NASA's Space Science Data Operations Office.
Dr. Borne has degrees in physics (B.S., LSU) and astronomy (Ph.D., Caltech). He is an elected Fellow of the International Astrostatistics Association for his contributions to big data research in astronomy. In 2020, he was elected a Fellow of the American Astronomical Society for lifelong contributions to the field of astronomy. As a global speaker, he has given hundreds of invited talks worldwide, including keynote presentations at dozens of data science, AI and analytics conferences. He is an active contributor on social media, where he promotes data literacy for all and has been named consistently among the top worldwide social influencers in data analytics, data science, machine learning, and AI since 2013.
Leland Wilkinson
Leland Wilkinson is Chief Scientist at H2O and Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois Chicago. He received an A.B. degree from Harvard in 1966, an S.T.B. degree from Harvard Divinity School in 1969, and a Ph.D. from Yale in 1975. Wilkinson wrote the SYSTAT statistical package and founded SYSTAT Inc. in 1984. After the company grew to 50 employees, he sold SYSTAT to SPSS in 1994 and worked there for ten years on research and development of visualization systems. Wilkinson subsequently worked at Skytree and Tableau before joining H2O.
Wilkinson is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, an elected member of the International Statistical Institute, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has won best speaker award at the National Computer Graphics Association and the Youden prize for best expository paper in the statistics journal Technometrics. He has served on the Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics of the National Research Council and is a member of the Boards of the National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS) and the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM). In addition to authoring journal articles, the original SYSTAT computer program and manuals, and patents in visualization and distributed analytic computing, Wilkinson is the author (with Grant Blank and Chris Gruber) of Desktop Data Analysis with SYSTAT. He is also the author of The Grammar of Graphics, the foundation for several commercial and opensource visualization systems (IBMRAVE, Tableau, Rggplot2, and PythonBokeh).
Shantha Mohan
Dr. Shantha Mohan is a mentor and project guide at Carnegie Mellon University Integrated Innovation Institute's iLab. She co-founded Retail Solutions Inc. (RSi), a leader in retail data analytics and ran its global product development organization. Her prior experiences include technical and educational consulting, and running worldwide product development for Consilium, a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) company (acquired by Applied Materials). She graduated with a Ph.D. in Operations Management from the Tepper School of Management, Carnegie Mellon University. Her undergraduate degree is in Electronics & Communication is from the College of Engineering, Guindy (CEG), India, and is honored to be a Distinguished Alumnus.
Shantha is passionate about equality, diversity, and sustainability, and is a member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) where she is a volunteer and mentor. She is the author of Roots and Wings: Inspiring Stories of Indian Women in Engineering. She is a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) and is active in two clubs. She serves on the board of CEG alumni, North America (CEGAANA), and is instrumental in the creation of the Ask a CEGian student mentorship program and the CEG Betterment program.
**Prashant Natarajan**
Prashant Natarajan 是一位專注於商業成果、技術策略和數位轉型計畫交集的高層主管。他目前擔任 的策略與客戶顧問副總裁。他對客戶滿意度、數位轉型成功和大規模創新充滿熱情,專注於人工智慧、高級分析、雲端和數據,為全球保險、健康科學和製造業的客戶提供服務。之前,Prashant 曾擔任 Deloitte Consulting 的首席顧問、Unum Group 的數據科學與分析全球領導者,以及 Oracle 健康科學業務單位的雲端數據平台和分析產品投資組合總監。他是主題演講者、受歡迎的座談會成員/主持人,並曾在多個播客和媒體上接受訪問。
Prashant 是五本書的作者/合著者,這些書籍都是實用的、以行業為重點的書籍,旨在揭開數位轉型、數據、機器學習/人工智慧和醫療資訊學的神秘面紗。他是斯坦福大學的受邀共同教學講師、健康創新聯盟的傑出研究員,以及 Pistoia Alliance AI 卓越中心的顧問委員會成員。Prashant 也曾受邀作為行業思想領袖和專家顧問,為美國國會、白宮以及美洲、亞洲、澳洲和歐洲的主要私營部門組織和政府提供建議。他擁有化學工程的學士學位和技術傳播及語言學的碩士學位。
**Bob Rogers**
Bob Rogers 博士是加州大學舊金山分校數位健康創新中心的人工智慧駐校專家,他運用在高級分析和人工智慧方面的經驗,幫助建立世界級的醫療人工智慧技術。他也是 Orchestrated Intelligence 的共同創辦人,該公司利用新技術自動化全球供應鏈。他是哈佛應用計算科學研究所的顧問委員會成員。在加入 UCSF 之前,Bob 是英特爾數據中心集團的首席數據科學家,並且曾是醫療人工智慧公司 Apixio 的共同創辦人和首席科學家。
Bob 的職業生涯始於天體物理學家,開發超大質量黑洞附近物理過程的計算模型。他的研究擴展到人工神經網絡。他共同撰寫了《人工神經網絡:時間序列預測》一書,這使他在量化期貨交易基金的共同創辦人職位上工作了 12 年。2006 年,Bob 轉向醫療領域,擔任醫療設備產品經理。他在加州大學伯克利分校獲得物理學學士學位,並在哈佛大學獲得物理學博士學位。
**Edward Dixon**
Edward Dixon 對人工智慧的興趣源於希望有一天機器人能為他熨燙襯衫。Edward 是 Rigr AI 的首席顧問,這是一家專注於敏感數據的人工智慧小型顧問公司,特別關注人工智慧在數位取證中的應用,這源於他在英特爾的 Safer Children 計畫和國際刑警 DevOps 技術工作組的工作經驗。
**Jonas Christensen**
Jonas Christensen 在多個行業中領導數據科學功能,並在數據科學和分析領導力方面擔任國際主題演講者。他是數據科學和機器學習領域的研究生教育者和顧問,也是《分析領導者》播客的主持人。他擁有迪肯大學的國際金融碩士學位和會計碩士學位,以及哥本哈根商學院的經濟學和商業管理學士學位。
Jonas 對數據科學和人工智慧能為商業世界及其他領域帶來的變革充滿熱情。他相信,數據科學和人工智慧將像過去 40 年來的資訊技術和個人計算機一樣,徹底改變我們的商業運作和相互交流的方式。
**Kirk Borne**
Kirk Borne 博士是一位數據科學家和天體物理學家,提供數據科學、機器學習和人工智慧領域的思想領導、全球演講、內容創作、指導、培訓和顧問服務。他是 的首席科學官,運用他在這些關鍵領域的廣泛經驗和知識,發展數據密集型職業並指導各經驗水平的數據科學家。之前,他在全球技術和顧問公司 Booz Allen Hamilton 擔任首席數據科學家、數據科學研究員和執行顧問,任職於 2015 年至 2021 年。在此之前,他在喬治梅森大學的研究生和本科數據科學課程中擔任天體物理學和計算科學教授 12 年。更早之前,他在 NASA 太空科學計畫中支持數據系統活動近 20 年,包括擔任哈勃太空望遠鏡的數據存檔專案科學家,以及在 NASA 太空科學數據運營辦公室擔任合約經理 10 年。
Borne 博士擁有物理學(學士,路易斯安那州立大學)和天文學(博士,加州理工學院)的學位。他因對天文學大數據研究的貢獻而被選為國際天文統計協會的研究員。2020 年,他因對天文學領域的終身貢獻而被選為美國天文學會的研究員。作為全球演講者,他在世界各地發表了數百場受邀演講,包括在數據科學、人工智慧和分析會議上的主題演講。他在社交媒體上積極貢獻,推廣數據素養,並自 2013 年以來持續被評選為全球數據分析、數據科學、機器學習和人工智慧的頂尖社交影響者之一。
**Leland Wilkinson**
Leland Wilkinson 是 H2O 的首席科學家,也是伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校的計算機科學兼職教授。他於 1966 年獲得哈佛大學的 A.B. 學位,1969 年獲得哈佛神學院的 S.T.B. 學位,1975 年獲得耶魯大學的博士學位。Wilkinson 編寫了 SYSTAT 統計套件,並於 1984 年創立 SYSTAT Inc.。在公司擴展到 50 名員工後,他於 1994 年將 SYSTAT 賣給 SPSS,並在那裡工作了十年,專注於可視化系統的研究和開發。Wilkinson 隨後在 Skytree 和 Tableau 工作,然後加入 H2O。
Wilkinson 是美國統計協會的研究員,國際統計學會的當選成員,以及美國科學促進協會的研究員。他曾獲得全國計算機圖形協會的最佳演講者獎和 Technometrics 統計期刊最佳解說論文的 Youden 獎。他曾在國家研究委員會的應用與理論統計委員會任職,並且是國家統計科學研究所(NISS)和純粹與應用數學研究所(IPAM)董事會的成員。除了撰寫期刊文章、原始 SYSTAT 計算機程序和手冊,以及可視化和分散式分析計算的專利外,Wilkinson 還與 Grant Blank 和 Chris Gruber 共同撰寫了《使用 SYSTAT 的桌面數據分析》。他還是《圖形語法》的作者,這是幾個商業和開源可視化系統(IBMRAVE、Tableau、Rggplot2 和 PythonBokeh)的基礎。
**Shantha Mohan**
Shantha Mohan 博士是卡內基梅隆大學綜合創新研究所 iLab 的導師和專案指導者。她共同創立了 Retail Solutions Inc. (RSi),這是一家領先的零售數據分析公司,並負責其全球產品開發組織。她的過去經驗包括技術和教育顧問,以及為 Consilium(一家製造執行系統(MES)公司,已被應用材料收購)運營全球產品開發。她在卡內基梅隆大學 Tepper 管理學院獲得運營管理博士學位。她的本科學位是電子與通信,來自印度的 Guindy 工程學院(CEG),並榮獲傑出校友稱號。
Shantha 對平等、多樣性和可持續性充滿熱情,是女性工程師協會(SWE)的成員,並擔任志願者和導師。她是《根與翅膀:激勵印度女性工程師的故事》的作者。她是傑出演講者(DTM),並活躍於兩個俱樂部。她在 CEG 校友會北美分會(CEGAANA)擔任董事會成員,並在創建「詢問 CEGian 學生導師計畫」和「CEG 改善計畫」中發揮了重要作用。