Vikas Singla is currently holding the position of Assistant Professor in the School of Management Studies at Punjabi University, Patiala, India. By qualification he has done Industrial engineering, MBA and Ph.D. After gathering fruitful experience from manufacturing industry he has been in the teaching profession for last fifteen years. He teaches Business Administration and handles subjects in the area of business statistics, research methodology and operations management. He has been associated with ministry of human resource development in formulation modules in the subject of operations management and advance quantitative techniques for both under and post-graduate students. His specific research areas are in areas of lean manufacturing techniques. He has contributed in these fields academically by publishing research papers in various national and international journals.
Vikas Singla 目前擔任印度旁遮普大學(Punjabi University)管理學院的助理教授。他的學歷包括工業工程、MBA 和博士學位。在製造業獲得豐富經驗後,他已在教學職業上工作了十五年。他教授商業管理,並負責商業統計、研究方法論和運營管理等科目。他曾參與人力資源發展部(Ministry of Human Resource Development)制定運營管理和高級定量技術的課程模組,適用於本科生和研究生。他的研究專長主要集中在精益製造技術(lean manufacturing techniques)領域。他在這些領域的學術貢獻包括在各種國內外期刊上發表研究論文。