Flapping Wing Vehicles: Numerical and Experimental Approach

Yang, Lung-Jieh, Esakki, Balasubramanian

  • 出版商: CRC
  • 出版日期: 2023-09-25
  • 售價: $3,000
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,850
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 405
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1032074132
  • ISBN-13: 9781032074139
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約2~4週)


Flapping wing vehicles (FWVs) have unique flight characteristics and the successful flight of such a vehicle depends upon efficient design of the flapping mechanisms while keeping the minimum weight of the structure. Flapping Wing Vehicles: Numerical and Experimental Approach discusses design and kinematic analysis of various flapping wing mechanisms, measurement of flap angle/flapping frequency, and computational fluid dynamic analysis of motion characteristics including manufacturing techniques. The book also includes wind tunnel experiments, high-speed photographic analysis of aerodynamic performance, soap film visualization of 3D down washing, studies on the effect of wing rotation, figure-of-eight motion characteristics, and more.


  • Covers all aspects of FWVs needed to design one and understand how and why it flies
  • Explains related engineering practices including flapping mechanism design, kinematic analysis, materials, manufacturing, and aerodynamic performance measures using wind tunnel experiments
  • Includes CFD analysis of 3D wing profile, formation flight of FWVs, and soap film visualization of flapping wings
  • Discusses dynamics and image-based control of a group of ornithopters
  • Explores indigenous PCB design for achieving altitude and attitude control

This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in mechatronics, materials, aerodynamics, robotics, biomimetics, vehicle design and MAV/UAV.






Prof. Lung-Jieh Yang received Ph.D. from Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University in 1997 and has one-year sabbatical leave to Caltech for learning MEMS technology during 2000-2001. He is now a full professor and the former department chair of Mechanical Engineering, Tamkang University, and is also the editor-in-chief of "Journal of Applied Science and Engineering" (an EI/Scopus/ESCI journal with ISSN 1560-6686). Prof. Yang devoted to the researches of polymer microelectromechanical systems (polymer MEMS, especially parylene and gelatin techniques) and flapping wing micro air vehicles (FWMAVs) for 20 years and has ever published 66 journal papers, more than 100 conference papers, 2 textbooks about MEMS, and 17 US/Taiwan patents about polymer MEMS and micro ornithopters. He has ever been the Taiwan side's PI of the Indo-Taiwan project "Design, Development and Formation Control of Micro Ornithopters (102-2923-E-032-001-MY3)" during 2013-2016. In this project he built up not only the technical cooperation between India and Taiwan but also coauthors several international journal papers with some Indian scholars/institutes. Prof. Yang hosted 2 international conferences including "The International Conference on Biomimetic and Ornithopters (ICBAO-2015)" and "The International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ICIUS-2017)." He is also one of the vice presidents of International Society of Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ISIUS) since 2017.

Dr Esakki Balasubramanian received PhD in the field of Robotics and Control at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He has published two books, more than 100 Journals and Conference papers and 7 patents have been applied. He received grants from various Government of India funding programmes supported through DST, DRDO, ISRO, DBT. He has collaborated with Taiwan scientists under Indo-Taiwan schema (2013-16) for the development of micro aerial flapping wing vehicles and formation control through image processing techniques. He has designed a table top test rig integrated with two load cells to measure the aerodynamic forces of flapping wing vehicles funded by DRDO - AR & DB. He has also collaborated with Canadian scientists in developing and deployment of UAVs for railway bridge inspection. He developed amphibious UAV for collection of water samples in remote water bodies under Indo-Korea research schemes funded by DST, Govt. of India. His team developed UAVs for diverse applications including power line inspection, telecom tower inspection and radiation measurement, environmental monitoring, surveillance and traffic monitoring etc. His team won the first prize of Rs 5 lakhs in a National level competition organized by Power Grid Corporation Limited and prestigious telecom sector Aegis Graham bell award in the category of best innovative business model 2014. His research interests are UAVs, robotics, control and sensors with online data acquisition systems.


楊龍傑教授於1997年從國立台灣大學應用力學研究所獲得博士學位,並在2000年至2001年期間前往加州理工學院進修微機電技術。他現任淡江大學機械工程系的正教授和前系主任,同時也是《應用科學與工程學報》(一本具有EI/Scopus/ESCI期刊號碼的期刊,ISSN 1560-6686)的主編。楊教授致力於聚合物微機電系統(尤其是聚對苯二甲酸酯和明膠技術)和拍翼微型飛行器(FWMAVs)的研究已有20年,並發表了66篇期刊論文、100多篇會議論文、2本關於微機電系統的教科書,以及17項有關聚合物微機電系統和微型鳥翼飛行器的美國/台灣專利。他曾擔任2013年至2016年印度-台灣項目“微型鳥翼飛行器的設計、開發和形成控制(102-2923-E-032-001-MY3)”的台灣方項目負責人。在該項目中,他不僅建立了印度和台灣之間的技術合作,還與一些印度學者/研究機構合作撰寫了幾篇國際期刊論文。楊教授主辦了兩次國際會議,包括“仿生和鳥翼飛行器國際會議(ICBAO-2015)”和“智能無人系統國際會議(ICIUS-2017)”。自2017年以來,他還擔任國際智能無人系統學會(ISIUS)的副會長之一。

Esakki Balasubramanian博士在加拿大蒙特利爾康科迪亞大學獲得機器人和控制領域的博士學位。他出版了兩本書,發表了100多篇期刊和會議論文,並申請了7項專利。他獲得了印度政府各種通過DST、DRDO、ISRO、DBT支持的資助計劃的資助。他在2013年至2016年期間與台灣科學家合作,開發了微型飛行拍翼載具和通過影像處理技術進行形成控制。他設計了一個桌面測試裝置,集成了兩個載荷傳感器,用於測量由DRDO-AR&DB資助的拍翼飛行載具的空氣動力學力。他還與加拿大科學家合作,開發和部署用於鐵路橋梁檢測的無人機。他在印度政府資助的印度-韓國研究計劃中開發了用於收集遠程水體樣本的兩棲無人機。他的團隊開發了用於各種應用的無人機,包括電力線檢測、電信塔檢測和輻射測量、環境監測、監視和交通監測等。他的團隊在由Power Grid Corporation Limited組織的全國級競賽中獲得了50萬盧比的一等獎,並在2014年的著名電信部門Aegis Graham Bell獎中獲得了最佳創新商業模式獎。他的研究興趣包括無人機、機器人、控制和傳感器,以及在線數據采集系統。