Control Theory: Twenty-five Seminal Papers (1932- 1981)
暫譯: 控制理論:二十五篇重要論文(1932-1981)
- 出版商: Wiley
- 出版日期: 2000-12-26
- 售價: $7,580
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $7,201
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 532
- 裝訂: Hardcover
- ISBN: 0780360214
- ISBN-13: 9780780360211
Electrical Engineering Control Theory Twenty-Five Seminal Papers (1932–1981) Control theory, developed in the twentieth century, is the subject of this compilation of 25 annotated reprints of seminal papers representing the evolution of the control field. Carefully assembled by a distinguished editorial board to ensure that each paper contributes to the whole, rather than exist as a separate entity, this is the first book to document the research and accomplishments that have driven the practice of control. Control Theory: Twenty-Five Seminal Papers (1932–1981) begins with an introduction describing the major developments in control, linking each to a selected paper. Each paper includes a commentary that lends a contemporary spin and places the contributions of each paper and its impact on the field into proper perspective. The material covers the period between 1932 to 1981 and addresses a broad spectrum of topics. The earliest paper is the famous "Regeneration Theory" by Harry Nyquist, which laid the foundation for a frequency-domain approach to stability analysis of linear control systems and introduced the Nyquist criterion. The most recent paper in the volume, "Feedback and Optimal Sensitivity" by George Zames, marked the beginning of the "robustness" era. This comprehensive volume is a valuable resource for control researchers and engineers worldwide. Also, it will be of great interest to engineers and scientists in related fields, such as communications, signal processing, circuits, power, and applied mathematics.
Table of contents:
Regeneration Theory (H. Nyquist).
Stabilized Fredback Amplifiers (H. Black).
Relations Between Attenuation and Phase in Feedback Amplifier Design (H. Bode).
The Linear Filter for a Single Time Series (N. Wiener).
Control of System Synthesis by Root Locus Method (W. Evans).
The Structure of Dynamic Programming Processes (R. Bellman).
Optimal Regulation Processes (L. Pontryagin).
Contributions to the Theory of Optimal Control (R. Kalman).
A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems (R. Kalman).
Dual Control Theory, Parts I and II (A. Feldbaum).
Absolute Stability of Nonlinear Systems of Automatic Control (V. Popov).
A Steepest-Ascent Method for Solving Optimum Programming Problems (A. Bryson).
The Solution of Certain Matrix Inequalities in Automatic Control Theory (V. Yakubovich).
Mathematical Description of Linear Dynamical Systems (R. Kalman).
On the Input-Output Stability of Time-Varying Nonlinear Feedback Systems—Part I: Conditions Derived Using Concepts of Loop Gain, Conicity, and Positivity; Part II: Conditions Involving Circles in the Frequency Plane and Sector Nonlinearities (G. Zames).
An Invariance Principle in the Theory of Stability (J. Lasalle).
Decoupling and Pole Assignment in Linear Multivariable Systems: A Geometric Approach (W. Wonham).
System Theory on Group Manifolds and Coset Spaces (R. Brockett).
Controllability of Nonlinear Systems (H. Sussmann).
Dissipative Dynamical Systems—Part I: General Theory (J. Willems).
On Self-Tuning Regulators (K. Åström & B. Wittenmark).
Nonlinear Controllability and Observability (R. Hermann & A. Krener).
Analysis of Recursive Stochastic Algorithms (L. Ljung).
Discrete Time Multivariable Adaptive Control (G. Goodwin).
Feedback and Optimal Sensitivity: Model Reference Transformations, Multiplicative Seminorms, and Approximate Inverses (G. Zames).
About the Editor.
《電機工程控制理論二十五篇重要論文(1932–1981)》是這本彙編的主題,控制理論在二十世紀發展而成,這本書收錄了25篇重要論文的註釋重印,代表了控制領域的演變。這些論文由一個傑出的編輯委員會精心組合,以確保每篇論文對整體的貢獻,而不是作為獨立的實體,這是第一本記錄推動控制實踐的研究和成就的書籍。《控制理論:二十五篇重要論文(1932–1981)》以介紹開始,描述控制領域的主要發展,並將每個發展與選定的論文聯繫起來。每篇論文都包含評論,提供當代的觀點,並將每篇論文的貢獻及其對該領域的影響放在適當的視角中。這些材料涵蓋了1932年至1981年之間的廣泛主題。最早的論文是哈里·奈奎斯特(Harry Nyquist)著名的《再生理論》,為線性控制系統的穩定性分析奠定了頻域方法的基礎,並引入了奈奎斯特準則。該卷中最新的論文是喬治·扎梅斯(George Zames)的《反饋與最佳靈敏度》,標誌著「穩健性」時代的開始。這本全面的著作是全球控制研究人員和工程師的寶貴資源。此外,對於通信、信號處理、電路、電力和應用數學等相關領域的工程師和科學家來說,也將具有極大的興趣。
再生理論(H. Nyquist)。
穩定的反饋放大器(H. Black)。
反饋放大器設計中衰減與相位的關係(H. Bode)。
單一時間序列的線性濾波器(N. Wiener)。
根軌跡法的系統合成控制(W. Evans)。
動態規劃過程的結構(R. Bellman)。
最佳調節過程(L. Pontryagin)。
最佳控制理論的貢獻(R. Kalman)。
線性濾波和預測問題的新方法(R. Kalman)。
雙重控制理論,第一部分和第二部分(A. Feldbaum)。
自動控制非線性系統的絕對穩定性(V. Popov)。
解決最佳編程問題的最陡上升法(A. Bryson)。
自動控制理論中某些矩陣不等式的解(V. Yakubovich)。
線性動態系統的數學描述(R. Kalman)。
時間變化非線性反饋系統的輸入-輸出穩定性——第一部分:使用迴路增益、圓錐性和正性概念推導的條件;第二部分:涉及頻率平面中的圓和扇形非線性的條件(G. Zames)。
穩定性理論中的不變性原則(J. Lasalle)。
線性多變量系統中的解耦和極點配置:幾何方法(W. Wonham)。
群流形和陪集空間上的系統理論(R. Brockett)。
非線性系統的可控性(H. Sussmann)。
耗散動態系統——第一部分:一般理論(J. Willems)。
自調整調節器(K. Åström & B. Wittenmark)。
非線性可控性和可觀測性(R. Hermann & A. Krener)。
遞歸隨機算法的分析(L. Ljung)。
離散時間多變量自適應控制(G. Goodwin)。
反饋與最佳靈敏度:模型參考轉換、乘法半範數和近似逆(G. Zames)。