Unlocking Knowledge Assets
暫譯: 解鎖知識資產

Microsoft Corporation



Knowledge Management Solutions from Microsoft

The intangible asset that resides in the mind of the employeeshared knowledge about work processes, roles, corporate culture, products, and servicesis the lifeblood of any knowledge-based enterprise. Find out how to help workers capture and share this intellectual capital in UNLOCKING KNOWLEDGE ASSETS. Youll read about how your company can use the state-of-the-art technologies and services in Microsoft® solutions for knowledge management to preserve and share intellectual assets from databases, Web sites, employees, and partners to save money and remain innovative, competitive, and agile during times of rapid change. In this practical, insightful book, youll learn about:

THE STRATEGY: How knowledge management can help you, placing a value on your knowledge assets, and working knowledge management into your corporate culture
THE ROADMAP: A knowledge management implementation framework, creating and sustaining practicing knowledge management communities, building a knowledge management taxonomy, and capturing your knowledge assets
THE TECHNOLOGY: Tools and services for building a knowledge management foundation, metrics and the knowledge repository, knowledge searching and services, and the future of knowledge management

The book includes a Foreword by Thomas H. Davenport, Director of the Accenture Institute for Strategic Change and Professor of Information Management at Boston University






本書包括由托馬斯·H·達文波特(Thomas H. Davenport)撰寫的前言,他是埃森哲戰略變革研究所的主任及波士頓大學資訊管理教授。