There are many books for those new to Python, new to programming, or both. Powerful Python is different. Written for experienced developers like you, its carefully crafted chapters teach intermediate and advanced strategies, patterns, and tools for modern Python. Focused on Python 3, with full support for 2.7.
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"Feels like Neo learning Jiu jitsu in the Matrix." - John Beauford (@johnbeauford)
"I just wanted to let you know what an excellent book this is... I keep going back to your book to learn Python." - Fahad Qazi, London, UK
"Thanks. Keep up the good work. Your chapter on decorators is the best I have seen on that topic." - Leon Tietz, Minnesota, USA
"Powerful Python is already helping me get huge optimization gains." - Timothy Dobbins (@TmthyDobbins)
"What have I found good and valuable about the book so far? Everything honestly. The clear explanations, solid code examples have really helped me advance as a Python coder... Thank you! It has really helped me grasp some advanced concepts that I felt were beyond my abilities." - Nick S., Colorado, USA
For data scientists, back-end engineers, web developers, sysadmins, devops, QA testers and more. What's included:
- An unrelenting selective spotlight on what's most valuable and impactful to working, full-time, professional Python developers
- Well-researched, detailed, realistic code on almost every page, powerfully illustrating key points. Very little "toy code"
- How to use decorators to add rich features to functions and classes; untangle distinct, frustratingly intertwined concerns in your code; and build powerful, extensible software frameworks
- How to use Python in ways that incentivize other developers to use and re-use your code, again and again... amplifying the impact of the code you write, and boosting your reputation among your peers
- Powerfully and easily weave iterators and generators throughout your applications, making them massively scalable, highly performant, and far more readable and maintainable
- How to fully leverage Python's exception and error model... giving you a detailed understanding even experienced Pythonistas often lack, and putting some of the most powerfully Pythonic exception-handling patterns in your toolbox
- How "magic methods" imbue natural, readable, expressive syntax into your classes and objects... and how to "break the rules" to craft stunningly intuitive, compellingly reusable library interfaces
- Valuable and powerful design patterns, and how Python's special language features give you uniquely powerful implementations not possible in other languages
- Deep and detailed instruction on how to write practical, realistic unit tests... using test-driven development to easily get into a state of flow... where you find yourself implementing feature after feature, keeping your focus with ease for long periods of time
- How to rapidly set up effective logging for scripts, sprawling Python applications, and everything in between
- An enthusiastic and unapologetic focus on Python 3, and what makes it great... with full explanation and support for getting the same results with Python 2.7
More at PowerfulPython.com.
對於剛接觸Python、剛開始學習程式設計或兩者皆是的人來說,有很多適合的書籍可供選擇。而《Powerful Python》則與眾不同。這本書是為像你這樣有經驗的開發者而寫的,它精心編寫的章節教授中級和高級的策略、模式和現代Python的工具。專注於Python 3,並完全支援2.7版本。
「感覺就像是尼奧在《黑客帝國》中學習柔道。」- John Beauford (@johnbeauford)
「我只是想讓你知道這是一本多麼出色的書...我一直回頭翻閱你的書來學習Python。」- Fahad Qazi,倫敦,英國
「謝謝。繼續努力。你關於裝飾器的章節是我見過的最好的。」- Leon Tietz,明尼蘇達州,美國
「《Powerful Python》已經幫助我獲得了巨大的優化效益。」- Timothy Dobbins (@TmthyDobbins)
「到目前為止,我對這本書有什麼好處和價值?老實說,一切都好。清晰的解釋,堅實的程式碼示例真的幫助我成為一名Python開發者...謝謝!它真的幫助我理解了一些我覺得超出我的能力的高級概念。」- Nick S.,科羅拉多州,美國
- 對於全職專業Python開發人員來說,專注於最有價值和影響力的內容
- 幾乎每頁都有深入研究、詳細且實際的程式碼,強而有力地說明關鍵點,幾乎沒有「玩具程式碼」
- 如何使用裝飾器為函數和類添加豐富的功能,解開程式碼中相互交織的問題,並構建強大且可擴展的軟體框架
- 如何使用Python的方式激勵其他開發人員使用和重複使用你的程式碼,從而放大你所寫程式碼的影響力,並提升你在同行中的聲譽
- 如何在應用程式中強大而輕鬆地使用迭代器和生成器,使其具有極高的可擴展性、高性能,並且更易讀和易於維護
- 如何充分利用Python的異常和錯誤模型,使你深入了解即使是有經驗的Python開發者常常缺乏的細節,並將一些最強大的Python異常處理模式納入你的工具箱
- 「魔法方法」如何為你的類和物件賦予自然、可讀、表達性強的語法,以及如何「打破規則」來打造令人驚嘆的直觀、可重複使用的庫介面
- 有價值且強大的設計模式,以及Python特殊的語言特性如何為你提供在其他語言中無法實現的強大實現方式
- 如何撰寫實用、實際的單元測試...使用測試驅動開發輕鬆進入工作狀態...讓你輕鬆地連續實現功能,長時間保持專注
- 如何快速為腳本、龐大的Python應用程式和其他各種情境設置有效的日誌記錄
- 熱情而毫不避諱地專注於Python 3,以及它的優點...並提供完整的解釋和支援,以在Python 2.7中獲得相同的結果