Thinking in Java, 4/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 用心思考 Java, 第四版 (平裝本)
Bruce Eckel
- 出版商: Prentice Hall
- 出版日期: 2006-02-10
- 定價: $2,980
- 售價: 9.5 折 $2,831
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 1150
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0131872486
- ISBN-13: 9780131872486
Java 程式語言
Java 編程思想, 4/e (Thinking in Java, 4/e) (簡中版)
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“Thinking in Java should be read cover to cover by every Java programmer, then kept close at hand for frequent reference. The exercises are challenging, and the chapter on Collections is superb! Not only did this book help me to pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam; it’s also the first book I turn to whenever I have a Java question.”
—Jim Pleger, Loudoun County (Virginia) Government
“Much better than any other Java book I’ve seen. Make that ‘by an order of magnitude’.... Very complete, with excellent right-to-the-point examples and intelligent, not dumbed-down, explanations.... In contrast to many other Java books I found it to be unusually mature, consistent, intellectually honest, well-written, and precise. IMHO, an ideal book for studying Java.”
—Anatoly Vorobey, Technion University, Haifa, Israel
“Absolutely one of the best programming tutorials I’ve seen for any language.”
—Joakim Ziegler, FIX sysop
“Thank you again for your awesome book. I was really floundering (being a non-C programmer), but your book has brought me up to speed as fast as I could read it. It’s really cool to be able to understand the underlying principles and concepts from the start, rather than having to try to build that conceptual model through trial and error. Hopefully I will be able to attend your seminar in the not-too-distant future.”
—Randall R. Hawley, automation technician, Eli Lilly & Co.
“This is one of the best books I’ve read about a programming language.... The best book ever written on Java.”
—Ravindra Pai, Oracle Corporation, SUNOS product line
“Bruce, your book is wonderful! Your explanations are clear and direct. Through your fantastic book I have gained a tremendous amount of Java knowledge. The exercises are also fantastic and do an excellent job reinforcing the ideas explained throughout the chapters. I look forward to reading more books written by you. Thank you for the tremendous service that you are providing by writing such great books. My code will be much better after reading Thinking in Java. I thank you and I’m sure any programmers who will have to maintain my code are also grateful to you.”
—Yvonne Watkins, Java artisan, Discover Technologies, Inc.
“Other books cover the what of Java (describing the syntax and the libraries) or the how of Java (practical programming examples). Thinking in Java is the only book I know that explains the why of Java: Why it was designed the way it was, why it works the way it does, why it sometimes doesn’t work, why it’s better than C++, why it’s not. Although it also does a good job of teaching the what and how of the language, Thinking in Java is definitely the thinking person’s choice in a Java book.”Awards for Thinking in Java
—Robert S. Stephenson
2003 Software Development Magazine Jolt Award for Best Book
2003 Java Developer’s Journal Reader’s Choice Award for Best Book
2001 JavaWorld Editor’s Choice Award for Best Book
2000 JavaWorld Reader’s Choice Award for Best Book
1999 Software Development Magazine Productivity Award
1998 Java Developer’s Journal Editor’s Choice Award for Best Book
Thinking in Java has earned raves from programmers worldwide for its extraordinary clarity, careful organization, and small, direct programming examples. From the fundamentals of Java syntax to its most advanced features, Thinking in Java is designed to teach, one simple step at a time.
- The classic object-oriented introduction for beginners and experts alike, fully updated for Java SE5/6 with many new examples and chapters!
- Test framework shows program output.
- Design patterns are shown with multiple examples throughout: Adapter, Bridge, Chain of Responsibility, Command, Decorator, Facade, Factory Method, Flyweight, Iterator, Data Transfer Object, Null Object, Proxy, Singleton, State, Strategy, Template Method, and Visitor.
- Introduction to XML for data transfer; SWT, Flash for user interfaces.
- Completely rewritten concurrency chapter gives you a solid grasp of threading fundamentals.
- 500+ working Java programs in 700+ compiling files, rewritten for this edition and Java SE5/6.
- Companion web site includes all source code, annotated solution guide, weblog, and multimedia seminars.
- Thorough coverage of fundamentals; demonstrates advanced topics.
- Explains sound object-oriented principles.
- Hands-On Java Seminar CD available online, with full multimedia seminar by Bruce Eckel.
- Live seminars, consulting, and reviews available. See
Download seven free sample chapters from Thinking in Java, Fourth Edition. Visit
“Thinking in Java 是每位 Java 程式設計師都應該從頭到尾閱讀的書籍,並隨時備在手邊以便頻繁參考。練習題具有挑戰性,而有關集合的章節更是出色!這本書不僅幫助我通過了 Sun 認證 Java 程式設計師考試;每當我有 Java 問題時,它也是我第一個會翻閱的書籍。”
—Jim Pleger, Loudoun County (Virginia) Government
“這本書 比我見過的任何其他 Java 書籍都要好。可以說是‘好上許多倍’.... 非常完整,提供了優秀的直接範例和聰明的解釋,而不是簡化的說明.... 與我發現的許多其他 Java 書籍相比,我覺得這本書異常成熟、一致、知識誠實、寫作精良且精確。在我看來,這是學習 Java 的理想書籍。”
—Anatoly Vorobey, Technion University, Haifa, Israel
—Joakim Ziegler, FIX sysop
“再次感謝你寫的精彩書籍。我真的很迷茫(因為我不是 C 程式設計師),但你的書讓我能夠快速跟上進度。能夠從一開始就理解基本原則和概念,而不是通過反覆試驗來建立概念模型,這真的很酷。希望不久的將來能參加你的研討會。”
—Randall R. Hawley, 自動化技術員, Eli Lilly & Co.
“這是我讀過的關於程式語言的最佳書籍之一.... 是有史以來寫的最佳 Java 書籍。”
—Ravindra Pai, Oracle Corporation, SUNOS 產品線
“Bruce,你的書真棒!你的解釋清晰而直接。通過你這本精彩的書,我獲得了大量的 Java 知識。練習題也非常精彩,很好地加強了章節中解釋的概念。我期待閱讀你更多的書籍。感謝你通過寫這麼好的書籍所提供的巨大服務。閱讀 Thinking in Java 後,我的程式碼將會變得更好。我感謝你,我相信任何需要維護我程式碼的程式設計師也會對你心存感激。”
—Yvonne Watkins, Java 工匠, Discover Technologies, Inc.
“其他書籍涵蓋了 Java 的 什麼(描述語法和庫)或 Java 的 如何(實用的程式範例)。Thinking in Java 是我所知道的唯一一本解釋 Java 的 為什麼 的書:為什麼它是這樣設計的,為什麼它以這種方式運作,為什麼有時不運作,為什麼它比 C++ 更好,為什麼又不是。雖然它也很好地教會了語言的什麼和如何,但 Thinking in Java 絕對是思考者的 Java 書籍選擇。”Thinking in Java 的獎項
—Robert S. Stephenson
2003 Software Development Magazine Jolt 獎最佳書籍
2003 Java Developer’s Journal 讀者選擇獎最佳書籍
2001 JavaWorld 編輯選擇獎最佳書籍
2000 JavaWorld 讀者選擇獎最佳書籍
1999 Software Development Magazine 生產力獎
1998 Java Developer’s Journal 編輯選擇獎最佳書籍
Thinking in Java 因其卓越的清晰度、精心的組織和小而直接的程式範例而贏得了全球程式設計師的讚譽。從 Java 語法的基本知識到其最先進的特性,Thinking in Java 的設計旨在逐步教學,每次一個簡單的步驟。
- 經典的物件導向入門書,適合初學者和專家,完全更新至 Java SE5/6,並增加了許多新範例和章節!
- 測試框架顯示程式輸出。
- 設計模式在整本書中以多個範例展示:適配器、橋接、責任鏈、命令、裝飾者、外觀、工廠方法、享元、迭代器、資料傳輸物件、空物件、代理、單例、狀態、策略、模板方法和訪問者。
- 介紹 XML 用於資料傳輸;SWT、Flash 用於使用者介面。
- 完全重寫的併發章節讓你對執行緒基本概念有扎實的理解。
- 500 多個可運行的 Java 程式,700 多個編譯檔案,為本版和 Java SE5/6 重新編寫。
- 伴隨網站包括所有源代碼、註解解決方案指南、網誌和多媒體研討會。
- 徹底涵蓋基本知識;展示進階主題。
- 解釋健全的物件導向原則。
Hands-On Java Seminar CD 在線提供,由 Bruce Eckel 主持的完整多媒體研討會。 - 提供現場研討會、諮詢和評估服務。詳情請見
下載 Thinking in Java, Fourth Edition. 的七個免費範例章節。訪問。