Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4 in 24 Hours (Paperback) (在24小時內自學Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4)

Anne Stanton



In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, you will be up and running with Dynamics CRM 4. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, this book offers a quick way for you to get started with Dynamics CRM by leveraging real business examples, practice exercises, and big picture theory. In addition to learning how to use the core application, you will develop a deeper understanding of how Dynamics CRM fits into today’s business needs.


Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the questions, issues, and tasks most common to Dynamics CRM.

Quizzes and Exercises at the end of each chapter help you build and test your knowledge.

By the Way notes present interesting pieces of information related to the discussion.

Did You Know? tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks.

Watch Out! cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.


Learn how to…

  • Orchestrate a successful CRM project
  • Identify building blocks of Dynamics CRM
  • Automate processes
  • Create and manage your business units and users
  • Use and maintain security roles
  • Redefine an account
  • Import new contacts and distribute leads
  • Create marketing campaigns and capture the results
  • Convert a lead to an account and contact
  • Configure your display
  • Capture contact and activity details
  • Email directly from Dynamics CRM
  • Master scheduling
  • Integrate Dynamics CRM with Microsoft Excel and other applications
  • Create simple workflows
  • Customize and add utilities



在僅僅24個小時或更少的時間內,您將能夠使用Dynamics CRM 4並運行起來。本書以直觀、逐步的方式,通過實際業務示例、練習和整體理論,為您提供了一種快速入門Dynamics CRM的方法。除了學習如何使用核心應用程序外,您還將更深入地了解Dynamics CRM如何滿足當今的業務需求。

逐步指導仔細引導您完成Dynamics CRM中最常見的問題、問題和任務。






- 策劃成功的CRM項目
- 確定Dynamics CRM的基本組件
- 自動化流程
- 創建和管理您的業務單位和用戶
- 使用和維護安全角色
- 重新定義帳戶
- 導入新聯繫人並分發銷售機會
- 創建營銷活動並捕獲結果
- 將銷售機會轉換為帳戶和聯繫人
- 配置您的顯示
- 捕獲聯繫人和活動詳細信息
- 直接從Dynamics CRM發送電子郵件
- 掌握排程
- 將Dynamics CRM與Microsoft Excel和其他應用程序集成
- 創建簡單的工作流程
- 自定義並添加實用工具